Chapter 230: Hidden masquerade

This idea turned around in Founder's mind, but he finally put it away.
Indeed, the Red Worlds are more powerful, and the Firefog fighters are also very powerful, but they are vulnerable to the Zerg. However, Fang will not adopt this method until he has no choice but to do so. Once he summoned the swarm into this world, it would represent an invasion of this world. At that time, besides Tiriya, he would be on his side, and everyone else would be his own enemy.
Founder will not be idle to make himself a target of public criticism. Besides, there is no good in turning the earth into a zerg, isn't it? This is not the world of the Jagged Warrior. The face value is still gone. The face value is justice.
So, besides that, what else can I do to achieve this?
Thinking of this, Founder suddenly remembered one thing.
There was only one reason why the old woman and the fire and fog fighters came to find trouble for themselves. According to them, it is the Red World's man who needs the treasure of the hourly fan to complete their plan. So what is the plan?
"How much do you know about the masquerade?"
In the face of the Founder's inquiry, Hill was obviously a little surprised. He originally thought that the Founder would ask some things about his own vision, but he did not expect that he raised a irrelevant question. However, Hill was very dedicated and told Founder the origin of the masquerade.
All this, we must start with three thousand years ago.
Three thousand years ago, the Red World's people now connected to the earth of their world, and they were full of longing for the new world. Completely different from Red World, the new world immediately attracted Red World's followers. In the new world, they need the power of existence to be able to have their own bodies, so these Red Worlds began to absorb the power of existence everywhere to condense their bodies and powers.
But problems arose.
Three thousand years ago on earth, the number of humans was far incomparable with that of the Red World, and humans at that time had not even formed a large-scale civilization except for a few places. This has also led to the fact that in the eyes of the Red World, humans are similar to food such as cattle and sheep, but what bothers them is that more and more Red World believers have come to the new world, which has led to more and more People compete with them for food.
This is like a hundred sheep. If ten people are divided into ten, each one can be divided into ten, but if there are a thousand people, each one cannot be divided.
If too many Red Worlds come, then it won't be long before they are consumed by the power of existence on the entire planet.
In this case, the Red People began to pray for a place where they can have enough power. It is precisely because of the prayers of the Red World disciples that one of the three great gods of the Red World, the creation sacrificial serpent, appeared.
In the Red World, there are three gods, each of whom has different authority to guide God, create God, and punish God.
The of guidance is responsible for informing, the of creation is responsible for fulfilling the wishes, and the of heaven punishment is responsible for maintaining order and the balance of the world.
And precisely because of the wishes of the Red World Disciples, the snake who created the sacrifice of gods brought his family members to the earth, and in order to realize the Red World Disciples' dream of "owning an infinite paradise", he created a "big lock".
The so-called "big lock", to put it plainly, is to create a vast and permanent seal on the earth. In this seal, which is as big as a country, the Red Worlds can have enough existence without eating humans. The power to maintain their own existence. Not only that, in the big shackles, the "skewness" caused by the force of the gluttonous existence will also remain on a total amount and will not fluctuate.
For the Red World Disciples, this is their paradise. Not only that, when the "big lock" is completed, the creation not only invited the Red World Disciples, but also invited the Fire and Fog Warriors to come to the ceremony together. Hope to get the blessing of the Fire and Fog Warrior.
I do n’t know if it was innocent or really did n’t think too much. The ritual serpent at the time didn't seem to feel that there was any problem in inviting the fire and fog fighters to participate. But for the Firefog fighters, this behavior of the sacrificial snake is like the enemy's attempt to build a fortress that can invade at will in their country's territory. Such behavior is absolutely intolerable.
Not to mention, in order to complete this ritual, a large number of humans are required as sacrifice. Because of this, it is impossible for Firefog fighters to accept the actions of these Red Worlds.
Therefore, they deliberately accepted the invitation of the Creator, and at the beginning of the ceremony, there was no defense at all. These fire and fog warriors suddenly became difficult. They first attacked the witch as the core and destroyed the entire "big lock" ritual. Then these fire and fog warriors used the secret method of "a long trap" at the cost of their lives. The of creation was exiled into the gap between the red world and the earth, and was completely sealed.
This behavior naturally annoyed the Three Pillars, as members of the creation gods. From the point of view of the fire and fog warriors, it is a very evil thing for the Red Men to create their own paradise on earth. From the perspective of the Red World Apprentices, they kindly invited the Fire and Fog Warriors to attend the ceremony together, hoping to get their blessing, but they were stabbed behind their backs.
This behavior is tantamount to betrayal!
The mad Sanzhuchen fled after the fierce defeat of the fire and fog soldiers, but even so, they still successfully prevented the evil deeds of the creation god.
I have to admit that although the practices of these first generations of fire and fog soldiers were very unreasonable, they did win time for humankind. It is precisely because of the loss of the bridgehead, that the difficulty for the Red World to enter the earth has also increased. Otherwise, if the
is built by the creation god, then it is unknown if human beings have the ability to build their own civilization in front of the swarming Red World.
After that, the three members of the creation set up a masquerade organization. No one knows what they are thinking, but many people guess that the ultimate goal of this organization is likely to be from the gap between the two realms. Rescued their sealed Serpent of Creation God.
In fact, the information about the masquerade and its scarcity, except that it is known that this power was established by the three relatives of the creator God, Sanzhuchen, and little else is known about it, even Hill only knows makeup The three brains of the prom are "Thousands of Changes" Xiu Denan, "Ruler of Inversion" Belupe Olu, and "Top Seat" Hekati.
In addition, what these three people look like, what roles they play in the masquerade, and what treasures they hold, almost no one knows. Not only that, the masquerade has almost never motivated any conflicts in the past three thousand years, and it has rarely even occurred.
"Then you're still so nervous?"
Founder said he was totally incomprehensible. According to Hill, the masquerade was basically a private dark organization, not even a terrorist. Seeing how the fire and fog soldiers were desperately fighting, he thought he was looking at him. The evil devil who destroyed the world. But you did n’t even know what they wanted to do.
"The main reason is that the old people are very nervous. Many of them have participated in the battle against the" God of Creation "at the beginning, and they are very clear about the strength of Sanzhuchen. So no matter what Sanzhuchen does, these old people will tighten their nerves. Since the zero-time fans have become their target, these fire and fog fighters will naturally not ignore them. "
"So it is."
Hearing here, Founder finally understood the cause and effect of the matter, he ate the last steak, then drank a glass of red wine, stood up, smiled and nodded at Hill.
"Thank you, Mr. Hill, I've got the intelligence I want. Well, for now, I need to think about your suggestions.
"Of course, I can understand."
Hill naturally did not think that he had any abilities like the face of a king, and he would nod his words and agree. Not to mention that this kind of thing sounds very serious, and Founder is willing to consider carefully, it is already the best result.
"I won't do anything until you come back."
Hill did not forget to make a guarantee to Founder, otherwise if Founder does not agree, he will take the initiative to force Founder to the stage, it will definitely have an immeasurable impact on the relationship between the two people Hill is not a fool, of course, would not do such a stupid thing.
Just before Founder took Tiriya and Nanoka to turn around and left, he seemed to think of something and turned to look at Hill.
"If all Red Worlds and Firefog fighters had left this world, what would you do?"
Upon hearing this unexpected inquiry, Hill stunned for a moment, before a smile appeared.
"I think I might go to open a flower shop. This is my girlfriend's wish during her lifetime. She even saved a lot of money for this. She had already bought a shop but"
"She was eaten by the Redskins?"
"Do not."
Hill shook his head.
"She was affected in the battle between Firefog Warrior and the Red World. Because the damage was too severe to recover, the Firefog Warrior used her strength to repair the world."
Speaking of this, Hill smiled helplessly.
"Sometimes, I really hope that I have never stepped into this world. If I, like an ordinary person, forget her existence, it may be better."
Upon hearing Hill's answer, Founder was silent for a moment, then turned around and waved.
"So, goodbye."
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