Chapter 668: It's time to change history!

When Founder opened his eyes again, they had reached a vast prairie.
At this moment, at dawn, if the information given by Erya is correct, then a huge disaster will occur here in six hours, which will cause the death of 130 million people, and ... Bring a totally different transformation to this world.
And now, Founder they came here to stop all this.
"Are you all ready?"
Founder turned around and looked at the mad three and four aunts behind him, both of whom were a little nervous. Especially Kuangsan, who always had an elegant smile on his face, looked serious and solemn at this moment.
"You all know how to do it, but I have to remind you of one thing before you start the operation."
"What's up? Mr. Founder?"
Looking at the surrounding grassland, Kuangsan looked a little anxious, but still forced himself to calm down and look at the Founder, and asked. The Founder shrugged his shoulders, then looked at them.
"Well, first of all, I want to tell you something ...... don't underestimate the continuity of time."
"It's simple."
Looking at the bewildered Si Yan Nai and Kuang San, Fang Zheng stretched out a finger.
"We have returned to the past from the future, and for this past, our future is certain and affirmative. At least in the future where you are, Kuangsan and Sifang are two of you turned into elves, this It's a fait accompli — so don't think that we can simply prevent this from happening by simply destroying each other's plans. "
"So you asked me to choose this time period?"
After hearing Founder's explanation, Kuangsan frowned and asked, after having enough time to
, her original proposal was to return to half a year before the explosion, so that they would have enough Time to eliminate the three culprits, even if it fails, you can have a chance to come back. However, Founder rejected Kuangsan's suggestion. Instead, he chose this most radical time period—six hours before the big bang thirty years ago.
"Yes, indeed, with our ability, magicians who want to kill three mortals can be said to be easy. But there is no evidence that the world line will change because of their death."
As he said, Founder opened his hands.
"Note, for us, it's important-thirty years ago, these three neuropathies created a disaster to create the elves, and then the original elves appeared, and after a series of events, she split her own Power, and turned these powers into spirit crystals and gave them to you, Kuangsan and Shizunai, turning you into elves ... Of course, there are the unreliable subsections Erya and Wuheqin. It's the same. So the point is ... "
The Founder said here, flicking his finger forward.
"Thirty years later, there are you elves in this world. However, this does not mean that the middle process is also fixed. Indeed, in our known history, the emergence of elves and the three magicians It ’s related. But this does n’t explain anything, even if we kill them a few years earlier, or even destroy all their manuscripts and documents, maybe fate will make us a big joke, for example, they have The apprentice inherited their research, or an unrelated passerby accidentally picked up a log file that we are likely to accidentally forget ... "
The Founder shrugged.
"You know, this world is full of all kinds of accidents. Maybe we do more and just change the process, but it won't change the result of" Elf Elves Appear 30 Years Later. "
"... So, is everything we do useless?"
Hearing here, Siyi Nai asked timidly, and Kuangsan shook his head.
"I don't care, Mr. Founder, you know what my purpose is."
"Well, I just give you a shot."
Founder certainly knew that Kuangsan didn't care about the continuity of history and time. What she wanted to do was change the past of herself who had killed her friends and other innocent people.
For Kuangsan, this is the most important.
"In fact, we came here precisely because this process can be changed ... ... there are countless futures in history, but each has its cause and basis. We came here to destroy this foundation . "
That's right, according to the information that Founder obtained from the angel of Erya, before the big bang, the three magicians were simply not so ordinary people who slightly used some weak magic. But after the Big Bang, they worked out random fields and became powerful magicians.
In other words, the emergence of random fields is actually closely related to this explosion.
The essence of the explosion was that the three magicians used their techniques to condense the magic of the world and make it manifest.
What Founder has to do is destroy this "foundation."
As he said, even if these three people are killed, fate is likely to re-fix the future in another way. But it is not impossible to change.
That is where the ritual is the most critical. When the magic is completely condensed, the founder will destroy the technique, and then the magic will be completely burned.
In this way, the world will change from a "low-magic world" to a "no-magic world", and lose the foundation of "magic power." No matter how hard fate works, it is impossible to create a very knowledgeable "elf" The presence.
That's why Founder chose this time period and came here.
"Crazy three, four aunty, you have to obey my orders for a while, you must not have a slight hesitation, understand?"
Although I don't know if things will go so smoothly, just in case, the Founder issued an order. Kuangsan and Siyan looked at each other, then nodded.
"Ok, no problem."
"I will work hard ... Mr. Founder ..."
Time passes by every minute.
When the sun reached high above noon, three figures appeared above the field.
In front of them was a round device-a magic furnace.
A powerful device capable of absorbing magic from the sky to the earth, and even all things, and condensing it.
Next, as long as you sing elves, you can concentrate the magic of the whole world on this point, and then create a whole new life.
With the birth of the elves, a new world covering the real world will also take shape.
That is the future that magicians desire.
Belongs to their world.
"it has started………"
Hiding in the shadows, watching everything in front of him, Kuangsan's voice was a little trembling, while Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the device. He can feel that the huge magic power is gradually condensing and compressed into the direction where the magic furnace is located. With the chanting, the magic around the magic furnace turned into a shining light ~ ~ But, it is not enough ...
Founder clenched his fists, hiding in the shadows. Beside him, Kuangsan's body shook slightly, and when he noticed the tension of Kuangsan, Fangzheng reached out his hand and held her shoulder.
"Don't be nervous, crazy three, remember. We have zero-time fans, which means we have countless opportunities to change all of this. This time it is unsuccessful, and the next time, so ... you don't need to press yourself too much. , Maybe it will have the opposite effect. "
"Whew ... Thank you, Mr. Founder."
Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Kuangsan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and then her original rigid expression became softer.
"I will act as planned."
"Very well, remember, after one second of my hands, you immediately stepped forward to kill the three magicians, don't hesitate, don't make nonsense, just kill them directly, and then take Siji Nai to be alert to the situation around you. Prevent accidents. Whatever I want you to do, you just have to do it, understand? "
At this moment, the roar of the magic furnace is getting louder, and Founder can feel that the unparalleled huge magic power is condensing and forming, and is about to reach a critical point. The three magicians seemed to be aware of this, and they showed excitement and joy, staring at it all.
Then the headed magician raised his hands.
"It's now!"
When the magician opened his mouth to sing the final elves, Fang Zheng suddenly leapt out of the shadows. He raised his right hand, and the dark sword appeared in the hand of the Founder, passing through the earth with the howling wind, and a sword pierced the center of the magic furnace that was constantly roaring and shining with power!
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