Chapter 753: Strange zombie world

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The battle lasted for less than ten minutes and ended completely. When the Founder lowered the weapon in his hand, even a standing zombie could not be seen in front of the crowd.
"What the is going on?"
Xia Shi looked around in shock, and Cui and Tina shook their heads, but Xiao Hei gave the answer.
"These should be zombies."
"Hey? Don't you know?"
Looking at the girls in doubt, Xiao Hei's eyes widened in surprise.
"It often appears in movies that human beings are infected with strange viruses or parasites, and then become bloodthirsty monsters. Those who are bitten by them also become zombies or something ..."
"It is strictly forbidden to disseminate such works in their world."
Founder shook his head. Due to the special nature of the dark world, film and television works about biochemical viruses are strictly prohibited from being broadcast. If you think about it, it is not incomprehensible. Originally, human beings were forced by monsters transformed by the gastrointestinal virus to survive in the shelter. As a result, you are still putting in a virus movie that can turn people into zombies ... … Do you want to let others live a good life?
Hearing this, Xiao Hei remembered the background of the dark world that Founder once told himself and others, and also spat out his tongue. Xia Shi gazed quietly at the corpse in front of her, whispering.
"That is to say ... are these people the same as us, because they became infected because of the virus?"
"Although it can't be compared with gastrointestinal virus, it is almost the same."
"I always feel ......... a little bit envious of them."
At this moment Tina also came over and sighed softly. Hearing Tina's words, Xiao He widened his eyes in surprise.
"Yeah, isn't it a good thing to be able to die in the form of a human being? Although they may have been mutated by a virus infection, they still retain the human form."
"Woo ...... well ..."
In the face of Tina's unexpected answer, Xiao Hei didn't know what to say for a while. Fang Zheng also smiled helplessly. Although on the surface, the children in the dark world behave no different from ordinary children, but at this time, the differences between the two sides can be seen.
For Xiao Hei, it may be miserable to be infected with the biochemical virus itself, but to the cursed sons such as Xia Shi, they have been infected with the gut virus since their birth and have been living. So for these cursed children, infection with the virus itself is not a particularly tragic thing. They are afraid of being transformed into terrible gastro-intestinal animals. Because of this, they not only feel miserable, but even a little envious of the fact that humans in this world have been infected by the virus ...
This is the difference in values.
Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Founder walked to one of the corpses, then opened his personal terminal and started scanning and analyzing it. Soon, a ray of light was emitted from the personal terminal, hitting the corpse in front of him, and his structure and cells began to be analyzed.
"Immune system is imbalanced, a large amount of necrotic tissue is produced inside the body, and the brain has mutated symptoms ......... It is preliminarily determined as a d-class virion ..."
The virus classification in Founder's personal terminal is classified according to the samples provided by the Zerg. Among them, the virus with self-awareness that can perfectly invade and infect and melt the host is classified as a class A. A virus like the gut virus that will cause the host to mutate 100% and still have a certain level of safety is level b. As for level d ...... it's like this thing right now.
The benefits are not, the disadvantages are many.
Of course, perhaps from the point of view of the cursed son, the ability to maintain human form after infection is considered its "merit".
After analyzing the zombies in front of him, Founder also grasped the characteristics of these zombies.
First, they belong to living life, which means that from a biological point of view, these zombies are still alive. However, their brains have been severely eroded, and they can basically be said to have lost the ability to identify the enemy and ourselves and analyze and think. In addition, Founder also found that the bodies of these zombies contain a metabolite, which is quite sensitive to light source responses This means that if these zombies are exposed to light for a long time, their skin will rot, collapse and even die.
"It feels like zombies in this world are similar to ghouls."
Looking at the data displayed on the terminal in front of him, Founder could not help but groan. Regardless of the analysis results or appearance, these zombies are very similar to the low-level existence after being bitten by a vampire. Fear of light, fear of fire, high strength, slow response, contagious, need to maintain action through blood ...
"That big brother, you mean, are there vampires in this world?"
Hearing this, Xiao He suddenly became excited, while Founder shook his head.
"No, I just mean like a vampire, but it looks like there should be no such thing as a vampire in the world. Even if there is, it is probably not related to vampires in myths and legends."
Founder has seen real vampires in the world of the Knights of the King ’s Church, and also seen man-made ghouls. They are called professional, wearing an explosion-proof suit and gas mask. They dare to come out with a shield submachine gun during the day. Akira, I don't know where it is higher than these guys.
"Brother Founder!"
Just then, Xia Shi's voice suddenly sounded in Fang Zheng's ear.
"I detected a communication signal!"
Hearing here, Founder also hurriedly stood up, came to Xia Shi, and looked at her personal terminal, and Xia Shi also immediately reached out and amplified the volume. Soon, everyone heard a vague voice coming from it .
"... I am ... Have you heard ...... Save ..."
The voice is very vague, and it is not even heard that it is a man or a woman. Not only that, the interference seems to be quite serious. Even Fang Zheng and others can only hear a few words vaguely, and the rest are rustling Sound of current.
"Is there no way to adjust it more clearly?"
"The intercepted data stream itself is very complete, maybe there is a problem with the other party's communication equipment, which causes the incomplete and effective transmission of information when entering ..."
"What is the signal?"
Xia Shi reached out and pointed at the map on his personal terminal.
"Yokohama Station North Station Director's Room!"
"Let's go immediately to Yokohama Station!"
Founder also quickly issued an order. Although I don't know if the helper is still alive right now, this is the first clue they got after they came to this world. Naturally, they can't let it go. Of course, if it is just a team of ordinary people, then you may have to hesitate to face this kind of scene ~ ~ But for Founder and others ... this is not a problem at all.
In order to avoid being entangled by those zombies, Founder and others did not choose to move from the ground this time. Instead, they chose the shortest straight line between the two points.
I saw that in the dark city under the night, Founder leaped on the glass wall of the tall building in front of him, and at the same time, a figure suddenly banged from the other side of the glass wall and stretched out. Take a shot and grab the crazy prey in front of you. But the next moment, Fang Zheng's right foot suddenly stepped on the glass wall. With the burst of the glass wall and the sound of the howling wind, he flew out like an arrow off the string. The blink of an eye passed through the street in front of him. .
"Fangzheng, right in front!"
At the same time, Tina, beside Fang Zheng, also controlled the variable wing system and quickly reported to him. Soon, in front of Founder's eyes, a station appeared immediately. Like other buildings, its interior was abnormally dim. Except for the corridor and the station, there was a little faint light, everything was shrouded in darkness. in.
But through the terminal, everyone can see that the hidden life signal representing the bloodthirsty monsters is densely packed throughout the station, and it has been pretending to be dead with those previously encountered by Founder and others. Unlike zombies, these zombies are wandering around, and their purpose ... is obvious.
Seeing this scene, Founder also decisively issued an order.
"Xiao Hei, Xia Shi, you kill these annoying guys with me. Cui, you and Tina are looking for survivors!"
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