Chapter 64: Meet old knowledge again

No wonder Fang Zheng was so surprised, because when he was going to subdue the other side, Fang Zheng also saw the face of that person clearly—he was the very dangerous knight who had fought with himself before, but Fang Zheng didn't expect , He would actually meet him here again.
"who are you?"
I heard Founder's inquiries, and Conan Cavaliers was also stunned. His struggling hands were also put down. He originally thought the other party was a cult, but he didn't expect this person to come in, but he called his name in one spit, and his appearance ...... looks familiar?
Thought of this, Conan Knight also frowned, looking to the Founder, while struggling to find his name in memory. But soon, the founder revealed the answer.
"I'm Founder."
"Are you Mr. Founder?"
Hearing this answer, Conan suddenly realized that he had widened his eyes and looked up and down to find the familiar traces from the young man.
"You are still alive, Mr. Founder, where have you been in the past six months? There is no news at all, and you have changed a lot ..."
方 Founder also understands Conan's doubts. His original body was about 18 or 9 years old. When rebuilding his body, Founder chose his 20-year-old appearance, so that the difference would not be too great. Fortunately, he left for more than half a year. Otherwise, if it is only a few days or a few months, then this change will be difficult to justify.
"It's a long story, in fact, I've been here for the past few days ... I never thought I'd been away for so long."
Xun answered the founder's sword while she stole the sword. He doesn't have to worry about what his answer will cause Conan Knight to be suspicious. This is a world with a fairly developed magical civilization. Many mages have mastered some spells that can connect to the dimension plane, and many people have mistakenly entered it Some world stories. As a matter of fact, Founder is back this time and is ready to go ... well, he has a bold idea again.
这样 "That's it ...... That's it, Knight Stone and Knight Malt know that they will be very happy."
"Well, let's talk about the old words."
Since the other person is someone he knows, then Founder doesn't need to be so alert. He looked around, and then asked curiously.
"What is going on here? It looks like you have been attacked?"
"Yes, that's it! Those cultists ..."
When I mentioned this, Conan Cavaliers was also very angry, telling the other party about the whole thing. And Founder finally knew what happened in the main world after he crossed.
After he defeated the son of Chaos, the underground cavity collapsed (so Founder finally understood why he was teleported to this ghost place). Fortunately, the Knights of Stone and Knight of Malt took the rest of them. The Templars managed to escape together. The Lord of the Lich disappeared, and the space barrier originally used to block it was lifted, so everyone returned to the temple after that.
As one of them, Conan Knight was released from the team after returning to the temple. This is not because the bishops' group is dissatisfied with them, but because the search team was originally a temporary gathering task. Now that the task has ended, everyone naturally disbands each home and seeks each mother.
By the way, according to Conan Knight, the Bishops ’League seems to have determined that those Templars killed in the pursuit of the cult before were killed by the Lord of the Lich, plus this time the other party ’s ceremony to lift the seal of the Son of Chaos More than a dozen Templar knights have been killed, and it can be said that the Lord of the Black Pot Lich is destined.
Conan Knight, who had finished his mission, returned to the Northern Alliance. This is his birthplace, and he also became a Templar here. He should have gone to the fortress of order to take part in the battle, but because he had been seriously injured during the battle with the Lord of the Lich, the Son of Chaos later gave him a wave of forbidden magic DEBUFF, causing his body also Become quite weak. As a result, Conan Knight was appointed to stay here, on the one hand to monitor the supply line, and on the other hand to recuperate. After all, everyone knows that the rear is not so dangerous compared to the front. And with the ability of Conan Cavaliers, it is naturally not bad. Otherwise, he will not be selected to join the team to Shadow Canyon.
At the beginning, I was quite idle, but as the days passed, Conan Cavaliers began to get nervous. He was also a member of the Order Fortress and naturally knew about the disaster of Warcraft. Although he can only be in the rear now, he also ordered everyone to be vigilant and ready to resist the disaster of Warcraft. At the same time, he specially dispatched two cavalry teams to patrol the rear and front.
And just three days ago, something strange happened.
It was just the first snowfall, when Conan Cavaliers found that he had not received a communication notice from the fortress of order, which made him a little puzzled. Because according to regulations, when the first snowfall came, the Order Fortress would contact the rear strongholds first to ensure that all of them were prepared for the disaster of Warcraft. This set of procedures has not changed since the Conan Knight joined the temple, but the first snow fell late into the night, and he did not receive a report. This made Conan Knight suddenly nervous, and he immediately sent one The cavalry went to the fortress of order to check the situation, and at the same time tried to contact the front with the temple's contact spar.
I still didn't respond.
This time Conan Knight felt that something was wrong, and he immediately reported to the rear temple headquarters, but then Conan Knight discovered that he could not get in touch with the headquarters.
Conan Cavaliers is also astounded at this moment, he has never encountered such a situation. But he is still an elite knight, and he has ridden the Lich Lord in Shadow Canyon. The reaction is not bad. Hastily ordered the entire stronghold to block martial law and start a level one combat readiness mode.
It's a pity that the opponent's action was faster than Conan's knights thought. Before his orders went out, those cultists launched an attack. They launched an attack on the entire stronghold. At the beginning, the temple soldiers fought with these cultists, but the opponent was too powerful, and there was even a mage who could control hellfire!
Mage of destruction is the backbone of the sect of the day of destruction, and the existence of the class of the great knight, the power is almost the same. If Stone or Malt were here, they might be able to block the opponent's footsteps. Conan was just a Templar, and he was recovering from a serious illness. He was not an opponent at all. The result was that before he could take a shot, the other party directly blasted the tower he was in, and the Conan Knight was buried directly inside.
It is also because of his life that the unlucky child was not crushed to death, but when he awoke, the entire stronghold was empty, and Conan Knight himself managed to escape from the rubble, Just after he had bandaged his wounds and was planning to look for the trail of those cultists, Founder also appeared here. At that time, Conan Knight did not know that it was Founder. He thought that it was those cults who had returned, so he ambushed by the wall and waited for a hostage. However, he did not expect to find him ...
"So this is ah………"
After listening to the story of Conan Knight, Founder didn't say much, just sighed and patted each other's shoulders.
"Well, relax, at least you are alive now, which is also a good thing, isn't it?"
After all, your name ... I won't say anything.
However, Conan's knight is not very good.
"I am only worried about what happened to the fortress now. We must know that in the face of the disaster of Warcraft, it is impossible for them to get away. Without the supplies from the rear, the fortress could not last for a month! Now ... these cultists have taken my subordinates again, and I am really worried about what they will do ... "
"Don't you have any reaction with the rear when you lose contact with the base?"
In the face of Founder's inquiry, Conan Knight shook his head ugly.
"Although the Northern Alliance should send someone to check it, in fact, it was all taken over by our temple, and ..."
I said here, Conan Knight didn't say much, just sighed long.
Of course, Fang Zhengzheng understands the meaning of the other party. On this continent, the relationship between countries is very delicate. It is even more subtle than on the earth. Although this continent is led by the most powerful countries such as the Holy State, other countries cannot be compared with them, but these major powers are not as free as the earth. Oppress small countries.
He originally thought that the great powers in this world could do whatever he wanted, but after reading the records of the temple, Founder found that the world was not exactly the same as he thought.
The reason is simple, because this is a magical world!
A small country was bullied by a big country and then destroyed. Their prince left his homeland, and then repeatedly encountered adventures. Eventually, he became a powerful legendary strongman and came back to counterattack revenge. This plot is not a novel on this continent, but It was really performed, even more than once!
There were once weak nations that were oppressed and unable to resist. Eventually, they were completely desperate, sacrificed the nation ’s citizens, opened the portal, and plunged the entire continent into a period of 150 years of dark war. But it is not a novel, but it is written in the history book!
This is a magical world where everything is possible!
Although these people eventually fell for various reasons, the crazy country was completely destroyed. But these are the lessons of blood! How do you know if there will be another Long Aotian in those weak countries?
Hey, let alone ruin your whole country, kill some of your royal family members casually, or stare at the capital city in a series of five fireball bombardments. Will your country's face be gone for thousands of years? Even if there is no magic on Earth, a passenger plane can hit a building, and human flesh bombs still slide. In this world, they are not human flesh bombs, they are all human flesh nuclear bombs!
The kind that can still be harmful to hundreds of years ~ ~ This is why the small countries have not been completely annexed by the large countries. It was not before that the ambitious monarchs wanted to destroy these small countries, but it was because Similar reasons ultimately failed. And after hundreds of years of continuous civil war in the continent, these great powers have come to a consensus-why should people be forced to run out of ideas? Bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes. Our land area is so large, resources are so rich, and society is so harmonious and stable. Why do we have to force people to die, then sacrifice a wave of to teleport, and then drag us in? Isn't this the brain?
Finally, after the death sacrifice, all nations on this continent gathered in Karon and signed the world-famous "Violet Covenant", stipulating that no country can easily declare war on another country unless it is in an emergency. . At the same time, the covenants between various countries are also limited.
So the situation on this continent is now basically equal to the alliance of countries and the union of each other through economic or military means.
也 The relationship between the Northern Alliance and the Holy State is also the same. The Northern Alliance was originally united by some small tribes in the north, and then sent representatives to form an alliance with the Holy State. The Holy State helps them guard the border, maintain order, and eliminate chaos. In return, the Northern Alliance needs to be responsible for the logistics supply of the fortress.
The two sides have been cooperating well, but Conan Knight also knows that things are not so simple, and there are many troubles in the Northern Alliance ...
But now is not the time to say this, so he quickly changed the subject.
"Mr. Founder, what do you think?"
I heard Conan Knight's inquiry, and Founder thought for a moment.
"All in all, let's see what happens."
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