Chapter 613: To bear the consequences

Rio de Janeiro at this moment is no longer as yesterday's lively and joyous, sirens and the sound of ambulances can be heard everywhere. Founder is standing on the reef and looking at the beach in front of him. There are still three or two tourists on the beach at this moment, but even they are talking with amazement and surprise, talking about everything that was born last night.
The original bustling and lively city now feels like a battlefield, and from the distance, gunfire can be heard from time to time. Although there is no martial law in the entire city, the atmosphere in the air seems quite dignified and serious. Helicopters roared through the air, and armed policemen could be seen everywhere.
In just one day, the city has become something else.
Feeling the sea breeze on his face, Fang Zheng closed his eyes and exhaled.
Slightly impulsive but the effect is not bad.
As he recalled the fighting last night, Founder whispered to himself.
Although the system has not been restored, because it has reconnected with the Zero Time fan, Founder can naturally use the power of existence to reconstruct the seal. In fact, in addition to spending time with Founder, Founder spent the rest of his time studying how to reconstruct the seal.
Unfortunately, since the source of the data used in the founder's structure was from the Soul Stone, and now the entire system has not been completely repaired, Founder naturally has no way to read the data of the Soul Stone. Therefore, Founder had to find another way, and finally chose another data source-the initial fire.
With the previous experience of building other seals, it is not difficult for Founder to construct the Black Soul World, but in the final stage, he has a little headache.
That is, in the Black Soul World, what he wants to present to fight with himself.
Founder ’s seal is a reproduction of the data, so what he constructs must also be set by the composite data itself, just as if he was constructing the Frozen City Fortress. As the Lich King, of course, Founder can command the Scourge. But if he revealed the Burning Legion, the Lich King would have nothing to do with it.
By the same token, if Founder wants to create a group of subordinates in the Black Soul that obeys his own orders, then he also needs to perform the realization according to this set of subordinate relationships.
However, in the Black Soul World, the only thing that manifests the groupness is the deep understanding of the Bishops' and the French Undead, and considering his inheritance, Founder naturally chose the latter.
But in the process of construction, Founder has a small problem-the first fire is his soul, and the recorded nature is also his memory. In other words, the memory of the Founder's Undead in the fire of Founder's soul is basically the part after they were corroded by the abyss.
If Founder just realized the abyssal watchers in this way, the result would be that he would fight another fight with them in the new world, which would be meaningless.
In the end, Founder's solution was to fill the model of the undead with his own abyss fire. In this way, these undead players acted on the power of the abyss provided by themselves, so they will naturally obey Founder's command. Originally in accordance with Founder's usual temper and personality, he had to test this very dangerous thing several times to make sure there were no hidden dangers before using it.
But the woman who didn't have long eyes annoyed Founder, so he did not hesitate to use the blocked and undead team that was still being tested.
Although it was just a nightmare, it was the nightmare that Founder was least willing to see. Even if Founder knew that this was not true, but since the woman dared to touch Founder's inverse scale, don't blame him for being rude.
Facts have proved that Founder's idea is still fine. Not only that, he also had an unexpected joy.
That is, after the battle, the fire of the abyss, which was not so obedient, was honest!
But if you think about it, Founder immediately understood the reason-even if a person can toss no matter how much you lay down on the floor after you have pumped three thousand milliliters of blood. The structure of the undead consumes the power of being and the power of the abyss. The force of existence is supplemented by the zero-time fans, without any distress. The power of the abyss comes from the fire of the abyss
Well, Founder also doesn't feel bad.
Not only that, it seems that he has found a good way to release the power of the abyss in the future.
But is it really going to happen like in a nightmare?
Thinking of that hallucination, Founder could not help frowning, looking dignified. Of course, the influence of the power of the abyss has some effect. For the moment, Founder has enough confidence to control the power of the abyss. But he wasn't sure that he could continue to control this way, maybe all of this would not happen quickly, but with the passage of time, maybe one day, he would really become like that illusion. Are those people who are polluted by the abyss and full of aggressiveness saying that there is no other way?
Two tigers, two tigers run fast, run fast
Just then, Founder's cell phone rang, he took out the phone, glanced at the number, and then connected the call.
Hello, the user you dialed is not in the service area, please leave a message after ‘drop’
Founder, it's me, Intergullah.
However, before the founder's words were finished, he was interrupted by the Interkula on the other side of the phone.
What's the matter
Akkad has received the enemy's intelligence, they will return soon, you go to the airport to meet with them immediately, it is a matter of great importance and can not be delayed.
I know.
Upon hearing Intergura's order, Founder shrugged, but just as he was about to hang up, he heard Intergura's voice again.
And one more thing
what's up?
Did you do the riot that was born yesterday in Rio de Janeiro?
it's me.
Facing the inquiry from Intergula, Founder quickly responded.
Upon hearing Founder's answer, Integura whispered, and Founder looked up, looked at the beach in front of him, and then replied.
This is the choice they make, then they must bear the corresponding consequences.
Founder didn't feel that he had done something wrong. He had given the other party a chance, but they chose to continue to be enemies. And since they are enemies with themselves, of course, Founder will not let these guys go. So he chose the most direct and effective way-Akkad may not be able to do it, but for the Founder, this is not so difficult.
After absorbing the firewood power of the tattooed woman, the powers of the Dragon and Zerg in the Founder's body were almost completely awakened, and now the only seal still in use is the power of the Time Dragon to manipulate time. But apart from that, the physical strength of the Dragon and Zerg has almost recovered to the original level of the Founder.
This also means that there is almost nothing in this world that can hurt him.
As a dragon, the master of a zerg, and a legendary powerhouse, Founder also has his own pride. He had warned the other party, but they still chose to attack themselves, then they would have to bear the corresponding consequences-strictly speaking, in the view of the Founder, this is already a very slight punishment. If they really annoyed a real dragon, then the entire city has already been completely destroyed by the dragon's breath, and even a piece of residue will not be left.
Even Akkad couldn't stop himself.
Founder knows that there must be an unspeakable deal between the top management of this country and that organization. As for the content of the transaction, Founder can guess with his imagination that the organization is studying vampires and is good at artificial vampires. It would be too normal to lure those senior government officials with this as a condition.
After all, small countries like South America have no status and influence in the world. They have no ambition to dominate the world, and they have no ability to rule the world. If they are second to none, eternal life is obviously their greatest pursuit at present. .
If Founder only teaches their troops, there will not be any harm to these vampire running dogs. On the contrary, in order to show loyalty, they may send more people to die. Therefore, Founder simply came to a wave of fierce, just to warn those who are confused, if you continue, I don't mind completely destroying your country.
Originally, the founder just hoped that his investigations could be smoother in the future, but what he did not expect was that Akkad had already succeeded?
So isn't it in vain?
But after thinking about it carefully, Founder also directly left the matter behind, anyway, what he should have done, there is nothing to say.
This time, Intergura was silent for a while, and eventually she said.
Your mission has been completed ~ ~ I will send someone to meet you and return immediately.
Roger that.
Frankly, Founder originally planned to turn South America upside down and turn out the old nest of that organization. But now that Akkad has received information about the other party, he will temporarily stop.
Anyway, after figuring out the other party's intentions, it is not too late to pack them up!
If Fang Zheng was only working on this kind of organization at the beginning, now he has a little bit of desire to frustrate the other party.
After all, there are some people you can't provoke!
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