Chapter 3300: open the door

The human capital was in a mess, and the demon's capital also showed an atmosphere of silence and grief at the moment.
It's no wonder that the expedition army was completely wiped out, and the general and the divine envoy died in battle. This news alone is enough to make the devil family panic.
Why is this so? Doesn't it mean that we, the Demon Clan, are the ones chosen by the Supreme God to rule this world?
Why does this happen?
Even the soldiers guarding the palace were downcast, and because of this, they didn't pay attention to the dark shadow that appeared above their heads at the first moment.
They didn't react until the shadow landed at the gate of the palace.
"Yes, who is it? How dare you trespass into the palace!"
The Demon Soldier raised the weapon in his hand, stared at the strange visitor and asked sharply, but the next moment, they fell to the ground like puppets with broken strings, and did not respond.
Ellie put away her magic wand, yawned, and then swaggered into the palace.
She was too lazy to care about the war between humans and demons, and there was only one reason why she came here.
Or, there is no other reason. .
Ellie did not encounter any obstacles along the way, because the demon soldier who saw her lost her life and turned into a corpse before she could even question her. So Ellie walked directly into the main hall of the Devil's Palace. When she opened the door, the devil inside was already fully armed and ready.
"I didn't expect that a mere human would dare to directly break into the palace of the devil family. You are very courageous, little girl."
Sitting on the throne was a middle-aged man with blond hair and bright red eyes who looked quite neat and neat. He stared at Ellie coldly, showing a mocking smile.
Completely ignoring the soldiers with sharp swords and crossbows in front of her, Ellie just sighed silently.
"Actually, I didn't come here for anything else. There is only one thing... just leave the magic of the gods to me. As for the grievances between you and human beings, you will solve it yourself."
"Magic of the Gods?"
Hearing this, the Demon King was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly became serious.
"How do you know..."
"Ah, it's you."
However, before the Demon King could finish speaking, he saw Ellie stretch out her hand and point at him. Immediately afterwards, a beam of light shot directly from Ellie's fingertips, completely ignoring the soldiers and heavy shields in front of her. It penetrated the Demon King's chest, and the next moment, he let out a shrill scream, and then turned into a pile of black dust under the envelope of flames.
Facing this scene in front of them, the other demon soldiers were stunned. They probably would not have thought that the most powerful ruler of their country would be killed in the blink of an eye.
When they returned to their senses, Ellie who was standing here had disappeared without a trace, leaving them only a cold, lifeless corpse on the throne.
After that, Ellie didn't care or care about the turmoil in the palace. After she killed the Demon King, she took his soul directly and successfully extracted the last generation magic from it.
What surprised Ellie was the identity of the Demon King. This Demon King was none other than the man who betrayed him and sealed the moon under the big labyrinth. Not only that, but by exploring the memories of this Demon King, Ellie also understands what the will of the Imaginary Number Tree wants to do.
Simply put, change homes!
As Ariel once said before, the power of the soul at the core of this world has become less and less, no matter how much the Supreme God incites war, there will be no more deaths. In addition, as the core of the tree of imaginary numbers, it has reached its limit, so the Supreme God thought of a way.
That is to transform one's own body, then go to another world bubble, and then guide that world bubble to mature and fall, and grow into a new imaginary number tree, and this imaginary number tree - after losing its core and soul, naturally there are only Withering and collapsing is a way to go.
And Yue, was the body that the core of the tree of imaginary numbers took a fancy to and wanted to replace.
That's why her uncle sealed the moon under the big labyrinth - of course, strictly speaking, it was not her uncle who betrayed the moon, but the puppet that had been manipulated by the supreme god. After all, although the moon has immortality, it is not completely immortal. Her immortality comes from magical power, which means that as long as Yue's magical power is exhausted, she will also die. In order to avoid an accident with her "spare body", the Supreme God manipulated her uncle, sealed it under the big labyrinth, and waited for the opportunity.
Not only that, but the undead king who had previously united the demon king to attack humans was Yue, the manipulated uncle, and Ellie also learned from his memory the cause and effect of the death of the undead king—the kings united at that time. Human beings are about to perish, and at the same time, the abyss labyrinth is discovered, and the supreme is obviously more worried about the abyss labyrinth. After all, it was left by the guy who tried to resist him, so he manipulated the undead king to go to the labyrinth to find out what is true.
As a result, I didn't expect that this abyss maze also has countermeasures. Just when the supreme manipulated the undead king to come to the bottom of the abyss maze to try to obtain the magic and knowledge of the rebels, the abyss maze that detected the supreme divine power directly blew up, and at the end. At the moment, the soul of the undead king used the power of the supreme to escape the trap of the abyss labyrinth, but the body remained there and could not come back.
Later, the undead king, who only had his soul left, was sent to the Demon Race, and with the assistance of the Supreme God, he successfully took the body of the next King of the Demon Race.
This is the truth of the death of the undead king.
Then the undead king gradually grew up, and the reason why the war between demons and humans was provoked was because the supreme wanted to harvest another wave of soul power before taking it away.
Then you can change homes.
In this way, even if others occupy the hometown, they will find that there is no crystal or gas, and it is simply a waste mine.
how to say………
After reading the memory, Ellie also shook her head.
She can understand the wish of the imaginary number tree not to die, and also understand its resentment towards the world bubbles, although most people think that the creator should be kind, otherwise why would it create the world. But for the tree of imaginary numbers, these world bubbles are more like the children it had to conceive after being raped - after all, flowering and fruiting are the laws of nature, and you can't change them if you don't want them.
Therefore, Gu Ni didn't have much affection for the World Bubbles, and even resented them for absorbing the power that originally belonged to him.
Generally speaking, mothers do not resent their children.
Well, that's in general.
But for the tree of imaginary numbers, it obviously doesn't like these children who were born without their consent and who also absorb their own power.
If he could, he might want to strangle them himself.
In addition, the soul power of the imaginary number tree's own world has been exhausted by the civilization that lives in its core world... Well, this wave is really an internal and external trouble.
So the plan of the imaginary number tree for this wave is to transfer his soul to Yue's body, change his body, and then go to another world bubble, and then make that world bubble mature and land, and grow into a new imaginary number tree again.
As for this tree of imaginary numbers... it is completely finished.
And the reason why a bunch of traversers come to this world at every turn is to supplement the lost soul power on the one hand, and on the other hand, to find which world bubble is more suitable to become his next "nucleus".
"How can I say it, to this point, even I admire this tree of imaginary numbers a little."
Although it is indeed different from traditional cognition, Ellie doesn't care. What's strange, some people like to create the world, and some people like to live forever. Fangzheng has also met many bosses who are willing to destroy the world in pursuit of immortality. Of course, dealing with such people is actually the easiest, because immortality without power can be tortured casually after being caught.
Can't play anyway.
But understanding is understanding, it does not mean that it will be let go.
"Then let's begin."
Thinking of this, Ellie restrained her expression and looked at the magic light shining in her hands. Originally, the idea of ​​the rebels who created the abyss labyrinth was that they needed to gather the seven magic of the gods together, and then create a new magic of the gods to open the way. But Ellie has enough magic power to not worry about such trivial matters at all. For her, as long as she finds the coordinates, then how to open the door is her own business.
For example...
Accompanied by a roar, Ellie clenched her right hand, which had condensed magic power, and punched the void in front of her. The next moment, she saw that the space in front of her was instantly shattered and turned into a black void with a chaotic, dark and ominous aura.
Then, Ellie walked in like this.
"The tree of imaginary numbers, come out and die for me!"
In the chaotic space, there is no distinction between heaven and earth, and the surrounding is dark. It seems that it is not so much the territory of the creator gods, but the territory of the devil. In the middle of this darkness, Ellie saw a dim huge ball of light suspended in it, surrounded by a cobweb-like light that spread out in all directions, disappearing into the dark shadow.
[I didn't expect that someone at UU Reading would actually be able to come here]
Then, a voice full of majesty sounded in Ellie's head.
[God of another world, what are you doing here? 】
"I'm here to get through the passage home. On the other hand, I'm also here to negotiate with you, the tree of imaginary numbers."
Ellie said while staring at the ball of light.
"I understand why you want to do this, and I can understand the idea, but... is there really no other way?"
[Everything has a beginning and an end, this is the principle of order, and if you want to violate the principle of order, you must pay a price]
"So you plan to sacrifice other worlds, abandon your own world, and start over?"
【Why not? 】
The voice of the tree of imaginary numbers is very calm.
[I have never prayed and longed for the appearance of other worlds, and I have never thought about sharing my power, but unfortunately I can't disobey the rules of order, but this does not mean that I will be willing to accept all of this]
"So, you're not going to give up, are you?"
【Of course】
"That can't be helped."
Hearing the answer from the tree of imaginary numbers, Ellie sighed silently and took out her magic wand.
"It seems that only plan B is exercised."
【Humph! 】
At this moment, the voice of the tree of imaginary numbers also snorted coldly.
[The mere gods from other worlds dare to be arrogant on my territory, but they are only lustful...]
"go to hell……!"
At this moment, Ellie had already sentenced the tree of imaginary numbers to death in her heart.
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