Chapter 482: The danger of the North Fortress

The temple was indeed somewhat unstoppable.
An ice and snow wolf jumped frantically in the air and rushed towards the Paladin in front of him. In the face of the flying wolf, the Paladin waved a sword and split it directly into the head. The stench of blood spattered on his head, and the original white armor was dyed a bright red.
However, the Paladin didn't care about this kind of section right now, he kicked open the corpse next to him, and the sword in his hand burned the holy flame again.
"This is not the place where you monsters should come. Go back!"
With the roar, the Paladin waved his sword suddenly, and the white flame of the Holy Light burst suddenly, tearing all the monsters near him to pieces. But the next moment I saw the paladin gasping back a few steps, leaning on his sword against the wall next to him.
"Squeak !!!!"
And at this moment, a dark bird with a whole body screamed and flew down from the sky, and extended his claws towards the Paladin. But at the same time, a magic missile whistled across the sky and struck the strange bird heavily, while the Paladin took a deep breath, took hold of the sword again, and struck it forward with a forceful glance. This monster was cut under him.
Until then, the paladin gasped and nodded to the mage next to him.
"Thank you."
"Thanks, this is really troublesome ..."
And beside the Paladin, a mage wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked sadly at the battlefield in front of him. Below the city wall, thousands of Warcraft are attacking the fortress frantically. I saw those monsters such as Frost Demon Wolf and Iron Boar that were contaminated with magical fur hit the heavy wall, and even stepped on their companion's corpse and leapt towards the wall. It was almost like a moth fighting on fire. .
"These warcraft, winter is over. What kind of madness are they making?"
Looking at the beast tide in front of him, the Paladin could not help but take a sip, and when he heard his complaint, the mage beside him also smiled bitterly. The North Fortress was really troubled during this time. Not only did the Warcrafts nearly overturn the entire fortress during the beast tide in winter, but in the winter and spring, they had not had time to repair the bombarded by the beast tide. The fortress walls, but these are here again! !!
And their offensive is even fiercer than winter! !!
At this time, suddenly, I saw the crystal next to the city wall suddenly flashed, and then a heavy voice sounded.
"All mages are ready to cast‘ fossil for mud ’on the ground ahead in five seconds, and the Paladin is preparing to cover it! Order crystals will be turned on in ten seconds!

Upon hearing this order, the Paladin and the mage could not help but be surprised. They looked at each other and saw the deep anxiety in each other's eyes.
"How to do?"
"Anyway, this is an order. Follow the order first. You cover me!"
On the one hand, the mage raised his staff high, and then he began to sing loudly. At this moment, the Paladin also hurriedly picked up the shield and blocked it in front of the mage. After a few seconds, the chanting mage lifted the staff in his hand and pointed forward.
"Fossils are mud!"
With the shouts of the mages, the original hard ground in front of the fortress suddenly turned into a bottomless swamp, like a ferocious beast and began to devour the World of Warcraft that fell into its mouth. I saw the bodies of Warcraft on the ground, along with themselves, sinking into the sand quickly, and in a blink of an eye, a large restricted area was created in front of the fortress walls and the tide of Warcraft.
At the same time, the triangular crystal above the fortress wall suddenly radiated a soft and bright beam of light, straight into the sky. Soon, the thick clouds swirled and scattered, and the golden sunlight fell from the sky like a barrier, protecting the entire fortress firmly.
Those Warcrafts that were exposed to the sun began to emit painful sorrows. Their bodies were burning in the sun like candles. The devil crows that were hovering above the fortress also screamed back. 'S offensive seems to be completely contained ...
"Everyone, go back to the fortress and rest!"
With the order, the paladins and mages who had fought hard for a long time on the city walls also pulled down their exhausted bodies, returned to the fortress and began to rest. However, the faces of these people are all sad. The reason is very simple. Although they rely on the "light of order" to block the attack of Warcraft, the problem is that the "light of order" is not unlimited. It can only last for a few hours, and once time has passed, they will continue to fight these Warcraft.
It's just that the power in the current fortress ... can't be sustained for so long, it's hard to say.
"Leader! Hasn't the rear support arrived yet?"
Hearing his enquiries, the Knight of Wales shook his head.
"The temple and Baita have all been able to support in the short term. Although other places are currently being mobilized, it will take some time. However, I have received information from Bishop Carl of the Temple, Bien has found a very reliable reinforcement, and their vanguard will soon arrive! Now all we have to do is rest and wait. "
Hearing the words of the Knights of Wales, the Paladins under him also looked at each other. These Paladins were originally the backbone of the North Fortress. They have been fighting the damned Warcraft here for a while. Little is known about things in other places, so it is not clear what the temple is calling for solidarity.
In fact, even the Knight Cavalier himself was dubious about the temple's orders. He knew the situation inside the temple. Frankly, the impact of the Warcraft disaster that broke out last winter on the North Fortress was huge. Since then, the North Fortress has not recovered, although he also hopes that the temple can send more people to guard the North Fortress. But ... in the current situation of the temple, they don't have much manpower available.
But the temple was so articulate and full of self-confidence, which made the Captain Wells curious, too ... he knew the current situation of the temple. In terms of reinforcements, Tianzhi Baita has sent their mage team, but these mages can only assist them in defense, and there is no way to completely drive away these Warcraft. And listening to the meaning of the temple, it seems that the reinforcements coming this time can completely solve their problems?
"All in all, you go down to rest first, you need to replenish your strength during the next period, and the mages also need meditation to restore the spell. If it doesn't work ..."
Having said that, the Captain Wells hesitated.
"Just order all soldiers to abandon the frontline fortress and withdraw to the North Headquarters!"
Everyone was taken aback when he heard the commander of the Knights of Wales.
Although the North Fortress is nominally a fortress, it is not just a simple fortress. It has a total of two passes, which respectively guard the front and back of the mountain trail. The fortress wall in the front is the first line of defense, while the back is the headquarters of the North Fortress.
In the previous winter beast tide attack, the first line of defense was broken by the Warcraft lord. If it was not for the time that Wales and the other two colleagues had fought their lives, I am afraid that even the northern fortress behind could not keep it.
But even then ~ ~ everyone did not give up the fight and evacuated directly, because this means that once the North Fortress itself is breached, the tide of Warcraft will drive straight in, and by then, the entire hinterland of the mainland will fall Among the chaotic magic claws.
But now ...
Although it was difficult to accept the command of the Knights of Wales, everyone could only accept it. They are also very clear about the current situation. The first line of defense was already severely damaged in the previous wave of Warcraft and almost lost its defense function. If you continue to die here, you will only lose more staff. Rather than give up here, gather all the elite troops to invest in the main line of defense, and be able to support it for a while ... ... for a while ...
Just then, suddenly, a passerby pushed in and came in.
"We found an unknown object approaching from behind!"
Hearing here, Wells couldn't help it.
What happened again?
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