Chapter 1975: Magic Girl's Dragon Fighting (when I got up early this morning, I stopped ...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yachiyo and others only felt like a dream.
So much so that the eight thousand generations even began to think about a profound philosophical question-why is there such a big difference between people?
Just like now, although EVE has been knocked off the ground, the angels still gather to it. According to the truth, these angels have to be dealt with by eight thousand generations of them, and it takes a lot of effort. However, those magical girls flying around in the sky do not need such trouble at all, and their fighting style is completely different from that imagined by Yachiyo.
In the eight thousand generations, I saw a little girl with chestnut hair and two ponytails raised her magic wand and pointed it at the ground, and then a beam of light directly fell from the sky and swept the entire battlefield. Wherever it went, the magic was suddenly extinguished. Cleaning the room is fast.
The little girl with brown skin was standing on the city wall as if it were a humanoid turret. When an arrow shot out, he saw a series of explosive lights appearing in the distance as if forced to bombard, bombarding the entire battlefield.
This is completely different from the fighting style of the magic girl familiar to Yachiyo.
For the eight thousand generations now, they just feel like they are soldiers of World War I who have crossed into the battlefield of World War III-holding a flint gun and trembling and watching the sky full of drone cluster missiles washing nuclear bombs.
It feels like we are not from the same era, okay? !
"Okay, let's go to EVE and rescue Xiaoyou first."
"Ah, um ..."
Hearing the orders of Red Horsetail, the girls nodded, and then jumped down the city walls and ran towards EVE who was knocked to the ground.
"What the are you doing!"
At the same time, Denghua, Yinmeng and Elena also appeared in front of everyone, and Denghua showed an expression of anger and despair, looking towards the red horsetail.
"Do you really think you can stop all this?"
"We never thought that we could just ... Forget it, I don't have time to discuss this with you little ass, and I will hit your when I look back ..."
Red Horsetail shook his head, and then turned directly with Xiaohuan and others to continue in the direction of EVE. And seeing this, Denghua raised his umbrella in anger.
"Stop me, you guys ...!"
However, before Denghua's words were finished, she saw a flash of light suddenly passing by her side, and then saw Ilya wearing a purple robe and holding a staff in front of Denghua. On the other side, Shitono, who was standing on the rabbit, also blocked Yin Meng's path. On the other side, Flowers held two guns, blocking Elena's path.
Everyone is a magic girl, who is afraid of whom?
Coming to EVE, the small ring at the moment could not help but shouted, and everyone clearly saw that in the bright red square gem on EVE's chest, a girl was sleeping at the moment. It's just that he has suffered two rounds of burst magic attacks in a row, and this gem is already scarred ... Well, it's good luck not to break it directly.
Others looked at EVE, who was unable to climb up, and took a breath.
"Is the magic girl in other worlds so scary?"
"If we have this power, what witch are we afraid of?"
"You said, with this kind of power, what kind of enemy are they facing?"
Hearing this, the girls stopped talking.
"Worry, worry, can you hear my voice ?!"
Xiaohuan threw himself in front of Ruby, calling her sister's name, but worry was still closed her eyes, no response.
"Xiaohong, what should I do now?"
"I will lift the seal."
Red Horsetail quickly gave the answer.
"This EVE is the product of the filthy materialization of worry collection. I want to separate it from worry. It ’s like doing a surgical operation and cutting off the hyperplasia. When I separate it from worry, I want to You immediately pull out your worries and remember to be fast, otherwise the contamination will increase and the infection will be white again! "
"Okay, I know!"
After listening to Red Horse Tail, Xiaohuan nodded vigorously. So the red horsetail quickly summoned the bright red sword and held it high.
"So be prepared-three, two, one!"
The soaring flame swept away, directly crushing the ruby ​​in front of him. With a bang, the exploding ruby ​​was quickly burned out by the flames, and the girl who was originally bound by the gem shook her body and fell down.
Xiaohuan was also ready at the moment. At the moment when the ruby ​​was broken, she jumped up like an arrow away from the string, hugged her sister in her arms, and then fell to the ground.
At the moment, Xiaoyou's body is cold, and it feels like a stone statue, and feeling the cold and stiff body of her sister in her arms, Xiaohuan only feels that his blood is coagulated.
"Xiaohong, worry about her ..."
"Time is still like this, don't worry, I'll take another look."
Red Horsetail walked to the side of You, and then checked it carefully.
"Well ...... from a certain point of view, it's still quite lucky, it can be lifted ..."
As he said, Red Horsetail reached out and patted his worries lightly. Soon, the girl's originally stony stone-like body slowly softened, and her cold body quickly returned to temperature. Seeing this scene, Xiaohuan hugged her sister tightly, calling her name.
"Worry ... Worry ...!"
In the call of Xiaohuan, worry gradually opened his eyes and looked at Xiaohuan.
Hearing her sister's voice, Xiaohuan happily hugged her worries in her arms, and seeing this scene, the others were relieved. Only Yachiyo came to Red Horsetail and asked in a low voice.
"Is it really okay?"
It ’s not surprising that Yachiyo will have such worries. She also looked back at the scene through time. At that time, she was unable to control her own power, and was crushed and collapsed by massive pollution. Now she is particularly worried about the worries after waking up Repeat that scene again.
"Don't worry, this is not a problem."
However, Red Horsetail shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
"I am still the soul of worry, but not her ability. In fact, thanks to this big moth, it has turned the filth collected by worry into reality, and has now passed the initial excess period, as long as the next If you re-contract transformation, then there is no problem. "
When Xiaohuan stood up while holding her worries, I saw that with the shouting, lights and sound dreams also fell from the sky and came to them. It's just that the two girls at the moment are completely out of the domineering spirit before, but look a little uneasy and cringe.
"That, I ..."
"I am sorry………"
The two lowered their heads and apologized to Xiaohuan and Youyou. With the red horsetail lifting Xiaoyou ’s timelessness, the world ’s causal line was reset again, which also reminded Denghua and Yinmeng of the original missing memory. Because of this, they are simply ...
Regret is regret.
Obviously it was to save the older sister, so I wished to become a magical girl, but in the end instead of always speaking badly about the older sister, even wanted to kill the other. Not only that, they also used their best friends as a useful tool ... Now just thinking about these, they have the urge to die with death.
"This ... I don't care, but ..."
Looking at the two, Xiaohuan is not easy to say, although frankly, she really wants to forgive the two. After all, Xiaohuan is soft-hearted and kind-hearted. At this moment, she sees Denghua and Yinmeng recovering their memories. It is too late to be happy. Where can the accountant almost kill himself like this "little thing"?
But Red Horsetail's attitude is not the case.
"Xiaohong ...?"
Xiaohuan can still remember the fact that the red horsetail directly bound Ba Mami ’s soul in Frostmourne. At this time, she also looked at the red horsetail with pleading eyes, hoping that she could be lighter, and not be too harsh Two people.
"As I said before, the death penalty is exempt, the living crime is inescapable."
Red Horsetail waved his hand, then looked at the huge monster behind him.
"Let's take care of the trouble in front of us first, and then kill the witch night."
Without the core of worry, EVE, composed of filth, has obviously started to lose control, but for Red Horsetail this is naturally not a problem, as long as it is burnt out. As for the night of the witch, now Naye and Sakura have stepped forward to block it. After all, these girls have already played a witch night, so it is easy to pull a wave of hatred, and then bear the witch BOSS output at night.
At least so far, there is no big problem.
"I see, now I want to destroy EVE immediately, and then destroy it."
Denghua nodded vigorously, then turned to Elena on the other side.
"Elena, please remove the film that wraps around the city of Shenbin."
However, in the face of Denghua's request, Elena was silent.
"......... Elena?"
Hearing this answer, everyone present was stunned.
"Elena, are you kidding me?"
Denghua looked at Alina in disbelief, and Yin Meng beside her frowned.
"If you go on like this, it will become a ranch where EVE is stocked, what are you thinking?"
"Hoohoo ..."
Faced with the questioning of the two, Alina gave a strange laugh.
"Before that, Alina actually had the film closed, in order not to let EVE's body collapse ..."
Hearing this, the two were suddenly shocked.
"If you do this, EVE will gradually stabilize. What are you thinking?"
"Actually, the liberation of the Magical Girl or something, Alina never cared."
Elena looked at everyone with a smile.
"Allina wants only the most perfect art, and now, it is time to complete this artwork!"
With the shouting ~ ~ Alina's figure changed again at the next moment, and turned into a form similar to Bamamei.
"In this way, Elena will join forces with EVE, and we will warm the world and take away all life, ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!"
"Elena, you ............... !!!"
"I knew that."
Red Horsetail stopped Denghua who tried to rush forward.
"Okay, let me give it here. You are the one who means death and escape from living sins. Like a guy who narrowed the road at the beginning, I never thought of keeping her dog.
As he said, Red Horsetail raised his right hand and called Frostmourne again.
"You go to get rid of that witch night, and let the punishment of the sinner be executed by me-are you ready to die? Alina Gray?"
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