Chapter 702: The red side doesn't seem to have a big advantage

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The arrow of light rain fell from the sky and fell into the crowd.
The roaring arrows pierced the bodies of the androids, breaking the puppet's hard shell into pieces. Although the attack power of this arrow itself is not high and has no effect on the followers, it is different for these fragile robots and puppets.
"Is this the opening of the Jiaotong University to show friendship?"
The Founder was standing on the wall of Tolifas, watching the battlefield in the distance, and at the same time he opened his terminal and began to "appreciate" this unprecedented Holy Grail war.
With the round of bombing of the red archer treasure, the formation of the androids and the puppets completely collapsed. The Longya Corps under the floating city also took the opportunity to swarm up and attacked the castle.
If it was an army of human beings, then the wave of unreasonable shooting just now would be enough to collapse their morale. However, after all, humans are not human. Although they can't be ruthless like steel, they quickly organized the formation and raised the weapons in their hands to start a melee with the dragon tooth soldiers who came forward.
At the same time, followers on both sides marched towards the battlefield.
The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield ...... the whole army strikes!
"Well, this game has started, let's see the heroes on both sides."
As Founder looked at the screen in front of him, he began to understand.
"The first is the red side, the red side is lancer Garner, the middle side is rider Achilles, the auxiliary below are caster Shakespeare and assassin Semiramis, and the jungle is archer Atalan. This is A very aggressive output choice. Black's order is Lancer Vlad III, the middle order is archer Karon, below is berserker Frankenstein for adc, the auxiliary is rider Astorford and caster ... ...... What's forgotten, as well as giving away the wild red berserker ... ... well, we can ignore this. "
Looking at the laughing red silserker on the screen, Fang Zheng waved his hand and cut off the picture decisively.
"In terms of numbers, the two sides are similar. Although we have an additional jungler and an auxiliary ap, they are basically the same. Now let's take a look at the battle ..."
In the voice of Founder's commentary, the battle started.
As a lightning fell from the sky, the red rider first took action, and saw that he called out a battlefield with a whistle, and howled toward the front of the battlefield.
Achilles, who was born in the rank of rider, was naturally extraordinary. The ordinary artificial person could not resist the impact of him. After the onslaught of that chariot, all the artificial persons who were in front of him were too late to be approached. Bang Fei. Even those hard puppets were smashed into chaos by chariots.
"Ha ha ha! Is this the only thing? Where is Black's follower, come out and fight me!"
Waving the spear in his hands in excitement, the rider rushed forward. But soon, the fragment of the puppet that was smashed under his chariot suddenly melted like mud, wrapping the chariot in it, and then solidified again, turning into a hard rock. As a result, the assault of the rider was also contained. At the same time, seizing this opportunity, the androids around him quickly raised their weapons and rushed towards the red rider.
"Hahaha, it's useless at all, you miscellaneous fish !!"
Laughing, the red rider lifted the spear in his hand and flew in the air, accompanied by the cold light flashing, the artificial man fluttering towards the red rider was instantly torn, and the gushing blood scattered on the ground like rain. Covered the sight of the red rider.
At this moment, an arrow suddenly passed through the scattered corpses and blood, and hit the neck of the red rider.
The red rider was suddenly shocked at the sudden attack, but as a battle-hardened hero, he still waved his spear in time to block the attack of that arrow, but even so, the sharp arrow still rubbed the red rider His neck flew past, leaving him a scar.
Feeling the hot pain in the neck, the red rider smiled excitedly instead.
"Is that you? Black's archer! Come out and let's have a good fight !!"
As if in response to the shouts of the red rider, soon, several arrows flew out from the gap of the puppet again, but this time did not play a role in the face of the red rider that had been prepared, and It was hit directly. But even so, with the direction of the arrows, Redrider also determined the position of the opponent.
"Is it here ?!"
Shouting loudly, the red rider abandoned the chariot, and leaped forward towards the place where the arrow was shot. He raised his spear and stabbed forward, and the roaring air burst immediately, breaking the hard and huge demon in front of him into pieces. . At the same time, a figure quickly leapt out from behind the broken body of the puppet, and once again pulled away from the red rider with the help of other puppets.
"Stop, don't run !!!"
Looking at the black archer actually intending to escape, of course the red rider did not intend to give up, while shouting, he continued to catch up.
"Okay, we saw that Red Rider Achilles had a strong start because of his strong opposition. But after being attacked, he abandoned the midway and has been lured into the forest by the black archer ... I do n’t know what will happen when Achilles discovers that the other person is his own teacher, but as far as I am concerned ...

Having said that, Founder shrugged his shoulders, and the teacher in the world of the moon is a dangerous job. Look at Tosaka Toshizaka, Yan Feng Qi Li, and Ge Muzong Ichiro, which one will end well?
"Now we can only expect that the black archer will not be killed by the big moon will ... ... Let's look at the situation in the other two ways. The two lancers on the order seem to be half a catty, neither of which can cause damage to the enemy. Fatal injury. But it seems that Vlad III is more fierce, and it seems that it is a great achievement in this land ... "
Looking at Vlad III who manipulated the spikes and fought against Garner, the Founder couldn't help feeling. If it was set according to life, then Vlad III would not be Garner's opponent. But now, with his legendary popularity bonus in Romania, he can actually deal with Garna and even have a slight advantage.
From this point ...... Black's master is still a bit reliable this time.
But what founder was puzzled was that, in that case, why did no one summon the heroes from Japan during World War IV and Five? Since the battlefield is Winterwood, then a native-born hero such as Nobunaga Oda or something should have more visibility and strength bonuses ... ... seeing Kojiro's pseudo-assassin can actually cut saber, it can be imagined Know how powerful this is ...
"Well, the top road seems to be stale for a while. Let's look at the bottom road ...... The black berserker is obsessed with the soldiers. The black rider is riding a gryphon to go straight to the air fortress and cut the back row. As for whether he can Success depends on God ’s blessing. On the other side ...

As he said, Founder switched the screen again ... and then he shrugged helplessly.
"Well, the two junglers are already at war."
The battle was now stalemate, the red rider was lured into the forest by the black archer to single out, and the two lancers were in separate duels. The black berserker frantically cleaned up the troops, smashing one Dragonfang soldier into a mess. As for the red archer, it is playing with the red berserker ... But it seems that the situation of the red archer is not so good?
The roaring arrows flew past, directly through Red Musserker's muscular body. However, the attack that was enough to let him be fatally injured did not kill the red berserker at all. Although his knees and body were penetrated by the arrows shot by the red archer, the other side did not mean to stop at all, but laughed Rushing towards the red archer again.
"This is a monster!"
Looking at the scene in front, the red archer was also surprised, and hurriedly backed away from the red berserker, and while she jumped away, the red berserker's dagger almost fell on the forehead of the red archer and fell on it. A piece of gravel carried on the ground.
While jumping and dodging, the red archer bent his bow again and hit the arrow again and hit the red berserker's body again and again. But his speed didn't stop at all. Not only that, the red archer can even clearly see that during the running, the red berserker's muscular body was spontaneously wriggling, and then the muscles on his entire body began to swell. The strong, stiff, squeezing the arrows that pierced it.
This is too exaggerated! !!
Seeing this scene, Red Archer also took a sigh of relief ~ ~ As a partner of the same camp, of course, she learned from the young priest that this Berserker ’s Spartacus ’s wounded animal Roar, in simple terms, this is a treasure that can transform enemy damage into magic, store it in the body for regeneration and ability enhancement. The more damage he receives, the greater the power he has accumulated, and it will become huge because of it ... but the red archer did not expect that this treasure would be so tricky!
Can't go on like this!
Thinking of this, the red archer jumped in a hurry, as if the cat fell on the shoulder of the red berserker, and then grabbed his head with a strong force and yanked it upward. Then he took the arrow and inserted it into the red berserker's neck like a knife, then Swipe sideways.
Blood spurted out, and Red Berserker's head was torn out of a huge mouth. Red Archer took a leap forward, dodging his counterattack again, then raised his head, looked at the enemy in front of him, and was surprised. Eyes widened.
I saw countless pieces of meat pouring out of the red berserker's neck as if they were torn, gradually turning into large pieces. Soon, the red berserker's head was swallowed by the swollen pieces of meat, leaving only a small half of his face ... and even so, he still uttered a loud laugh, and continued to oscillate, which had been unable to regenerate. The disproportionate body rushed towards the red archer.
Seeing this, Founder turned off the video silently.
It's so disgusting.
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