Chapter 821: Mysterious character of unknown origin

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"what is this?"
Looking at the little fire dragon in his arms, the super soldier could not help asking, while Founder touched the little fire dragon's head and waved at him.
"Oh, it's nothing, this is the little guy I raised, you naughty little guy, how did you get up?"
"Squeak! Squeak!"
Apparently, the little fire dragon did not care about the founder's dissatisfaction, but instead happily reached out and rubbed his cheek, making a happy cry. However, Founder still understood the meaning of the little fire dragon --- this little guy wanted to play with Founder, so he secretly followed Founder into the spacecraft and planned to play hide and seek. At the time, Founder was thinking about the new world without paying attention, let alone The little fire dragon is not a threat, and it will not encounter danger, so his prophetic ability has not been activated, and it was just mixed in by it!
"You little ..."
Holding the small fire dragon's face, Founder didn't know what to say for a while.
"It's naughty!"
After rubbing the little fire dragon fiercely, Founder also stopped and began to discuss with the super soldier what to do next.
"It seems that we have to kill that gravity well, otherwise the spaceship will not fly even if it is repaired ... or we can wait? After we have repaired the spacecraft, we will kill that gravity well?"
"Let's break up."
At that moment, the AI ​​made a suggestion.
"There are still a lot of Star Alliance fleets outside. It would be dangerous to waste too much time. The master and I go to destroy the gravity well. You stay here to repair the spacecraft."
"Well, that's fine."
Founder is not a fool. He heard from the AI's tone that the other party seemed to intend to keep a distance from himself, so he shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.
"Iona, send them down, yes, keep in touch if something happens."
Soon, as the teleportation beam flashed, the Master Chief disappeared from the deck. And until the chief officer left, Founder looked at Iona.
"Iona, how long does it take to fully repair?"
"Because the armor repair equipment has been destroyed, it may take 48 hours or more to recover by itself ... Of course, if I can get nano-material supplements, it may speed up the repair."
"Nanomaterials ...... say about the civilization of this world ...... is there anything similar to that alien or human spacecraft?"
Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, Iona nodded.
"Those extraterrestrial civilizations have nanomaterial aggregates in them that can be used."
With the confirmation of Iona, Founder also summoned a dark sword against his shoulder.
"Let's go, robbery ......... no, it's time to collect supplies!"
At the same time, the Master Chief and his AI left the spacecraft and walked towards the other side. On the way, the Master Chief asked involuntarily.
"Cortana, why split up?"
"Sorry, Chief Sergeant, but I always feel ...... these people are not right."
"Any questions?"
With that said, Cortana's voice became serious.
"They claim to be ordinary civilians, but the technology used by these people is far beyond our imagination. In fact, before the Master Chief you woke up, I once felt that someone was trying to invade and take over the entire spacecraft system. To stop, the result was easily bypassed by the other party, and even completely locked my authority and scope of action ... "
"Bypassing you?"
Hearing Cortana's words, the Master Chief was slightly surprised. Although he did not know much about this knowledge, he also knew that Cortana was the highest level of AI in UNSC, and even she was easily bypassed or even countered. What kind of technology is this?
"And ... the spacecraft they were on was also strange."
As she spoke, Cortana released images of eternity.
"Because there is no way to enter the opponent ’s system, but by visual inspection, the ship is about 340 meters long, even larger than the CRS class of Star Alliance, but it has only three crew members, only one of whom is responsible for control The entire spacecraft, this level of automation cannot even Star Alliance! "
"Isn't it a cargo ship?"
The Chief Sergeant is not very concerned about this, because there are also larger cargo ships in the UNSC that are also operated by AI and single or double personnel for long-distance transportation. If this is the case, then it is not surprising.
"The design of this spaceship does not look like a cargo ship. I have never found similar precedents in the data of any civilian ship. Not only that, there are no similar types in warships. And ... ... the techniques they use ...... Master Chief, did you notice? They have ordered the activation of the 'Klein force field' when they started the protection, but the shield application of the Klein force field, even within UNSC It also belongs to the theory, and no one can do it! Star Alliance does not have such technology. "
"So what do you want to say?"
Hearing here, the Master Chief's voice did not change at all, he stopped and glanced at the wreckage of the Star Alliance battleship that was falling before him, then strode towards it.
"I mean, these people have unknown origins and have a level of technology beyond UNSC. They will never be as simple as ordinary civilians passing by, as they say."
"Are they rebels?"
"Although this possibility is not ruled out, I think it is less likely. The information shows that the rebels do not have similar skills, but I suspect they may be related to the forerunners."
"Oh? How?"
The chief officer reached out and picked up a battle rifle from the rubble. Then he surrounded the perimeter and quickly replaced the bullet. At this moment, Cortana's voice was ringing in his ear.
"Because of this planet, from the point of view of this planet, it clearly has the style of the forerunner, and the Dawn has drifted for a full four years before. It was completely unresponsive before being captured by the planet ’s gravity field. Instead, they came. After that, the planet was suddenly activated. Not only that, from the information of the Star Alliance battleship I just intercepted, they hovered outside the planet for several years ... "
"That is, they want to come in, but they can't ..."
Just as the Chief Sergeant spoke to Cortana, an alien who looked like a wolf man suddenly screamed and waved a shield, rushing out of the corner, and the Chief Sergeant went straight up and shot it on the shield. Soon, the wolfman's shield broke down, and the next moment the chief sergeant fired another shot and smashed the opponent directly to the ground ~ ~ Yes, but when these people came, This planet has been activated. I doubt they came for this planet, and we are saved by the way ... After all, there are no civilian transportation routes here. How did they get here? Not only that, Master Chief, I also discovered an amazing fact ... "
With that said, Cortana's voice became more serious.
"According to the battle records of this Star Alliance battleship, they have previously fought with that spacecraft and were immediately destroyed by the other party ... ... this is not the level of firepower currently available to UNSC, even the rebels cannot do it ! "
This time, Cortana's tone was quite firm, which was also normal.
Although with the help of super soldiers, UNSC can still compete with the Star Alliance in ground combat. But in space warfare, their warships, whether they are firepower, shields or flexibility, are not the opponents of the Star Alliance warships at all. Even in the initial encounter, the UNSC's warship could not break the shield of the opponent against the Star Alliance, and finally caused some damage to it through the main gun.
On the other hand, because human warships basically rely on armor, the Star Alliance is a dozen and a dozen. If UNSC and the Star Alliance can still play 50 to 50 on the ground, I am afraid that there are only three in the space war. Seven is open ...
Because of this, Cortana decided that the spacecraft definitely does not belong to UNSC ...… not even humans!
"In any case, we must leave here."
As he said, the Master Chief pulled the lower magazine hard, and opposite him, with a roar, a huge ghost-faced beast came slowly.
"The rest, let's talk about it later." (Https :)
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