Chapter 728: Ghost catching game in the guard house (on)

Stepping out of the elevator, Founder was surprised. The weird place here was not just that elevator.
Unlike the slightly old-fashioned style of Zhenshoufu itself, outside the elevator is a very modern, pure white hall, which looks like some kind of high-tech facility. Not only that, in this hall, Founder also saw a row of green plants under the corner of the wall being illuminated by fluorescent lights, and things around it that looked like research instruments. Even the side founder found a compartment made entirely of glass ... From the equipment inside, it seems that it is an emergency room or icu ...
Is this a hospital? Or what research institution failed? Founder hasn't thought of equipping Tiandao Palace with a special research institution, but now it seems that there is a shipwoman who wants to make one herself?
"14o8, are you there?"
Musashi asked, her voice echoed in the empty hall, but there was no response. I do n’t know why, it looks very empty here, even if the footsteps of Fang Zheng and others seem to be slowly engulfed in it ...... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>
"Brother Founder, I always feel a little scary here ..."
Cui rested uneasily beside Fang Zheng, and reached out to clasp Fang Zheng's clothes tightly, while Fang Zheng tapped her little head.
"Don't worry, I am here to protect you, and this is inside the Temple of Heaven. What danger can it have?"
"Although this is said ..."
"14o8? The captain is looking for you, have you heard? Come out soon."
Iona also stepped forward and shouted a few times in the hall, but it was clear that no one was here. Even the side of the table full of documents that looked like research was empty, with only a cup of steaming coffee ... it looked like the main talent here had left here shortly.
"Are you resting?"
Founder glanced at the other steel gates on the wall in front of him and asked, while Iona and Musashi looked at each other, and then saw the two of them walking to one of the gates, and then the gate "唰 "slipped away. Exposing the deep passageway inside ... wait, what kind of ghost did this guy dug into Tiandao Palace? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>
"In short ... let's find out ..."
The only thing Founder can say now is this.
At the same time, in the courtyard of Zhenshou Mansion, Xiao Hei was also taking Eliya and Siye Nai to look for the legendary 14o8 ship maiden everywhere.
"How do you feel you can't find it anywhere ..."
Xiao He folded his hands and looked around boringly, muttering in a low voice. And Ilya and Shizunai also walked and looked at each other. Only Kuangsan smiled and followed behind the three of them ... It was enough for her to do the job of finding someone, and she did n’t need to do it herself.
"14o8 ...... where is 14o8 ......?"
Although everyone encountered several ship maidens on the way, there was no shadow of 14o8. Not only that, facing Xiao He ’s inquiries, the ship maids also said that their impression of 14o8 was similar to Musashi and Iona. I know that there is such a person, and it seems that she has vaguely trained with her, but when Xiao Hei asked what the 14o8 ship maiden looked like or had any characteristics, no one could answer it ... & 1t; i > & 1t; / i>
But this has aroused Xiao Hei's interest.
"This is so interesting, I must find the 14o8! Take a good look at what she looks like!"
"really interesting………"
At this moment, Kuangsan also became interested. She almost spread her avatars around the entire perimeter of Zhenshoufu. As a result, the information returned showed that they had never seen the ship maiden. Of course, for safety reasons, Kuangsan also sent a few avatars to the street and the dock to see the situation--maybe they went shopping?
"Wait a minute, I'll go up and see the situation!"
After saying this, Xiao Hei turned around, and in three or two steps, he quickly ran to the top of the clock tower next to him, narrowed his eyes, and swept around quickly. Later, Little Black immediately reached out and pointed at the square on the other side of the courtyard.
"Ah- !! There! On the chair under that statue, I saw it! A big sister with a long black straight head who is looking at a book, her nameplate says 14o8!" & 1t; i > & 1t; / i>
After saying this, Little Black jumped suddenly, then quickly stepped on the tiles all the way across the roof and ran towards the square. And when she saw Xiao He acted, Ilya was suddenly surprised.
"Wait, Xiao Hei, you're running away, too cunning!"
"Hahaha, this is everyone's ability, Eliya, if you lose, you must admit that I am your sister?"
Leaving this sentence, Xiao Hei disappeared in front of everyone in three steps and two steps.
"Well, it's impossible. I must be here first! Sister Nagano, let's go!"
"Ah good………"
In the face of the violent Iriya, Siji Nai nodded instinctively, and then she was pulled directly by Ilya and flew towards the square.
"Ah, I saw it!" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>
Soon, Eliya and Shizunai flying in the sky also showed the figure that Xiao Hei was sitting on the chair reading under the statue. It's just that their eyesight is certainly not as good as that of Xiaohei's hawk's eyes, and naturally they can't see the numbers on that female's chest nameplate. But since Xiao Hei said so, then she must be right!
"It was me who found the 14o8 sister first!"
"No, it's me!"
With the yelling, I saw Xiao Hei and Ilya rushing towards the chair quickly, and then ...
With a muffled sound, the two small head melons hit each other so heavily, and then the two of them fell on the ground with a "thump".
"Little Black, Elijah ~ ~ Are you all right!"
"Oh ... this is really ..." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>
At the same time, Shizunai also flew down from the sky in anxiety and came to the two of them. Kuangsan also reached out to cover his mouth and walked towards them slowly with a few smiles.
"Woo ..."
Hearing the sound of Shizunai, Xiao Hei and Eliya, who were turned by the dizzy head, also hurriedly got up, and then looked at the bench in front of them again.
"I came first!"
"But my speed is faster than you, and Hei you steal ......... hey?"
Looking at the bench in front of them, the two who were still arguing stopped suddenly. At the moment the bench in front of them was empty and nothing.
"Hey? What about that big sister?"
Until then, everyone was surprised. No one on the chair?
How is this going? Just now they all saw the shipwoman and sat here! But as soon as Eliya and Xiao Hei collided and attracted everyone's attention, she disappeared?
what's going on?
"Just now ... there are indeed people here."
Xiao He scratched his head, then stood up and looked around, only to see that there was no one except the four of them in the square, not even a mouse ...
She can swear that she did see the shipwoman sitting here, and the nameplate on her chest was indeed written 14o8! But now, why can't I find anyone?
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