Chapter 814: The evidence must also be in accordance with the Basic Law ... (center)

Although the relationship between the two countries was not good, the old diplomat smiled professionally when they met.
"Welcome you to a free country --- Varian! Sirs!"
He strode forward, opened his arms, and shouted out to Bishop Carl, who was coming down from the flying boat. When he saw the old diplomat, Bishop Carl walked with a smile.
"May the goddess guard you, the people of order."
The two sides looked at each other with a smile, and then they shook hands.
"Then please follow me, we have prepared a residence for you ..."
"no need."
Bishop Carl shook his head and interrupted the old diplomat.
"Our temple attaches great importance to the report submitted by the Varian Council. If we can, we want to go ahead and see ..."
Hearing Bishop Carl's words, the old diplomat's brow raised slightly, and then the smile on his face became eager again.
"Of course, of course, you have always been proud of protecting order, I understand, but now it may be a waste of time to go to the front line ... In short, please follow me."
As he said, the old diplomat turned his head and led everyone out.
The group quickly left the airport, but it didn't take long for Bishop Karl and others to find that the road in front of them was leaking-the reason is simple, because in the streets and squares, people are everywhere, they are holding candles And flowers, it looks like what is going on. At this moment, I saw the old diplomat whisper something to his servant next to him, and then apologized to everyone in front of him.
"Sorry, everyone, before we leave the square, we're afraid we can only walk. The road has been closed here. We will send someone to prepare transportation on the other side."
"What is this doing?"
Looking at the crowd in front of him, Bishop Carl asked.
"Looks like they seem to be praying?"
"Oh, this is not prayer, sir."
The smile of the old diplomat has not changed in the slightest, and it is completely professional.
"This is mourning ... ... In the previous battle with those evil Warcraft, the families of those soldiers who died in the war are mourning for them, hoping that their souls will have eternal rest ..."
Speaking here, the old diplomat sighed softly.
"This is really a heavy blow for us, Variant, and that's why we want to get the support of the temple."
I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. At this moment, the voice of the old diplomat has become louder, and has attracted the attention of many people around.
"We all live in this world, so we should support each other, aren't we? Bishop Lord? These evil Warcraft are the enemies of all living beings, and we must destroy them! Only in this way can we stand up to our heroes who died in battle!"
At this moment, more and more people came to this side, curiously looking at Bishop Karl and his party. The bishop's robes they wore were too conspicuous. After all, no one would wear this look in Varian.
"Grandpa ..."
Just then, a child holding a candle stepped out of the crowd and stared at the old diplomat with red eyes.
"They're what people say. Are they from the Holy Land? Will they help us destroy those monsters?"
"Oh, I'm afraid I can't answer this question, boy."
Looking at the child in front of him, the old diplomat smiled bitterly, then he looked embarrassedly at Bishop Carl. The child also looked at Bishop Carl.
"This grandpa, will you help us destroy those monsters? Will you avenge my dad?"
Hearing the child's inquiry, Carl reached out and touched each other's small head.
"Children, we are all people of order. As long as it is to protect order, we do not hesitate."
After listening to Cardinal Carl's answer, the child blinked and swollen red eyes, and it seemed that he didn't know what to say, while Cardinal nodded with a smile, and then proceeded on.
Seeing Bishop Carl ’s response, the expression on the face of the old diplomat did not change at all. He just walked in front with a few followers, while Bishop Carl and his party followed, and neither side spoke after that. So quietly walked out of the square where the mourning ceremony was being held, and on the street, the carriage for welcoming was ready.
"Please get in the car."
Taking a look at Bishop Carl and others, the old diplomat whispered.
"Next, we will head to the front line, where you will get everything you want to know."
"Then I'll trouble you."
He nodded at the old diplomat, and everyone got into the carriage, and then Bishop Carl closed his eyes. Soon, the dissatisfaction of Bishop Dwarf came from his mind.
(Did you see? These guys really act!)
(They desperately want to tie us to a chariot ... ... this is obviously not normal)
The Elf Bishop's voice was still calm, but there was a hint of tone in his tone. In this regard, the others nodded, and they were not blind. Of course, they understood what ghosts were on the way to the country of flames. Perhaps the mourning ceremony was indeed true, and those who gathered on the square were indeed soldiers killed. Family members, but it is not accidental that Varian has placed the ceremonial place here ... As for what they are thinking, everyone present is also aware of it.
(They are so anxious, what the do they want to do?)
The orc protagonist touched his big smooth head and frowned.
(In terms of the relationship between the temple and the kingdom of fire, they would be so eager. What's wrong with it?)
(In any case, we are the eye of order)
Cardinal Carl didn't answer the question. He opened his eyes and glanced at the wilderness of the window.
(There is only one thing we have to do, to determine whether those Warcraft are the enemies of order. If they are the enemies of order, then no matter what the Fireland will do, we can't let ... eh?)
Having said that, Cardinal Carl froze suddenly, then he sat up suddenly.
"Did you feel it?"
There is no need for Bishop Carl to say anything, at this moment everyone else is also surprised to widen his eyes. The elf bishop closed his eyes, sensed them for a moment, and then nodded.
"The power of order is very stable ...... with no sign of weakness!"
"what on earth is it?"
At this moment, the people are more and more puzzled. Now they are heading to the frontier border of the country of fire. According to theory, this should be a place where the power of order is quite unstable. What surprised everyone, however, is that the power of order here is extremely stable, and there is no sense of any decline and fluctuation in the border of order!
What is going on here?
With doubt, Cardinal and his party arrived at the border fortress of the Land of Fire, and here they finally saw the swarm of worms on the unexplored land on the other side through the crystal ball!
When the five bishops saw the image projected on the screen in front of them, they almost couldn't help breathing down. I saw in the image that countless jumping worms were wandering around in the entire wilderness, densely populated on the periphery, with scary spine reptiles and spore reptiles, coupled with anti-hidden eye monsters swaying in the air and various lair minarets, Paired with a dark red flesh germ blanket, it looks like a group of magic dances.
If they do n’t know, they all believe it is hell! !!
"After the expeditionary army's annihilation, these terrible monsters appeared in the border area."
At this moment, the fortress commander also looked sadly to the five bishops.
"There are hundreds of thousands of them ... maybe even more! And the important thing is that now we have almost no way to fight these Warcraft, they will lurk in the ground to launch attacks, they also have long-range firepower, and more importantly The thing is, these monsters are not afraid of death. Unless they are all killed, they will never retreat ... "
Having said that, the commander sighed.
"We have nothing to do."
Looking at the scene in front of him, Bishop Carl was silent for a moment, then he looked at the other four bishops and nodded.
"Please meet us immediately with those survivors and those who have come into contact with these ... creatures in the first place. We need more detailed information."
"Of course, no problem."
Regarding Bishop Carl's request, the Land of Fire was also extremely cooperative. Soon, those survivors who had been attacked by the swarm appeared in front of the crowd and began to talk about their experiences with great regret.
"... the worms suddenly came out of the ground !!! They have never exhibited this trait before! Those monsters are just as cunning as the devil! They deliberately paralyze us, it! Damn it!"
"...... are you sure you didn't rush into their habitat or something?"
Looking at the mad man in front of him, the dwarf bishop asked, and the mage gave him a glaring look.
"How is this possible? We were not attacked as soon as we entered! When the monsters attacked us, our army was completely deep in the hinterland. I was at the end of the team. They encroached on us and completely cut off us and the army. Contact! Then launched an onslaught against us! We didn't have any support. At that time if I didn't run, there would only be a dead end! Those sly monsters! Damn it! Damn it! "
As he spoke, the mage tore his own hair, showing a painful expression.
"They are all dead, they are all dead ........."
"......... I was the first to lead a team to an unexplored place."
The sheriff sits listlessly in a chair, staring at his hands.
"I can't forget now, when I contacted those monsters ... the terrible monsters, they killed my subordinates, my followers ..."
"You are lying."
At this time, the orc bishop slammed the desk suddenly, his eyes widened, staring at the sheriff, and the holy light in his hand gave off a dazzling light.
"In the presence of the goddess of order, you must remain in awe, and do not deceive us with lies!"
Perhaps it was scared by the roar of the orc bishop, and the sheriff was frightened, he nodded hurriedly.
"Yes, I'm sorry, I may have misremembered ...... Let me think ...... Right, I was playing against the Iron Shield family at that time, to see who entered the unexplored land first, and then my horse stopped suddenly Then, I fell from my horse like I was scared ... Yes, yes, I wanted to see what happened, and just then, I felt someone patted my shoulder ... ... "
Speaking of which, the sheriff seemed to remember the scene again and became pale.
"I thought it was the of the Iron Shield family, but when I turned my head ... oh my god, I really don't want to remember that terrible monster again! I thought I would be eaten by it!"
"But you are sitting here and not being eaten."
The human bishop whispered.
"Then what happened to UU Kanshu"
"This ...... I'm not quite sure, to be honest, but I think they seem to be warning."
The sheriff nodded.
"I immediately evacuated with my men, and after we withdrew from the unexplored land ... ... the monsters left."
"No one of you was hurt?"
Hearing this, Bishop Carl frowned, and then he looked again at his colleagues, and sure enough, their expressions became more serious now.
It seems that things are not as simple as the country of fire says. Dimensional code
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