Chapter 384: The approaching crisis

The battle is finally about to begin.
The Founder stood on a hill not far away and looked at the soldiers below. At present, the interior of the Tokyo Special Economic Zone is relatively stable, and the reason is simple. Although the media has reported a large number of gastroenteric animals around, there is no trace of Taurus. The sculpted boulders are also very safe and there are no problems. In most people's minds, as long as the megaliths are okay, the Tokyo Special Economic Zone is safe.
Not to mention that the official deliberately covered up the news about Taurus, and only a few people knew the secret. And Taurus has been sneaking in the deep sea. Only through satellites can it capture intermittent fluctuations to determine the path and direction of Taurus.
At present, the Tokyo Special Economic Zone has formulated a combat plan. The combat troops must first clean up all gastrointestinal animals in Narita and Ryuzaki, and then build a line of defense here. In order to be able to attack it immediately after Taurus has landed on 6 Kashima, it is necessary to completely repel or kill it. If this is not possible, it can also give the Tokyo SAR sufficient response time to at least allow those high-ranking senior officials to evacuate early.
Ordinary people just do whatever they want. After all, this has destroyed the entire earth and forced human civilization to the zodiac on the verge of destruction. Thousands of cities were destroyed in front of them, and no one was afraid to have one more.
Right now, those soldiers are fighting the gastro-intestinal animals, while Founder and others are watching the lively sidelines.
This was not because they worked abroad, but the SDF demanded that they not go to the front line without an order, so Founder simply found a cool place in the back and started playing games with other children.
Although Busch Tsui and others were surprised and surprised by the order, Founder didn't think there was anything wrong with it. You know, these Self-Defense Forces were the "meritors" of the Second Gut War. In fact, they won the Second Gut War eight years ago before they rescued the people here from the brink of extinction. With such a glorious "historical achievement", of course, these soldiers are extremely confident in themselves. And this is why it was difficult to pass the proposal of the Holy Father in Parliament. Eight years ago, because of the victory of the Second Gut War, many officers at the time were therefore ranked high, and they are now considered high. For them, as long as they deal with gastrointestinal animals, there is no difference between eight years and eight years later. There were no monsters in the past, and they also eliminated the gastrointestinal animals. Therefore, these military representatives have been very unhappy with the Heavenly Temple.
And this time it is the same. The orders sent by people are not polite, and they even give out threats such as "If you do n’t listen to the order and reach the front line, you will not be responsible if there is an accident.
What else can Founder say?
Touching the fish is the most important thing!
Of course, the other party is not blindly confident.
"They can really toss."
Listening to the roar of fighter planes whistling through the air, he rubbed his ears uncomfortably, and originally wanted to take a nap. As a result, these deliberately oppose themselves. Intermittent aerial bombardment.
It ’s just that the air unit that bullied others did n’t come, just dared to brag about the ground unit, and then sent infantry to make up for the sword.
Founder really couldn't figure out where these people's self-confidence came from. The gastrointestinal animals also had flying types, but this time they didn't appear. Do they really think that the gastrointestinal animals can be solved by mortars and high-altitude bombardment? Forget it, anyway, my task is to clean up the mess, so whoever cleans up the mess is the same and the result is a mess.
"Brother, don't they really need our help?"
Looking at the distant position, Busch Tsui asked with some worry. A series of uninterrupted high-altitude bombardments by those guys were still effective, and basically the gastroenteric animals in the combat area were swept away. And now these soldiers are starting to set up defensive positions here, of course, no one is in charge of Founder and these "cursed sons", and Founder is too lazy to deal with them.
"No, those people have their own pride, let them toss."
As he said, Fang Zheng reached out and touched Shi Cui's head while pinching her cute cat ears. His face turned red, but he did not avoid it, but instead looked like a cute little cat, and in turn, pinched Fang Zheng's hand.
"Brother's hands are so warm"
Just then, Yan Zhu suddenly jumped out of the side.
"Hello, Xiao Cui! Miss Ben also wants this time!"
"I said you're enough."
Holding down the blue Yuan Yanzhu that flew over, Fang Zheng pressed her angrily. Since the first "sneak attack" by Tina herself, the other children almost seemed to have received any hints. Not only did they block the Founder collectively to kiss after the battle, or even after that, once Founder acted a little closer to a child. If he saw it, he would immediately rush over and ask for the same treatment. Fortunately, Founder is a decent person. Except for the attack by Tina, he can No action was made against these children worthy of being reported to the police.
This time Founder brought more "adjusters" than before, a total of thirty-five people. These are all fighting against gastroenterology animals after the current adjustment, and will not have too much psychological burden or firm will, Children willing to go to the battlefield.
In fact, up to now, Founder's side has transformed more than 300 "adjusters", but Founder did not let them all participate in the battle. Even on paper, many adjusters have high values, but they ignore one thing, they are still children.
And still under ten years old.
Any situation on the battlefield may be born, surrounded by gastrointestinal animals, or ambush by people in the dark, the team is overwhelmed, the companion is injured or killed, facing the crisis of life and death. These things, even a strictly trained recruit, may not be acceptable after they really step on the battlefield, let alone these children.
For example, it's like facing the muzzle. Almost all of the "cursed sons" have dynamic vision that can easily capture the trajectory of the bullet, and have the degree and responsive ability to easily avoid firing. Whether they are pistols or automatic rifles, if they want to dodge, they will dodge.
But why are there still so many cursed children being shot? The reason is that at the moment they were pointed by the muzzle of the black hole, the whole person was completely blank, and they completely lost their response. Except for instinctive dodge, they hardly remember anything. Not to mention observing the position of the muzzle and calculating the trajectory of the ballistics, etc. ~ ~ In fact, ordinary people are the same. Many people watch the movie, the villains take guns, why do n’t people who are next to the trough not hide, Only when he is actually pointed at by the muzzle will he find that he cannot move at all, let alone hide.
And even if such a "cursed son" has been adjusted, the Founder will not let them enter the battlefield. Otherwise, even if they have the ability to easily deal with stage i intestinal animals, they are afraid that they will be swallowed alive by those monsters. This is not a game, you just go up and give it away without hesitation.
Because of this, after rigorous training and exercises, Founder first screened out one hundred "adjusters" with outstanding combat capabilities, and then took them to the ground to conduct actual combat with the gut animals. Thirty people successfully passed and became members of the battle. Others were eventually sent to the Temple of Heaven by the Founder for various reasons.
However, it is more than enough to deal with those gastro-intestinal animals.
"Well, the battle will start late at night. You go to rest first, otherwise you wo n’t have the energy to fight at night if you do n’t get enough sleep."
After touching Yanzhu's small head, Fang Zheng quickly gave orders to the girls around him. Although so far, no one knows when the gastroenteric animals led by Taurus will arrive. However, with their own prophetic spells and future vision, Founder is very clear that they will start the beach ascent 6 at midnight today.
Well, let's sell it.
Looking at the defensive position in the distance, Founder silently yawned, then leaned against the tree next to him and closed his eyes.
Now, I can finally have a good dream.
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