Chapter 695: Killing by gun is also a skill

The shining sword light tore the dark forest for an instant.
At this moment, almost all the spirits could not help turning their heads and looked in the direction of the brilliant burst, and at this moment Danike also changed his face slightly, and his eyes showed a cold look.
The roaring light almost runs through the forest, and even the black BERSERKER hastily avoided it. Although the target of this treasure is the enemy's red RIDER, if one is bad, he will be involved. Therefore, Black Berserker also obeyed his master's order and withdrew from the battlefield backward as quickly as possible.
"Hah ... Haha ..."
Jian Guang disappeared, and Black SABER half-knelt on the ground, breathing heavily. The treasure tool just consumed a lot of his power, so that even the black SABER could not fully bear this consumption. But before the black SABER recovered, a voice came from behind him.
"That's it, it's you ...... the Dragon Slayer."
"— !!!!!!"
Hearing this voice, Black Saber also quickly turned around and raised the long sword in his hand, blocking the spear that almost flew out like thunder. In front of him, Red Rider stood intact and looked at him, just now The blow merely added a few marks to the armor on him, but it did not hurt him at all.
However, in contrast, his real name was exposed, and it also represented his greatest weakness, which was already known to the enemy.
"I didn't expect such a stupid MASTER. I thought it would take some work, but now it seems much more convenient !!"
Shouting, Red Rider launched a storm-like attack against Black SABER. Like irony, this time he no longer chose to attack positively. Instead, it started to spin around the black SABER, trying to attack his back-to be precise, it is well-known that the dragon-slaying hero Sigefei's biggest weakness.
This time, the situation of the black SABER immediately became critical, and he had to resist the attack of Red Rider to protect his weakness, even if his head was penetrated or his heart was hit. If the deadliest part is attacked by the enemy, then his existence as a follower will disappear completely!
If the enemy is just RIDER, then SABER may have a way to retreat, but the problem is that he is facing more than one enemy.
Just as the Black SABER resisted the attack of the Red Rider, an arrow passed through the dense forest and shot straight at his back. Hearing that something bad was happening, Black SABER hurriedly turned again, avoiding the threat of this arrow. But Red Rider took advantage of this opportunity to quickly come behind Black SABER, and shot at Black SABER again.
The long gun rubbed the back of the black SABER and stabbed him into the shoulder. At the moment of the first shot, the black SABER escaped the deadly attack, but ... this is not enough! !!
This time, the Red Archer chose to shoot multiple arrows in succession, continuously shooting towards the center of the back of the Black SABER. The black SABER had to choose to retreat again. The situation now seemed to him a bit critical. Although the black BERSERKER rushed to try to cover it, it was obviously too late. If it can be recalled with a command spell ...
"Catch you."
When the sword in the hands of Black SABER flew the arrow in front of him, the sound of Red Rider sounded in his ear again.
Immediately the next moment, the black SABER felt the sharp spear, pierced through his back, and penetrated his body.
Everything is like a repetition at the time. At the moment of the fall, the black SABER seems to be back to hundreds of years ago. At that time, he readily accepted death, but now ...?
Black SABER didn't have time to find the answer, because at this moment, his body gradually turned into particles of light, and thus disappeared into the air.
"Now, Xiao Hei!"
"Yes, big brother!"
With the Founder's shout, Xiao Hei suddenly leapt out of the shadows. She raised her hands, two scimitars appeared in Xiao Hei's hands, and then she turned into an arrow off the string, and quickly moved away. The red ARCHER on the branch rushed over!
Founder ’s chance was very good. At this moment, the red ARCHER looked at the death of the black SABER, and was just relieved. It was when the vigilance was relatively low, and the appearance of the little black was so sudden that even the red ARCHER was I was caught off guard. But as the archer of the red side, of course, she was not so easily defeated. In the face of Xiao Hei, Red Archer turned around without any hesitation and leapt backwards. At the same time, he took a bow and fired an arrow, and three arrows flew out in a blink of an eye. Black key.
But beyond the surprise of ARCHERER, the petite girl faced her attack and rushed towards herself. And just when those three arrows were about to hit her, all of a sudden, a few magical radiances appeared on Xiao Hei's body, and then the three arrows seemed to hit the invisible barrier. Xiao Hei's body slipped away without causing any harm!
how is this possible?
Red ARCHER was also shocked, but as a seasoned hunter, she certainly would n’t mess around with it. I saw Red Archer stepping on a branch in place, and then quickly retreated, trying to pop up with this suddenly. Girl pulls away.
But soon, Red Archer saw that the girl also stepped on the branch she was standing on, but this time, she did not continue to follow immediately, instead she raised her hands staggered, and then waved suddenly.
Four scimitars spun out of the girl's hand and flew into a cross shape, blocking the path of the Red Archer from the top to the bottom.
"Do you want to bring me down to this extent ?!"
Red ARCHER snorted, raised his long bow again and fired at the scimitar in front of him, and soon, arrows shot out, hitting the scimitars. What Red Archer didn't expect was that at this time, suddenly, a petite figure appeared behind her, and at the same time, the four scimitars that were originally flying by themselves were attracted by magnets. Fly back again.
"Let you see my slaying, these wings that will never fall after wading mountains and rivers-three wings of crane wings!"
With Xiao Hei's shouting, the next moment, the six staggered Jianguang tear the body of Red Archer.
"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"
With the screaming and splashing blood, the Red Archer fell down from the sky, which was a killer and almost impossible to resist. For the red ARCHER with an endurance of only E, this is completely unstoppable killing power!
And this is not the end!
"Mighty Magic Missile Storm!"
Hundreds of magic missiles erupted from the founder's fingertips at this moment ~ ~, rushing towards the Red Archer.
will die!
Looking at the dense light bullets, Red Archer felt only a cold. The power of these magic missiles is far from being comparable to the "Gandr" used by magicians in this world. If he is hit, there is no doubt that he will be seriously injured, or even broken into pieces!
"Woo ---!"
At this moment, the red ARCHER also burst into a great desire for survival. She suddenly kicked herself on the big tree next to her, kicked it directly and kicked it off. As a shield, she blasted forward. She fled back quickly with the help of reaction.
"Want to run? Where is it so easy!"
Seeing that Red Archer actually wanted to slip away, of course, Founder would not let her go so easily. I saw that he slammed his finger, and the next moment the cloud of death, ice storm and rainbow light wall appeared in front of Red Archer. According to Founder's prediction, as long as she can delay her speed a little, then Xiao Hei and the ensuing storm of magic missiles will break Red Archer into pieces.
But then, what happened to Founder did not expect it.
Facing the obstacles, Red Archer did not hesitate at all. Instead, she went straight through the rainbow wall in front of her and the death clouds with negative energy, and then several ups and downs disappeared into the jungle in the distance.
Seeing this scene, Founder couldn't help but stun.
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