Chapter 737: 2 from the Land of Origins ...

Facing these sudden monsters, the reactions of those lizardmen were quite logical. They instinctively rushed together, raised their arms and trembled, and looked at the jumping worms and spiny snakes in all directions.
The only headed Honid yelled, "Eat me a shot", then directly raised the iron gun in his hand, and then the other snake, which was being manipulated, stabbed.
Then he was shot directly on the ground with a tail of the Hydralisk.
"Take them to the hatchery."
Facing the Zerg, these lizards have no resistance at all, and they trembled forward under the "escorting" of the jumping worms, during which the Founder did not even "disarm" them. Because Founder looked at these lizardmen, and was surprised to find their equipment and their originality.
Their clothes are all clothes that were barely fitted after cutting the animal skins with rough craftsmanship, and even the needles and threads of the clothes corners are tattered. Not only that, the weapon processing technology in their hands is also quite rough, and the Founder even feels This thing is just a piece of bold grinding ...
All in all, compared to most other civilizations in the world and the main world, this group of lizards seems to be a little better than the cavemen ... but their level of civilization is still quite backward.
How did these guys stay in the Chaos Land for so many years without being killed by Chaos Monsters?
Fang Zheng carefully recalled the chaotic monsters that he had dared to interact with the swarm of worms before, and felt that he could kill these counselors by simply pulling one over.
After more than ten minutes, the Swarm escorted these uninvited guests to a post near the Swarm, and before these lizardmen reacted, they saw a huge monster with purple-red flesh and golden giant eyes outside. — After Fang was letting out the Hydralisk, he pulled another eye bug to make his second substitute.
Soon, his voice echoed directly into the brains of the lizards with the help of Zerg's mental fluctuations.
"Invaders, who are you? Why invade our territory!"
"This is our hometown !!"
Several other lizards hadn't had time to answer yet, and saw that Honeydance was the first to jump up again.
"You are now occupying the land of the sacred Siyuan Empire! I ordered you to leave here immediately in the name of the Siyuan Empire Prince! Otherwise, you and your dirty invaders will accept sanctions from gods!"
Looking at the two lizard man in front of him, Fang Zheng didn't even know what to say. And at this moment, one of the lizard men could not help pulling down Honed and asked in a low voice.
"Hey, when did you become a prince?"
"Don't interrupt!"
His companion's dissolution seemed to make Honeyd upset, and he broke away from his companion and replied in a low voice.
"I'm scaring it, and I'm a prince, I'm the destined candidate! Do you think it's not shocked by me now? Maybe it's just following God's will and coming to find me Only in this way can we explain why these monsters suddenly appeared. They must have heard my call and came to follow my subordinates! "
Founder thinks it, he doesn't seem to be saying anything right now.
"Listen, monster!"
It seemed that Honed had no flaws in his brain-filling feeling, so he hurriedly raised his hand and pointed at the eye bug.
"I am Honed, the first prince of Siyuan Empire. You should have felt the royal blood in my body! Now, I ask you to apologize to me for such vulgar behavior! Otherwise ..."
Me he is a Paladin and ca n’t kill casually, I he is a Paladin and ca n’t kill casually ...
Fang Zheng closed his eyes, uttered a few words in his heart, and then gave an order to the adjacent snake.
"Take him to the death with me as the standard."
Upon hearing Fang Zheng's order, the two Hydralisks walked left and right towards the self-aware lizard man. Seeing these two snakes approaching himself, Honeydid stretched out his hands with a smile, and strode toward the two snakes.
"Yes, you should remember your mission, you are for ..."
But before Horned's words were finished, the Hydralisk drew a tail on his face, and drove him directly. Then, before the unlucky lizard man landed, the other side of the snake was "snapped" and pulled it back. Then there was a series of "cracking" sounds. I saw that the lizard man was hit by a jab snake as a badminton in this way-not a tennis ball, because it couldn't play on the ground.
"Stupid creature."
Founder coughed, and then returned to his rhythm as the Zerg master. Then he looked at the other scared trembling lizardmen again.
"Who the are you? Where did you come from? Why did you invade my territory?"
This time, the Founder obviously did not have such good patience, and in accordance with his inquiry, the jumping bugs around him also opened their mouths and made a "click" sound. These lizardmen are obviously not as neurotic as the previous guy. Although they almost scared to the ground, they quickly answered one of Fang Zheng's questions.
"I, we are the people of the Stone Tribe, we are from the origin of the source ... we are not intentionally invading your territory, we are just ... we are just coming outside to find resources ..."
Hearing this word, Founder's heart could not help beating a bit, this is not the first time for him. As a Prophecy Master, every time Founder unintentionally finds any "keyword" that triggers the event, Basically give him a feedback. Especially after possessing the power of the third cup of law, Founder felt that his prophetic talent and future vision also seemed to reach a limit as a result ...
For example, he can enjoy the beautiful girls at home anytime and anywhere for an hour-bathing in the bathroom.
Founder didn't feel any guilt about this. What he saw was only an illusion after an hour, and he didn't really go peeping. Looking back at the bathroom that he could see, how could he be called a crime?
And are n’t there many such scenes in cartoons now?
Now, Founder does n’t know whether the
source of origin
triggered himself to be a mainline task, a sideline task, or a free mission ... but if his spiritual connection with the other party is not wrong, then the two
source of origin
The word is enough to arouse Founder's interest.
What's more, considering that the coordinates given by the goddess of order are deep in this continent-of course, it will take some time for Founder's current progress to reach the coordinate points, but this does not prevent him from taking the task and passing it off. time.
"Place of Origin? What is it?"
Perhaps it was because they were scared by the unlucky experience of Honed, or it might be that the surrounding worms threatened them more. It didn't take long for these Lizardmen to confess their origins.
As Founder thought, these lizards lived in the ruins of a deep place in the earth. According to them, the ruins were once their country, but because of their actions offended the gods, the gods turned them into lizard-like people and sunk the whole country into the earth. From there After that, they lost their former glory and could only survive in the dark.
However, the most curious to Founder is that when communicating with these lizardmen, he was surprised to find that the lives of these lizardmen were "isolated from the world" longer than he had imagined. Although to be honest, it is indeed impossible to communicate with others in such an area that has been shrouded in chaos, but Founder still got some information from these lizard populations.
They didn't know the dwarves, the elves, or even most of the races currently distributed on this land. They only knew that they might once have been "human", and the rest of the legend was about gods and angels.
Is there really a bunch of unlucky goods that have lived from the beginning of the order to the present?
Founder suddenly became interested in this group of lizard people who are not too different from the primitive tribe. Although these lizard people seem to say that they are just "background history", they are still looking for the founder behind the planet. Language, but very important.
"I know where you are from."
Founder thought for a moment and decided that it would be better to resolve the conflict peacefully.
"But you have invaded my territory, and I can't stop there. I will send a group of bugs to follow you back to the place of origin, and I want to confirm that you have not lied!"
This time ~ ~ The elves finally showed an uneasy expression. Obviously, they are also very clear that this behavior of leading the party of the two and a half is likely to bring disaster to their ethnic group.
But not every lizard man thinks so.
"I'll take you there!"
With a full-bodied voice, Fang Zheng was surprised to see the lizard man who had been living by the two thorn snakes and couldn't take care of himself. Stood up.
"Honeyd, what do you want to do?"
Upon hearing this answer, his other companions screamed.
"Do you want to bring these terrible monsters into our home?"
"Shut up, you idiots!"
With a sudden wave of hands, Honeyd interrupted their questioning.
"If we refuse, there is only a dead end, but if we take them back, at least the elders will no longer think we are just lying! And they are my followers! They will obey my orders! Believe me, they don't Malicious! "
After hearing this, several other Lizardmen and Founder were silent, and eventually one of them could not help but ask.
"They all beat you like this, do you still believe that they are not malicious?"
"of course."
Honid proudly reached out and patted his chest.
"They're trying me out to see if I have the right to order them! Otherwise why don't they hit you, just hit me?"
Can't he meow this product?
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