Chapter 727: ... in the guard house ...

"So you mean, is there a mental model that can help us?"
When he came to the gate of Zhenshoufu, the Founder looked at the Musashi side by side.
"Then why don't you call her directly? I remember you have a mental network."
"This mental model is something special ..."
In the face of Founder's inquiry, Musashi showed a little hesitation and embarrassment.
"She is not the same as other mental models, it is difficult to call her through the mental network, and ... she is also unsteady on weekdays, it is difficult to find her ... ... in fact, even I am creating her I have only met her since then, and many mental models have even heard of such an existence ... "
After the establishment of the Royal Fleet, because Musashi was responsible for the security of the Heavenly Temple, Founder opened the authority to build the fleet to Musashi. He also knew that he was completely unfamiliar with the fleet, and what kind of warships he needed depended on his feelings. In contrast, as a fleet commander, Musashi is obviously more competent than himself. So Founder simply let Musashi take care of himself, and what kind of warships are needed to build them-anyway, the core is in the hands of little angels.
According to Nimfu, Musashi also built some mental models during this time, but on the hull side, because the Founder is not there, they use the random type that consumes the least ... ... what depends on the face.
Fortunately, Musashi's luck seems pretty good ...
"What's the situation? I remember your training wasn't very rigorous?"
After hearing Musashi's introduction, Founder was a little hesitant. He also came to Zhenshoufu several times and watched the training of these mental models. In general, their training content was no different from the ordinary military. Including run-and-strike training, Founder estimates that these mental models have directly downloaded the training content of the military network in the blue world and directly followed the gourd drawing.
Of course, because they are ship maidens, their training and punishment are naturally different from humans. For example, the long-distance running is a lap around Tiandao Palace within two hours. The lowest-ranking squadron maiden is thrown from Tiandao Palace directly to the sea without any safety devices. And the lazy ship mother who trains for laziness will be punished for the maintenance and construction of the Tiandao Palace shipping terminal-alone.
Don't be surprised even if you see a ship maiden carrying hundreds of kilograms of boulder back and forth on the road, that's to train yourself.
Although Founder thinks that this is actually of little significance to the ship's mother who is composed of nanometers.
"The situation is here."
Musashi also sighed helplessly.
"She was there every time training was reported, and according to all mental models, she was also every time training, but I do n’t know why she disappeared after the training was disbanded. In fact, she was in the same group as her The ship's mother couldn't remember her name. I just read the report and found that her hull is not the same as an ordinary warship ... so I left it in mind.
How does this sound like an urban monster?
"So what do we do now?"
"Most of the mental models are currently working on the construction of the dock. I have asked mental models who are on vacation in the town guard to help find 14o8 ... ... this is her code name, and I will remember this. If it is not unexpected Outside, then she should be in a corner of this town guard house. She can easily recognize it, as long as she sees the 14o8 brand name on her chest, she should be her. "
"In other words, are we going to play hide and seek?"
Hearing this, Xiao Hei was eager to try it, and then she grabbed Eliya and Shizunai.
"Let's go, Eliya, Shizunai, let's play a ghost catching game!"
After saying this, Xiao Hei ran away happily with his two little girls. Kuangsan smiled helplessly, and then she quickly turned and followed.
"I'll check it out too, lest these kids have any accidents."
"So that's it."
Looking at the crowds who followed him to release the ducks, the Founder simply let himself go. Both Nimfu and Heikati have something to do, so they didn't watch the excitement together. Right beside the eyes, besides the mad three Eliya, are the adjusters such as Xia Shi and Busch Tsui and the famous follower of Atalan.
"So, master, I'll look there. As a hunter, I'm still very confident in tracking the prey."
As he said, Atalan saluted Fang Zheng a respectfully, then turned and walked towards the mountain on the other side of Zhenshoufu. Strange to say, the original Atalan's attitude towards Fang Zheng was still a bit lukewarm, but after coming to the Heavenly Palace, Atalan's attitude toward the other side was much better, and it could even be considered ... ……affectionate?
Could it be Stockholm syndrome?
"Anyway, it's idle, so let's check it out ...… by the way, Musashi, that 14o8 ... ... always has its own room, let's go to her room first."
Adhering to the iron rule of "the prisoner will definitely return to the crime scene," Founder soon made a decision. Upon hearing his orders, Musashi and Iona's expressions were a little strange, but they nodded.
"Of course, come with me."
The interior style of Zhenshoufu, like its exterior, presents a very typical Western style, which is why Founder chose to build the building at that time-after all, it must be matched with the town outside.
So when he saw Iona and Musashi opening the metal elevator in the corridor next to him, Fang Zheng was calm.
"Why don't I remember there's an elevator here?"
Founder clearly remembered that the town hall he built was a three-story building, but there were stairs, elevators ...... Does this seem to be true?
"It was built by 14o8."
At this time Iona said helplessly.
"She is a logistic ship. It is her expertise to build these ... In fact, we did not know that 14o8 was rebuilt until then. Originally, Musashi and I wanted to punish her, but ..."
"......... can't find anyone."
Musashi silently picked up what Iona didn't finish, and the two little girls showed a tired look in front of Fang at the same time.
"It's really interesting ~ ~ Looking at the expression" I don't want to say anything "in front of Iona and Musashi, Founder is also curious and Xia Shi and Cui look at each other. To know Yi Since Ona and Musashi are the flagship of the fleet, they definitely have a big heart. But even they both show a "don't ask me I don't want to mention anything", which is really curious.
"When is this elevator head?"
Looking at the elevator with the flashing down arrow, Founder also felt something wrong. He secretly calculated the elevator's descent and time in his heart ... This 14o8 should not have dug through his heavenly palace. Right!
"No, it's coming soon."
But in the face of Founder's inquiry, Musashi shook her head, then she looked to the side, and Iona nodded immediately.
"Yes, it will be here soon, right."
Xia Shi and Cui also looked at each other as they looked at Yiona, but they nodded.
"This ......... It should be coming soon ......?"
"That's right, do you think it's coming, Captain?"
What the hell?
Seeing the other girls looking at themselves, Founder was speechless for a while, but he had never been here, how can I know if it was coming? But since everyone else says so, then ...
"Well, I think it's almost here."
The founder's voice had just fallen, and the elevator's descending degree suddenly slowed down the next moment, followed by a light sound, and then the elevator door slowly opened in front of Founder and others.
Founder: "………………"
What exactly happened to him?
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