Chapter 317: Do Americans want to save the world?

Just a moment later, Founder quickly found his goal under the clouds. Those were two transport planes, with a helicopter behind. I have to admit that Founder was quite surprised to see this combination. He also knows about the level of science and technology in this world. The level of science and technology in the entire world is almost the same as it was in the 1980s and 1990s. This is another reason why the army of this world is so miserable in the face of the fire dragon group. the reason.
Not to mention in the sky, compared to the clumsy transport plane, the fire dragon obviously has more advantages at all levels, so that those who survived, did not say who dared to fly the plane into the sky. But now, there are actually two military transport planes and one combat helicopter, which really surprised Founder. You need to know the firepower of the transport aircraft and helicopters. The two fire dragons can send them to the sea to catch fish. Where do they have the courage and confidence?
And who are these guys?
Founder looked curiously at the military transport planes, and soon he saw the bald eagle and the stars and stripes on the fuselage.
Seeing this, Fang Zheng snorted softly.
Do Americans want to save the world?
"Ah ---! Ah ---!"
Compared to the Founder, the small fire dragon seemed to be more interested in those large iron blocks that could fly, and it could not stop uttering "Yeah", while showing a eager look. However, it is no wonder that Zhenghao and Little Fire Dragon have not encountered anything other than Fire Dragons in the sky. It is normal for Little Fire Dragons to be interested in these iron boxes flying in the sky.
"Okay, let's check it out and be careful."
On the one hand, Founder cast invisibility and magical shields on himself and the little fire dragon. Although he didn't think there was any way for these humans to hurt himself, but the little fire dragon was so delicate and tender, it was better to be careful. In case something goes wrong, it's troublesome.
After casting the spell, the Founder hugged the little fire dragon and quietly flew over the transport plane. At this moment, the little fire dragon was also excited. It struggled to drill out from the founder's hand, and then spread its wings, flying in the air, and flew towards the transport plane.
Little Fire Dragon has been following Founder for half a month, and its body has grown a lot, but it is still too thin compared to the ordinary Fire Dragon. But even so, the little ones have already begun to learn how to fly. Of course, because the body is not as good as other similar ones, the physical strength of the small fire dragon is a big problem. It can only persist for less than two or three hours in the air, and then it will come back to find the Founder.
The Founder didn't really care about this, he was not one of domesticated animals, and there was no need to deliberately cultivate the predatory ability of the little fire dragon. Even Founder has decided that after he has plundered enough time in this world, he can choose to turn the little fire dragon into his dependents, and then take it back to the Heavenly Temple-isn't Nanali complaining that there are no small animals here? , Then a small fire dragon should be enough to satisfy her.
"Ah --- ah ---!"
At this moment, the little fire dragon had already flew to the side of the transport aircraft, exclaimed excitedly, and seemed to intend to communicate with the other party. Unfortunately, there is no horn on the plane, so no matter how the little fire dragon shouts, it has no response.
However, Founder had sensed it, and everyone in the transport plane was terrified at the moment. They even picked up weapons and peered out the window. But unfortunately, due to the stealth technique, the opponent did not see the existence of the small fire dragon at all.
"Yeah ---!"
Perhaps because of the fact that the transport plane has not responded to itself, the little fire dragon seems a little angry, it tried to fly to the transport plane, then extended its head and bumped the transport plane lightly. With the sudden collision, the people in the transport plane hurriedly sat down again, and quickly fastened their seat belts.
"Yeah--ah--? ''
Maybe the transport plane hasn't responded, making the little fire dragon a bit frustrated. It bumped the head with the other side and found that the transport plane just shook slightly. After not intending to "chat" with itself, the little fire dragon lost interest and restarted. He returned to Founder's side, grieved and yelled at him a few times, which meant nothing more than "Daddy's kid didn't play with me", and then retracted into Founder's arms again.
"Okay, let's go."
Although Founder was very interested in who was in the transport plane, he has found that there are tanks and armored vehicles besides soldiers in the transport plane of the other party. This is obviously not something that ordinary residents of the gathering place have encountered before. Compared, so Founder did not intend to communicate with the other party. Judging from his experience along the way, once a man has a gun in his hand, he will become fat, and dare to say anything, and dare to do anything. Founder has shot dead more than once with a gun in his hand and feels that he can kill the idiot who kills himself for the people. Now that these guys even have tank armored vehicles in hand, then Founder is even less interested in tangling with the other party.
So Founder just glanced at the two transport planes and turned around with a small fire dragon and flew towards the other side.
The number of fire dragons is increasing.
When Founder arrived in Manchester with a small fire dragon, the first thing he saw was the hundreds of fire dragons entangled in the ruins of the city. And when these fire dragons noticed the founder's arrival, they suddenly screamed and circled again and rushed towards the founder.
Hey, the IQ of these guys is really low.
Fang was sneering deep inside, watching the fire dragons flying towards him. He has found that these fire dragons have a particularly strong sense of territory, and they seem to distinguish the ethnic group through some special induction. This is why Founder has connected and killed hundreds and thousands of fire dragons, and has never received any "similar treatment" from them.
Of course, only the small fire dragon is an exception, but Founder is very skeptical that the other person followed him because the first person he saw when it came out of the eggshell was him. Otherwise, he might not know what it would look like.
However, although the IQ of these fire dragons is low, their keen senses as beasts are particularly strong. If Founder displays Long Wei, they will turn around and run without regard for their faces. Therefore, in order to hunt, Founder always converges his dragon power. After the fire dragons are hooked, he will use the dragon power again to restrain them to facilitate the attack.
like this.
"Uh --- !!!!"
Just as the hundreds of fire dragons rushed towards Fang Zheng, Fang Zheng suddenly opened his wings, and then, unparalleled momentum burst out from his huge body, spreading in all directions. But the fire dragon group shrouded in Longwei was suddenly abrupt, and then they frantically tried to escape.
Unfortunately, it's too late.
The power of time has restrained their bodies, and their movements are now as slow as snails. The invisible air and time around them are like spider webs entangled in the prey devoted to them. No matter how they struggle, they cannot escape The in it. Looking at the hundreds of fire dragons in front of him, Fang Zheng smiled coldly, then he raised his head high and took a deep breath.
The power of time began to flow quickly from the fire dragons. Their power, life, and even all proofs disappeared with the passage of time ~ ~ Then, Fang Zheng opened his eyes and looked forward.
The dark storm spurted out of his mouth instantly, relentlessly swept over the fire dragon's bodies, and in the blink of an eye, they turned the fire dragons into white bones and fell to the ground.
"Hey ... it's not enough ... It seems that eating vegetables alone is not enough. You must eat staple food to fill your stomach ..."
Feeling the power of time condensing in his body, Fang Zheng frowned. It seemed that he had to find the legendary head dragon. Otherwise, it would be impossible to simply absorb the power of time.
Thinking of this, Founder turned his head, glanced at the clouds not far behind him, then spread his wings and flew towards the distance.
In the clouds, a gunship was floating there, and everyone on the helicopter was staring at the distant shadow.
"Is that the rumored earth guardian?"
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