Chapter 1229: Inspector

When crying--
The exquisite porcelain hit the ground, and the sound was clear and beautiful. The few people who were kneeling in the hall didn’t want to appreciate the enjoyment of hearing. They trembled. They didn’t know what kind of fire the regional leader Lu Heming made. Only Yang Sanjia, who was in charge of Donghuai Road, felt something vaguely. Look at Lu Heming.
Lu Heming has a bad temper and can be the regional chief of the Eastern Theater. In addition to his personal strength, he is also Zhang Yao's confidant and loyal. The only drawback is that it is too aggressive. Under his staff, those who have been able to work for 2 years are considered to be the original, and most people dare to be considered very good for a few months.
However, in "World of Warcraft", killing too much does not seem to be a shortcoming. This is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, and people who are too soft in this world will live soon in this world.
"Do you say it by yourself, or me?" Lu Heming sat in the grand master's chair with a gloomy face, looking down at the four people in the hall. Four people walking outside, any one shaking their feet can cause the ground to tremble by three points, but in his eyes it is worse than a reptile.
The other three were inexplicable, only Yang Sanjia's face slowly lost his blood. Although he did not look up, he could feel Zhang Yao's gaze staying on him the longest.
Before he could say anything, Lu Heming sounded angrily.
"Donghuai Road, the income in the past few months has continued to decline. This month, the income has been cut in half. Compared with the same year, the income has decreased by 28.6 billion gold coins. Yang Sanjia, can you explain to me, where are these missing gold coins? Did the long horn fly away? Or did it flow into someone's pocket?"
"I--" Yang Sanjia trembled. He never expected Lu Heming to think like this. Give him ten courage. He didn't dare to think about corruption. Besides, he really wanted to be corrupt. He didn't dare to be so greedy, just greedy. Half, isn't this looking for death?
"If you have anything, keep it and explain it to Lord Yan!" Thinking of being scolded in front of Zhang Yao, Lu Heming has been in a high position since he became the head of the Eastern Theater Command. He has always been the only one to reprimand others. I don't know how many years I haven't experienced this feeling of being pointed at the nose. Two hours have passed, and his heart is still angry.
"Mayor, I'm wronged--" Yang Sanjia was shocked, and what greeted him was a palm. The mountains and rivers shifted, the seas and mountains were moved, and the palms were moved. Despair surged in Yang Sanjia's heart.
The cold hair on the other three people started to resist, dodge and endure? Three thoughts flashed in my mind, and finally they all chose to endure! Moving the mountain palm is Lu Heming's fame stunt. With the power of moving the mountain, it is futile whether it is resistance or dodge.
Since Lu Heming used the palm of the mountain, it shows that he has a strong killing intent in his heart, and he will not stop until he achieves his goal. If you dare to resist and the consequences are extremely serious, then it is not a matter for one person, but a family.
Moving the palm of the mountain and falling, Yang Sanjia was directly beaten to pieces, torn apart, and the smell of blood filled the air.
"Are you wronged? Am I wronged even more?" After Lu Heming killed someone, his anger dropped a lot, and his gloomy face eased a lot. The other three people stayed quiet and did not dare to answer.
"Call Zhu Haiyun over here!" Lu Heming stretched out his hand to serve tea, but was empty. The cup had been broken by him. The guards outside were very efficient. After a while, the tall Zhu Haiyun had arrived.
Zhu Haiyun's height is 218, and he is an out-and-out man from the north. Entering the conference room, turning a blind eye to the ground meat and the three inspectors, he knelt down.
"Subordinate Zhu Haiyun has seen a large area chief!"
Hearing the words ‘large area chief’, Lu Heming showed a smile on his face. He is now a district long, only one step away from a large district, and a large district has always been his dream.
"Get up!" Lu Heming glanced over the other three people. "You guys get up and talk too, kneeling like a stone sculpture, looking upset!"
"Thank you, the regional chief!" The four people stood up at the same time.
"Do you know what I asked you to do?" Lu Heming looked at Zhu Haiyun.
"Subordinates don't know!" Zhu Haiyun had guessed a bit in his heart, but his face was blank.
"The accounts of Donghuai Road are wrong. I suspect that Yang Sanjia did the trick. Starting today, you are the inspector of Donghuai Road. You can check it out for me. No matter who is involved, it should be caught. I can’t let go of the catch and kill.
Lu Heming said in a sharp tone,
Follow me to do things, I will not treat you badly. I just open one eye and close the other. Some people don’t know how to do things. I know all about cleanliness. But if I have too much appetite, it won’t work. I dare to take a few billions. Wouldn’t I even want to take the district chief in the future?"
The three inspectors watched the nose and the heart, feeling that Lu Heming was talking about them.
"Thank you for the promotion of the regional chief. The subordinates must do their best to investigate this matter and find out." Zhu Haiyun said loudly, with the joy that cannot be concealed on his face. This is the joy of falling from the sky.
The regional chief suspected that Yang Sanjia had done tricks and had already set a tone for this matter. Yang Sanjia had no chance to stand up, and he could investigate it boldly and confidently. It can be said that from this moment, Donghuai Road has his final say, and he holds the power of life and death for everyone on Donghuai Road.
As for the specific situation, it doesn't matter whether Yang Sanjia really glued his hands and feet or was wronged. He said that the other party's hands and feet are not clean, that is, it is not clean.
"The case needs to be investigated, but the most important thing is to retrieve the gold coins. This is the most important thing!" Lu Heming said again.
"Subordinates understand that they will definitely get the gold coins back!" Zhu Haiyun was startled and felt the heavy pressure. However, he is not very worried, he is sure that he will not be able to retrieve the gold coins.
No power means no money. After you have power, are you afraid of not having money? If you can't find it, you can make it up by yourself. As long as you keep sitting in the position of the inspector, are you still worried that you will suffer?
"Go on, you guys do things well, nothing, don't disturb me!" Lu Heming said lightly.
"Yes!" Zhu Haiyun was naturally fine, but the other three inspectors could only hold back their words.
Lu Heming is a cultivator madman, UU reads the book all day long to know about cultivation, basically nothing matters, but they dare not bother. Only Lu Heming could find them. They didn't dare to find Lu Heming. Otherwise, when Lu Heming happened to be in a bad mood, there would only be one result, death.
Their last term did just that. So they learned well. Every time they waited until Lu Heming summoned them, they finished the accumulated questions at once. According to the usual practice, Lu Heming would add something at the end. But today, Lu Heming didn’t ask, not only didn’t ask, but It directly blocked the mouths of three people.
The three of them were very depressed but did not dare to say more, and left the meeting room. The three of them had heavy footsteps, but Zhu Haiyun was full of energy and strode like flying. The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the worry in each other's hearts.
Donghuai Road is going to change!
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