Chapter 2342: Apply (to do nucleic acid testing again today)

"Dimension Code (
There was no incident at the beginning of this year. No one had an incident or an incident. Everyone happily spent the first night back at Hogwarts, and then devoted themselves to the course from the second day. Among.
But what excites the students the most is Ellie's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
Because of this, when Ellie walked into the classroom, almost all the students stared at her with shining eyes. And Ai Li just walked slowly to the podium, then looked at the students, and spoke after a while.
"Today we are going to learn how to deal with a werewolf."
Hearing Ellie's words, the students couldn't help but let out a sigh of disappointment, but Ellie was obviously not moved, she just glanced at the crowd, and then spoke again.
"After teaching the werewolf course, I will conduct a random test for you. If the pass rate is high enough, then I will consider teaching you how to deal with a dementor."
Hearing this, the students' expressions of disappointment and frustration suddenly became excited. Although Ellie didn’t say it clearly, considering that they all saw Ellie summon a huge dragon to deal with the dementors that day, then this sentence The next meaning is naturally clear.
So the students became more serious than ever. Not only did they earnestly learn all the knowledge about werewolves taught by Ellie in class, they also took the initiative to go to the library to inquire and borrow books and records about werewolves. And even if they were walking in the corridors, the students discussed mostly stories about how to deal with werewolves.
Not only that, after that, Ellie taught them how to play a game called "Werewolf Killing" in class, which made the students excited.
Only Professor Lupin was somewhat embarrassed. Allie could see that every time he saw herself, he looked nervous and awkward, as if she was worried about discovering his true identity—but Allie can assure him that he doesn't need to So nervous, because I already knew his true identity.
This situation continued until Gryffindor’s second Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Eri soon discovered that although most of the students were still working hard to study and listen, many of them were absent-minded and seemed a little worried. Restless.
"So......what happened today? Is there anything more important to you than dealing with werewolves?"
Ellie put down the magic wand in her hand, stared at the crowd and asked. When she heard her question, the students turned to look at Harry Potter for the first time, and Hermione hesitated and raised her hand.
"Teacher Ai Li, we just took the first divination class and interpreted the tea, and it turned out..."
"Oh, so it is Potter who will die this year, right."
Hearing this, Ellie suddenly understood what was going on, and at this time everyone looked at her in surprise.
"I understand what you think, but I can assure you that although Professor Sybil Trelawney does have considerable strength in divination, you must know that for some reason, she did it in a sober state. The prophecies are basically meaningless, but on the other hand, if she said something like something possessed, and then she recovered and didn’t know what she was have to be careful ."
Faced with Ellie's answer, everyone was stunned, and Ron also raised his hand at this time.
"That...teacher? But, but at the time she successfully predicted that Neville would break his first cup..."
"Prophecy is sometimes the same as suggestion, and it's vague."
Ai Li squinted her eyes, thought for a moment, and finally decided......smashing other people's places is actually quite fun.
"I'm not afraid to tell you that many times the so-called prophecy is actually just a short inference...Miss Granger."
Hermione also hurriedly stood up when Ari clicked her name.
"When you see an apple on an apple tree swaying from side to side, do you think it will fall to the ground next?"
"...That's right."
"This is actually a kind of prediction, because we have accumulated enough experience, we all know that the apple will fall on the ground, so even if it does not fall, when we see it, we will automatically produce this judgment."
"But Neville did break his first teacup."
Ron interrupted again anxiously, and Ellie waved her hand.
"This is actually a very clever psychological hint. You see, everyone knows that Mr. Longbottom is sometimes more careless and clumsy. If you tell him that he will break the next cup, then he will be nervous... ...Mr. Longbottom, were you particularly nervous at the time?"
"Ah, yes..."
Now Neville also nodded.
"She told me I would break the cup, which made me very scared, I didn't mean it, I really..."
"This is normal. When you are forced to focus on one thing, you are actually prone to making mistakes. And when you hear the other person, you have actually been hinted. Look, for example, I ask you to perform A spell, and then tell you that you will definitely fail, and then you really fail...This is not my prediction, it's just that your pressure is too great."
Hearing this, the other students suddenly became interested, and Hermione held up her hand again.
"So Teacher Ai Li, what do you mean... Are those fortunetelling through tea and tea cups completely nonsense?"
"Divination is not my specialty. Of course, I have to tell you that there are indeed situations in the world that can hint at the future with certain signs, but that situation is very rare. At least I don’t think it will appear in a group of students. The place where you drink tea...In fact, many times, the ambiguity of divination is a kind of protection and inducement, for example..."
Ellie pointed at another student again.
"I'm telling you, you will be unlucky soon, do you believe it?"
"Hey? This..."
"A lot of times, I can see a lot of things from the face, so as to figure out the psychology... For example, if a person always frowns, then he will think about the bad things when he encounters things. For this kind of person, I can also give him a prediction. Recently you will encounter some terrible things, be careful.’ In fact, I certainly don’t know what terrible things are, but I know by looking at his expression that he will consider many things to the bad side. So when he encounters a bad thing, he will only think that my prediction is correct... And I said recently, when will it be? One hour later? One day later? One week later? One month later? Think about it carefully, can you really not encounter any bad things in these hours?"
Upon hearing this, the students shook their heads.
"So you see, divination is often this kind of thing. If you take it too seriously, you will only be forced to imply, and you will cause disaster. Also, if there is no clear and directional prediction, then you can be regarded as meaningless. nonsense."
Ellie waved her hand.
"Okay, now we continue to class."
After Ellie's explanation, Harry's expression relaxed a lot, and Hermione seemed to transfer her enthusiasm for divination to the psychological level. Of course, this is not a good thing for Professor Trelawney. She was almost blown up by Ellie’s explanation, and even went to Dumbledore to protest - but for Ellie, her protest No pain or itching at all.
You, a ninth-rate gypsy witch, are teaching me what this prophetic mage does?
Generally speaking, it was peaceful for most of the time. Lupin was also a good teacher of magical animal protection. Malfoy did not bother him. Naturally, Harry and the others did not cause any trouble.
So you see, many times Hagrid is the root of all evil, and he can almost avoid most of the trouble by getting out of Hogwarts. UU reading
But on Halloween, Ellie still ran into a little trouble.
She was blocked by Harry, and the other party handed her a piece of paper - certainly not a love letter.
"Love, teacher Ellie, I want to go to Hogsmeade, but my aunt and uncle, they didn't sign my form..."
"Why don't you go to Snape?"
Looking at the permission form in her hand, Ellie looked at Harry with a grin, while the latter looked reddish and lowered her head.
"Snape... The professor refused to let me go, saying that it was safer for me to stay at Hogwarts."
Frankly speaking, there is actually no safe place to go. Of course, in fact, Sirius came to kill Peter Pettigrew. It can only be said that Harry had bad luck and Ron was in the same academy, so it gave others the illusion that Sirius was going to Harry Potter. . But to Ellie...Of course it doesn't matter.
It's almost the same anyway.
But what are you blushing when it comes to Snape? What happened this holiday?
Hmm...Forget it, Ellie decided not to care about these things, she is not the goddess of order after all.
"No problem, you are nervous enough during this time, and it's not bad to go to Hogsmeade to relax."
While talking, Ellie signed on it.
"I personally have no opinion on you going out to play, of course, I don't know if this signature is valid."
"Thank you, Teacher Ai Li."
Harry was also quite happy to get Ellie's signature. He took back the application form and thanked Ellie, then turned and left.
Ellie shrugged her shoulders, and then looked away.
I don't know how Sirius will act this time?
Isn't he still raising his delicate chrysanthemum?
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