Chapter 687: End of Act 1 (Part 1)

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There are actually two followers?
Xiao Hei's attack also made Red Saber start to be alert. She was not able to kill the little girl in front of her, and now there is an archer staring at her in the distance ... Although the follower is better than herself The imagination is even weaker, but the red saber is not arrogant enough to think that she can fight two followers at the same time, let alone she does not know where her master is.
The other side created a huge inherent enchantment that looked like a maze, apparently to isolate her from the master. At the moment, the red saber doesn't know where her master is. In principle, the best way at present is to go immediately Meet with my master, but can't find anyone ...
Although Red Saber hopes that he can find a solution quickly, the archer of the other party does not seem to give her this time. Soon, an arrow shot quickly from a distance and flew towards the key of Red Saber. . The red saber was only able to grit his teeth and gave Yilia a vicious glance, then quickly turned and jumped off the high wall, and quickly fled the battlefield from the other side.
Watching the red saber leave, Ilya was relieved and put down the sword in her hand.
"Really, what are you doing?"
At this time, Xiao Hei and Si Yan Nai flew over from the other side and landed next to Eliya.
"As a magical girl, can't you even win saber?"
"Woo ...... just a little bit of luck! Besides, if Xiao Hei comes to you earlier for help, I won't be so embarrassed!"
What Ilia said is also true. Although her fantasy calling and class restraint are very good abilities, they have great problems.
Fantasy Summoner can turn Ilya into all professional heroes except acrher, but her attributes will be weaker than the original hero. For example, if Ilya turns into a lancer, and the average attribute value of this hero is a, then the attribute value of Ilya after turning into this hero is probably at the level of b.
In this case, according to the effect of class restraint, if Elia, who is transformed into a lancer, encounters saber, her overall attributes will drop by one class again, from b to c. But if an archer is encountered, the average attribute of Ilya will rise from b to s, which is the real effect of the ability of class restraint.
If she changed to any other profession, Ilya could find a rank that restrained her to transform, but she happened to encounter saber, but the only thing Ilya could not transform was archer ... ...
In addition, Ilia's luck is quite bad. The heroes of the fantasy summon are random. This time, the basic attributes of the transfiguration heroes she summoned are not very strong. Crawling around.
"It's all right, Eliya? Was there any injuries?"
And at this time, Shizunai hurriedly came to Eliya's side, took her hand, and looked at her worriedly. Ilya smiled and waved.
"Don't worry about it, Sister Nagisa, it's just a little hurt, it's not a problem, but the saber ..."
"I just got in touch with my elder brother, and the saber and her master will give it to the elder brother and elder sister."
Inside the deep passage, it was dark.
What the is this place?
The middle-aged man clenched the shotgun in his hand and stared vigilantly. Just now, he was still chasing the girl who was suspected as the enemy's lord, but the next moment he found himself suddenly appearing in such a complicated king city. There are dilapidated ruins and houses everywhere, which is obviously not the ability of her own saber, then there may only be the ghost of the little the opposite side ... I really did not expect that she still has that kind of power.
You must kill the Lord as soon as possible!
Thinking of this, the middle-aged man is also looking around with vigilance. So far, this inherent enchantment feels like a huge maze. Obviously, this is to isolate him from saber ...
"Da da da……!"
Just as the middle-aged man walked through the passage, there was a rushing sound of sound not far away, and the middle-aged man hurriedly turned back and raised his shotgun and shot it. Ringing, not far away, a figure running back to the man screamed, and then fell heavily to the ground.
Catch you!
Looking at the silhouette falling, the middle-aged man was also happy. He quickly took out a grenade from his waist, then pulled out the insurance and threw it at the place where the silhouette fell.
After the grenade smashed on the black shadow, it suddenly exploded, and the fire burst out, instantly engulfing the petite black shadow.
Was it killed?
The middle-aged man raised his weapon vigilantly, looked forward, and moved step by step towards the place where the grenade exploded. What surprised him was that when he arrived at the previous explosion site, he was surprised to find that no one was visible there, not even the stump of the corpse.
At the same time, a strange laugh came from behind him.
"Woohoo ..."
not good!
Hearing this laughter, the middle-aged man suddenly felt cold and upright. As a man born and dying on the battlefield for so many years, he has been accompanied by death at this moment, and he felt that cold horror again. He immediately turned towards the corner next to him and hid in the dead corner of the wall next to him. Almost at the same time, with the sound of a "bang", the brick wall in front of the middle-aged man was suddenly knocked out. Hunk.
Damn, it really is a trap!
After noticing that the middle-aged man no longer hesitated, he clenched his right hand and raised it.
"I ordered in the name of the curse, saber, come to me!"
The middle-aged man's voice has not yet fallen, and with a golden light flashing, the red saber appeared next to him in the next moment.
"Master, you finally use the spell!"
"I can't help it. We were fooled. We thought it was Little Red Riding Hood. I didn't expect the other party to be a big wolf! I gave it to you, saber. That master is a bit weird. I might not be alone!"
The master and servant talked briefly, and then Red Saber turned around and rushed out of the corner, holding up his sword to stand in front of him. Soon, she saw that on the other side of the road, a dark-haired girl was standing there. If Red Saber remembered correctly, it was the girl behind Red Saber when she met the follower ... ...
It's just different from the previous one. At the moment, she is wearing a pair of horsetails of different lengths, and she is wearing a red and black dress. Holding two long and one short musket in both hands is not only the case, but also makes red saber feel weird Yes, in the girl's left eye is a golden clock that is moving slowly.
"go to hell!"
Although a little puzzled, the red saber still roared, and then she lifted the long sword and swung it down. Soon, the bright red lightning turned into the sword light again, and split it towards the girl ~ ~ But in the face of this Jianguang, the girl did not dodge or hide, so she stood in place, then picked up the spear in her hand and aimed at the front, and pulled the trigger.
"this is……………!?"
Seeing this scene in front of her, Red Saber and her master were stunned, and saw the girl still standing in place, without the slightest look of injury, and at the same time, not far from her, Red Saber played magically. The sword of light was frozen in the air as if suspended. The young girl, like dancing at the ball, gracefully made a circle and moved to the side. Then, just as she landed, the sword light seemed to lift the restriction and turned into a beast and the young girl passing by. , On the wall not far behind her.
That's ... what the hell?
"Woohoo, this is the power of followers. It looks really amazing."
However, the girl at this moment still has a very calm and elegant expression on her face.
"That being the case, then let me play against you ...... Come out, carved Emperor!"
As she said, the girl raised her right hand to accompany her movements. The next moment, the invisible magic broke out, and then a huge clock full of two people appeared just behind the girl!
Seeing this scene, the red saber and the middle-aged man were surprised. With the liberation of the angels, they could feel that the magic power of the girl in front of her suddenly increased several times, not even worse than the red saber as a follower!
Could it be said that this girl is also a hero! !!
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