Chapter 733: Universe Technology Quality Assurance

Two days later, the same place.
"Well, hope this time it will really succeed."
Fang Zheng stood on the deck, looking at the sky in front of him, and the others were beside him. Not too far away came several battleships, and even unicorn carriers ran over to make fun.
But the most noticeable thing was a squatting dragon on the carrier deck, and a group of giggling little girls.
By the way, this "mining operation" was broadcast live throughout the Tiandao Temple.
At the beginning, Founder still felt that some minor issues were overkill. After all, in his own world, every time News Hookup saw such a similar program, his first reaction was to change channels. Comparing your heart to your heart, I find that the news of the "Tiandao Palace Chief Executive's visit to the front-line mining site" has no market in Tiandao Palace.
However, Nimfu told Founder that he wanted to fork. In fact, during the period when Founder disappeared, the cursed children felt that the atmosphere of the entire Temple was a bit wrong. The children may be naive and simple but definitely not. Stupid, they are even more sensitive than adults in many ways. In fact, when Nimf and their sons returned the cursed son to the dark world, there were all sorts of messy rumors among these little guys, such as Founder didn't want them anymore ... It scared these children a lot. Thanks to Xia Shi, they shot in time to settle the hearts of the people.
Although it is said that the Founder returned safely in the end, no one can guarantee that such a thing will happen a second time, so it is important for the residents of the Heavenly Palace to know that the rulers above them are all safe and still with them ... ...
It seems these doorways are very useful.
"Fang Founder, when will it start? Will it start now?"
Yan Zhu leaped around Founder's side, looking impatient, she was also the host of this "live broadcast" ... Of course, Xia Shi should have been responsible, but Yan Zhu didn't know where to learn this Something, and then came over crying and shouting to be the anchor ... Although the anchor and the host did not mean anything at all.
"Wait, let me check again ..."
"You checked all three times, big brother."
Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Xiao Hei rolled his eyes helplessly.
"But you are still a mage!"
"Mages in this world are like this, are they idiots who don't feel the fireball in case of accident?"
Founder also glared at Xiaohei. In fact, in order to ensure that everything is carried out safely, he can be said to have made all the preparations. Including the use of prophetic spells to find the way, and then with Nimfu to calculate the entire formula and the planet's mass and rotation data from a scientific point of view, to ensure that this piece of excavation will not have much impact on the planet. Of course, in order to avoid those strange creature dogs jumping from the wall, he also specially dispatched humans to inspect around ...
The so-called destiny is known by all people. As a mage who can find the future from prophecy, no one knows more clearly how many elements make up the "accident" part.
"Well, everything is ready, all that is left is luck."
Fang Zheng carefully scanned the plan in front of him again, and after making sure that he was right, he looked at Si Yan Nai and Kuang San.
"Then, just as I said before, Siji Nao, after I give the order, you will freeze the whole thing. Kuangsan, if the thing goes violently in the process of ascension, give it the first time Do n’t worry about consumption.

"I see, Mr. Founder."
After making sure that all the insurances in his hands were complete, the Founder took a deep breath and then made a gesture.
"let's start."
"— !!!!"
With the fall of the Founder's voice, the next moment he saw several green beams falling from the sky, so straight into the sea not far in front of him, and then only on the screen, those green beams entered easily. In the earth's crust, the turn of "唰" was followed, and the voice of Shimura's weak report came from the Founder's ear the next moment.
"... the target area has been locked. Is it starting to crack?"
This universe technology is simple and crude.
"let's start."
Founder's voice had just fallen, and the seawater in front of him immediately began to tumble. They seemed to be rolling and bubbling like boiling water, and even set off waves that were tens of meters high ... Fortunately, Founder and others are at high altitude, so no matter how bad the waves are, there is no ghost.
However, Founder's focus was not on these special effects. Instead, he stared at the key marked areas on the screen. To be on the safe side, Founder did not simply strip the part of the Lingjing vein, but chose a buffer zone from the periphery. In this way, if there is something moving in those strange creatures, then at least some time can be won.
Fortunately, although Shicun's cracking was very dynamic and scared marine life around here, Founder did not detect changes about those strange creatures, and even did not show their life response on the screen. It seems that as long as nothing touches the crystal veins, they will not move.
But Founder knows this is only temporary ...
"Booming !!!!"
Soon, the green gravitational cable became more and more dazzling, and then everyone saw a strange scene appeared-the sea water above this vein was "topped" directly, and then clawed to the sides. Looking from a high altitude is like someone sips a bowl of water from the sea.
Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, a large semicircular land emerged from the sea.
"To be honest, this thing looks pretty unreliable."
At this time, Yan Zhu, who was in charge of "anchor", also opened up, and Founder nodded, agreeing with her. The reason is without him, as Yan Zhu said, this stuff looks really unreliable.
The ground, which is as big as three football fields, has been "uprooted", and below it, there is absolutely nothing to bind and restrain, not even the bottom of a pocket. The only way to connect it was from the sky, which passed from the edge of the ground, and a straight green beam ... To be honest, Founder was a bit worried that this thing would slide down accidentally.
Not only that, because the gravity of the planet is counteracted by artificial gravity, Fang Zheng even saw a piece of seawater undulating along with the earth's peripheries on the periphery of the earth-which made it look like it was Put a bowl of water in a transparent big wrist ~ ~ and then put a large piece of soil in the water.
It's just that the soil is too big ...
Of course, the reason this land could float was not pulled up, but Ishimura used gravity cables to create artificial gravity, which offset the gravity of the planet. So this land is not "pulled", but "floating" ... From this point, as long as the gravity problem is solved, the volume and weight will not be a problem.
But I can't stand how to see how biliary tremor.
"Siyanao, it's your turn now, Kuangsan, you protect the little guy."
"Okay, Mr. Founder!"
After hearing Fang Zheng's words, Siji Nai nodded a little nervously, and then she summoned her "Ice Falcon" immediately, and then watched Siji Na ride the big white rabbit to the sky and came Not far from the land. And Kuangsan summoned the carved Emperor, followed closely behind Si Yan Nai.
Then I saw the big white rabbit's mouth opened, and then a white glow erupted instantly and shot straight towards the floating ground.
"— !!!!"
The cold and chilling light beam directly hit the ground, and then saw the ground surrounded by gravity and the attracted seawater quickly freeze, and the original "mutton bubble" in the blink of an eye became in the refrigerator The moraine that had been frozen in the freezer for one night ... it should not be melted for now.
Until the Great Moraine was completely frozen, there was no change in those strange creatures, which finally made Fang Zheng relieved ...
Next, just take them to space, and then you can slowly study.
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