Chapter 315: Can't stop anymore!

"Go die! Go die! You monsters !!!"
Aiming at the fire dragon outside the window, the man shouted and pulled the trigger in his hand, firing a bullet at the fire dragon flying in the sky. After driving away the fire dragon, he took a moment to glance at his companions.
"Hey, how are you? Cheer up!"
"Woo ..."
By the side of his man, his companion was covering his arm in pain. At this moment, it was already blurred, and the flame of the fire dragon burned his body relentlessly. The original intact skin had become black at this moment, and even Even the bones are clearly visible.
"Damn ..."
Looking at the painful moaning expression of his companion, the man was also biting his lips tightly. At the same time, with the sound of a dragon, the next moment I saw the fire dragon hovering through the air again and flew towards him.
"Get away, you monsters! Go die !!!"
Looking at the fire dragon rushing to himself, the man roared and pulled the trigger again, but what he didn't expect was that the automatic rifle in his hand had just fired five or six rounds of bullets, and then there was no movement at all.
"Damn, there are no more bullets!"
Looking at the rifle in front of him, the man's complexion changed slightly. He hurriedly subconsciously touched his waist, but he touched an empty spare magazine that was originally there. He had used up all the light, and now he had no way to go Compete with that fire dragon.
At this moment, the man finally realized that something was bad, but it was too late. He could only watch the fire dragon open his mouth wide and rush towards himself. He could even see the saliva dripping from the mouth of the fire dragon. Suddenly, the fierce flame will be ejected from the monster's mouth, turning itself into coke.
But at the same time, suddenly, the man felt a strong heart palpitation, and at the same time, the fire dragons who had been attacking the factory seemed to notice something moving, turning their heads Qi Qi, facing the sky behind him Looked, then, as if they saw something terrifying monster, they screamed and turned to try to escape.
"What happened? What happened?"
The man at this moment was very surprised to see this scene. He had never seen these fire dragons so scared and embarrassed. It seems like you have seen some terrible enemies ...… Is there anything more terrible than these large lizards that will spit fire?
And at this moment, suddenly, accompanied by a howling wind, the man seemed to sense something flying in the air. And at this moment, the invisible fear erupted deep in his heart, so that at this moment, the man even felt that a layer of cold sweat burst out from his whole body, and at the same time, his breathing was blocked. general. It's as if humans reacted instinctively in the face of some kind of irresistible existence.
Not only him, but at the same time, the original chaotic and noisy factory was silent. The roars, screams and shouts just heard were all inaudible. Except for the "cracking" sound produced by the flame itself, even the wind was lost here.
Then, an even more incredible scene happened.
"Then those fire dragons ..."
The man's eyes widened in surprise and couldn't even believe what he saw. Just in front of him, the fire dragons who were still fascinating just now fell on the ground one by one, and even shivered and fell down, just like the courtiers met the king!
Immediately afterwards, a huge shadow fell from the sky.
With the shadow falling, the whole ground seemed to tremble. And the man's eyes widened in horror, looking at the dark giant shadow.
It is not that he has not seen the dragon.
& nbsp
For men, the dragons he's seen in his life are going to vomit, but in men's view, those dragons are just beasts. But now, when the man saw this dark figure, he remembered for the first time the myths he had heard and seen when he was a child. At that time, what my mother told her near the pillow, the legend about dragons in myth, that was enough to destroy everything, a powerful, unstoppable force.
That has appeared in my dreams countless times, looking forward to, fearing, sometimes the greatest enemy that brave men have to deal with, and sometimes the last trump card to save the world.
That's the dragon.
Mythical dragon.
"Lower crawler ..."
Just then, suddenly, a voice emerged from the heart of the man, almost like a sledgehammer, beating his heart word by word, making the man even breathless. And those fire dragons curled up in sorrow, raised their heads and screamed at the huge dark existence, as if begging for mercy, as if mourning.
"Your existence has caused irreparable damage to this land, and it forced me to wake up from a thousand years of sleep! You have angered me successfully! Now, I want you to pay the price!"
Whoops, no more, pretending to be so cool, can't stop!
Looking at the fire dragons in front of them on the ground, shivering, Fangzhen really feels happy. This time, he not only showed his body shape, he even released Long Wei intentionally. Sure enough, as Founder expected, although his own Long Wei was not released to the point where the ordinary people could directly lose their minds, it was enough to make these ordinary creatures completely surrender. Alas, it's no wonder that the dragons dragged two and a half to eight hundred thousand. He has this ability. If it is not used to pretend, it is really a night of Jinyi, and it ’s violent.
However, what to do is still to do. If the cg cuts do not show the power of the dragon, what deterrent is there!
Thinking of this, Founder also suddenly spread his wings, and with his movement, a dazzling gleam burst from up and down Fang Zheng's body, spreading around. At the same time, countless Thunder Lightnings gathered around Founder's side, entangled, and even the clouds of the sky began to spin down and sink.
At this moment, those fire dragons were even more frightened. They desperately wanted to struggle, but they couldn't move, they could only watch the gloomy clouds slowly forming on their heads.
"Yours will be crushed by the thunder, and your souls will fall into the eternal abyss of darkness. This is the end of your own blame! Now, be prepared to accept it all!"
With this sentence, Fang Zheng suddenly raised his head. In the next moment, countless silver snakes suddenly fell like a heavy rain, covering the whole factory.
"Wow ah ah ah ah !!!"
At this moment, the man has no strength to bomb. ~ He covers his ears, trembling, shaking his body, looking at the raging silver snake and thunder in horror. The explosive power is almost connected. The darkness was wiped out, so that for a moment, the man even wondered if he was living in a dream.
A moment later, the Thunder dissipated.
Founder took a breath and raised his head. At this moment, the dozens of fire dragons had turned into coke. Later, the Founder opened his hand and let go of the stunned woman who had already seen it.
"Well, mortal, I have fulfilled your request, so I should leave. Struggle to survive on this land as much as possible."
After saying this, Fang Zheng spread his wings and flew to the sky again before leaving the woman to say anything.
Hahaha, it's exciting to pretend to run. ) Book friends, pay attention!
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