Chapter 420: This black technology is not easy to deal with!

A howling cold wind blew across the sky, and a huge battleship fell on the ice field with a heavy impact.
"this is…………"
Facing this sudden change, Musashi's mental model was also surprised. She turned blankly and looked around. Obviously, Musashi did not understand why she suddenly ran from the sea to the cold ice field.
Feng Jue really God skills.
Founder is extremely lucky to learn that he has learned the seal in Shana's world. This stuff is simply an essential skill for killing and setting fire, and traveling at home. You should know that Musashi is about to leave the fourth sea area just now. If he hadn't rushed to open it, it would not be known what it would look like.
But now ... you just obediently stay in the seal!
"what have you done!"
If it were Kaohsiung, I'm afraid I was already scared. But Musashi was obviously not as fragile as Kaohsiung, and she saw her frowning and screaming at Fang Zheng. Later, the Founder saw the girl's little hand pointing at him. Soon, with the girl's movement, hundreds of giant swords emerged out of nowhere and pointed at herself.
Kaohsiung also used this trick when fighting the Founder. However, the long sword that Kaohsiung "summoned" at that time was just the length of ordinary weapons, but the one summoned by Musashi was a literal "40-meter-long sword"!
How have mental models seen the infinite sword system? Is this the trick?
Looking at this scene, Founder was also secretly crying, he would not believe that Musashi will deal better with Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung is only good at cruise, but Musashi is a battleship, but also a super battleship. Both powers and calculation levels are not at the same level. If Rodney is here, then the Founder is confident that he can directly bomb Musashi. but now………
While Founder was secretly thinking about the countermeasures, Musashi also reached out and waved his hands, and soon saw those long swords falling quickly from the sky and beating at the enemy in front of him. In the face of Musashi's attack, Founder also changed his face slightly. He stepped back quickly, and then began to flash magical light in his hands. In the blink of an eye, several auras unfolded on Founder's body. From "Protection Arrow" to "Guard of the Blade" were all inspired by Founder ... he was not interested Experiment by yourself how these weapons will be identified by magic. For security reasons, let's put on physical magic protection.
Next ...
Two swords!
While the magic protection was activated, Founder also raised his long sword and swept at Musashi in front of him!
At the moment when the sword was swung down by the Founder, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Musashi, and the blade held by Black Shadow almost stabbed into Musashi's body ... but at this moment, suddenly I saw that the space beside the girl suddenly twisted a bit, and then the sword in the Founder's hand seemed to pierce into a thick shield, and it stopped!
Seeing this scene, Musashi and Founder were surprised.
It's not blocked?
Actually blocked it?
Regarding this situation, it can be said that both Founder and Musashi were unexpected, although Founder's use of a sword was once blocked by Kaohsiung's exertion. But for the Founder, Yijian itself is a trick he created to test the skills of the enemy, and it is not surprising that it was blocked. But the two swords are different. In the dark world, Founder swept away more than half of the original gastroenterological army by this trick. Although this time because he was facing the Musashi Monopoly instead of the group, he did not release the terrifying killing in the dark world, but because it was directed at the Monolith, the power was more than doubled!
And at that time he was not in the realm of legend, but now Founder has entered the legend!
The one-thousand-strike puncture stack that he stepped up to release in one second didn't actually penetrate the protective field of Musashi? Do you tease me?
Founder can be sure that Musashi's mental model is not as powerful as herself. She may be stronger than Rodney, but according to the standards of the main continent, she definitely has not entered the realm of legend. But she actually blocked her overlapping attacks?
Not only that, when Founder attacked Musashi, he could feel that his attack seemed to be "spread" by the other party!
Originally speaking, a thousand strokes punctured in a second, the same position was hit. However, Founder was able to find that his first 218 piercing attacks did not hit the same point at all as he imagined. Instead, it was as if a long sword was stabbed into the water and was refracted. It seemed to change its direction. Scattered elsewhere. Until the other party seemed unable to stop, the remaining puncture attack gradually corrected its direction. In fact, the puncture attack that hit the same location was actually launched in accordance with Founder's intentions, only 638 times!
This is why the Founder's blow did not eventually penetrate the opponent's Klein force field.
MD, the world is so dark. Do you still talk to me about science?
For the Klein force field, Founder also has some research these days, but he is a code farmer after all. If you want to say that you can compile databases and other things, he can still research a bit, but you say Klein bottle The research on such a high level of mathematics has nothing to do with Founder ... he just knew how much this Klein force field happened ... but Fang Zheng didn't think that the defense of this thing was so abnormal ...
Musashi is also very surprised. As a super battleship, the difference between her and battleships is not just that the word "super" is added in front of it. This is like the difference between a personal computer and a supercomputing, although supercomputing is better than a personal computer. The word "super" was added in front, but the speed of the two is also very different.
In fact, Musashi had enough confidence that other than his sister Yamato, other warships could not penetrate his defense at all. And even Rodney, who blasted Bi Rui into with two guns, was afraid that it could not penetrate Musashi's protective field.
But this human blow almost overloaded his Klein force field?
He's just a human!
Although both sides were surprised by the results, they were dissatisfied. I saw that Musashi's gun turned almost instantaneously, and there was a blast in the direction of the Founder. Fang's counterattack against Musashi's counterattack did not seem to respond at all. In fact, at the moment when he failed to hit, a shadow had quietly appeared dozens of meters behind the founder, and then quickly exchanged positions with the founder.
"Boom boom boom !!!"
However, Musashi did not stop attacking. On the contrary, those ship guns chased Founder all the way, not even the warship itself.
The Founder appeared in the air as if it were moving instantly, then disappeared, and then the beam cannon that was enough to melt the fossils swept past where he was, even the air was distorted.
Emerging from the air again, Founder did not hesitate to lift the vampire stabbed to the deck underneath him, but his blade had not penetrated the deck, and was again blocked by the Klein force field emerging from the air.
Watching himself return without success, Founder also took a sip. He originally expected to attack the battleship directly and then start the effect of the vampire. Now it looks like ... This super battleship is indeed more powerful than Kaohsiung's heavy patrol.
"— !!!!"
But he hadn't waited for Fangzheng to think of any other way, but Musashi shot first. Just as Fangzheng was about to land, he suddenly felt a powerful force of space distortion. Fang Zheng looked up in surprise, only to see above his head, a series of bright red apertures twisted wildly to tear up the space, covering himself!
I'll go! !!
As a mage, Founder certainly understands that this is a precursor to space transfer. Obviously, this super battleship will master the skills of space jumping, and now she is planning to do so!
However, Founder was unwilling to try. When he was studying spells, he already knew that a mage should never be rushed into a strange space storm, otherwise it would be good to be torn apart. In the event of something, it would be better than death. terrible.
Founder remembered an example recorded in detail in the spell book. A mage encountered an astral storm during the teleportation process. As a result, only his upper body was teleported to the destination, and his lower body was teleported to the top of a high mountain. What's more scalp is that even if his body is divided into two parts, due to the influence of the astral storm, the spell effect continues, so he has been unable to even commit suicide in pain, until the astral storm disappears, He finally fell into eternal death as he wished.
Founder did not even know what means Musashi used to make space transfers, and of course he would not take risks. The other party is a mental model, but he is a human. If there is a problem in the middle, he will be transmitted to the legendary strongman who lost seconds ... This is ridiculous!
run! !!
Thinking of this, Founder also immediately flung back the long sword again ~ ~ Then at this moment, time was stretched infinitely, his body pulled out a line like plasticine and quickly backed away, and just While Founder disappeared from the place, the aperture whistled down, almost rubbing his body and landed on the ground, accompanied by a thunderous thunder, the next moment the Musashi disappeared in front of Founder, and then turned into A small black spot appeared far away from the horizon.
"This is terrible ..."
Founder also sighed as he watched the Musashi that started teleportation jumping and distanced himself.
What can I do next?
no way………
"All in all ... let the Scourge first go exploring."
On the one side, the Founder slammed his fingers. Soon, the icefield waste soil quickly rolled over the next moment, and then the undead army emerged from it again, and flew towards the battleship in the distance together with the frost dragon that appeared from the void.
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