Chapter 1266: , The pain of killing

Cats have cat paths, snakes have snake paths. Most people living in the world are suffering, but there is also a small group of people who live very nourishing, like a fish in water, such as Cai Wenqing.
Cai Wenqing, male, 46 years old, after graduating from a third-rate pheasant university, he has been wandering around the society for a long time and is not doing business. Ten years of gambling career has left him alone from being the only male in the family from being frightened and favored to betrayed by others. Because they could not repay the debt, the person who was forced to cut off the left middle finger, little finger and ring finger.
By coincidence, Cai Wenqing joined "World of Warcraft", and his luck suddenly improved. First, he became a business with the horse team and formed a relationship with the "Plum Blossom Chamber of Commerce". Orders continued. Later, he dabbled in gambling. After climbing up the relationship, there are two major chambers of commerce, "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" and "Meihua Chamber of Commerce". The gambling business is very good, and they are making money every day. In a few years, Cai Wenqing has become one of the most powerful people under the nine sects of "Dragon Bird City".
The right of Zuo Dao in the lower nines is not as good as Cai Wenqing.
Perhaps Liu Weian chose the Left, which made Cai Wenqing resentful, and also to repay the support of "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce". Perhaps for other reasons, Cai Wenqing chose the opposite of "Ping An Army", but Mrs. Hong Hua With the death of the fat messenger, Cai Wenqing had a clear picture of the situation, and if he insisted on his own way, he would only be crushed.
Able to bend and stretch, man. If you change to someone else, you should run away in this situation, or you can just resist. Cai Wenqing is very bachelor, not only does not run away, but cheeky.
"City Lord, give me a chance, I am very sincere!" Cai Wenqing gave a space ring.
Liu Wei'an's mind penetrated into it, and a golden light filled the entire space ring, all gold coins, a full 500,000 pieces. Although the gambling bag has made huge profits, but 500,000 gold coins, it is feared that Cai Wenqing has made a year or even more than a year of profits, this person is willing. He was playing with the space ring in his hand, and his eyes were cast on Cai Wenqing.
Cai Wenqing bent down and lowered his head, his face was full of respect and a smile, and he could not see the slightest resentment or unwillingness in his eyes.
""Ping An Army" came to "Dragon Sparrow City" with kindness, but there are always people who think that we shouldn't show up. The hostility is too strong. This is very bad. I always think that harmony can make money. Mr. Cai is "Dragon Sparrow City". I’m an old player, with a high reputation. I hope Mr. Cai can help us.
Liu Wei’an said slowly.
"Yes, I very much agree with the city lord's concept of making money with kindness." Cai Wenqing smiled very sincerely.
"So, I will trouble Mr. Cai." Liu Wei'an's careless words set off a storm in "Dragon Bird City".
In the small room, the man curled up on the bed suddenly woke up, his hair burst, and he shot towards the window like a spring. Just when his finger touched the window, the door exploded, and a blade of knife light broke into the door, shining brightly in the dim room. , The knife light flashed away.
The man smashed through the window and suddenly lost his power and fell to the ground. He would never move again. A wisp of red overflowed on his waist, which soon stained his clothes and the ground.
On the street, the old man who was making snacks suddenly threw the biscuits, the whole person violently jumped out like poisonous snakes, and passed through more than a dozen stalls in an instant. The speed and the flexibility of the body make it so that he can make snacks with him. The others were dumbfounded. Everyone cooks on the street, the short one is half a year, the long one two or three years, and no one knows that Old Man Zhao has such a hand.
Old man Zhao rushed to the roof and shot at the most chaotic and dirtiest street. At this moment, a sharp arrow cut through the sky, lightning fast, and the thrilling sound of breaking through the sky resounded throughout the snack street.
When Lee Arrow caught up with Old Man Zhao and was about to shoot Old Man Zhao, the vendors on the snack street mentioned their throats, and many people had already reminded them: "Be careful—"
I saw that Old Man Zhao seemed to have eyes behind him. In an almost impossible situation, he moved his body several feet horizontally and successfully avoided the sharp arrow. Zhao Laohan accelerated to leave, but did not see the expressions of horror from the vendors in the snack street. When his body moved horizontally, Li Jian also turned strangely in the air, almost exactly the same as the old man Zhao, the two seemed to have been drilled, harmonious and pleasing to the eye.
When the old man Zhao noticed something was wrong, the arrow had already shot him, shot in through the vest and out of the heart.
The desperate and unwilling screams sounded, and the old man Zhao usually fell on the street as a dead dog, his body twitched a few times, and he would never move again.
The vendors on the snack street became a commotion, and immediately calmed down because of the original "Ping An Army". The anxiety and fear in the heart slowed down as the Ping An soldier carried the body of Old Man Zhao away.
Outside of Li, he was given the nickname Rich Man. He heard that he is a high official in reality. After retiring, he will experience life in "World of Warcraft". The experience of other people's life is doing different jobs, sweeping the streets with dirty work, and trying various industries. The experience life outside of Li Yuan is mixing in the brothel, singing and singing every night. Not only that, but he also accepts concubines. So far, he has accepted 4 rooms of concubines, four concubines of four different types, one is a 16-year-old little loli, a cute fairy, and the other is a 17-year-old girl, Tong Yan Big breasts, one is a 26-year-old young woman, full of charm, and the last is a 38-year-old imperial sister type, mature style, often shopping with four concubines, buy this, buy that, become a unique "Dragon Sparrow City" The scenery, that day, I lived a happy life like a fairy.
It is said that Li Yuanwai's dream is to take 12 concubines and make up the twelve golden hairpins. Today, Li Yuanwai’s good days have come to an end, and he is suddenly surrounded by "Ping An Army", and then the sound of fighting came from Li Yuanwai’s mansion. The collision was like thunder, shaking half of "Dragon Bird City", and many people jumped on the roof to watch. I was shocked to discover that Li Yuanwai is a rare master today, having survived 30 moves under Dahayu.
In addition, Li Yuanwaina's four concubines are also terrifying masters. The servants, cooks, concierges, servants, and maids in the mansion are all first-class masters, that is, the "Ping An Army" is fully prepared. If someone else breaks in, they will inevitably die. Many have beaten Li. There was a chill on the back of the person who was paying attention. He thought he was just an ordinary rich man, but who would have thought that it turned out to be Longtan Tiger's Den.

On this day, battles broke out in "Dragon Sparrow City" from time to time. Some battles ended instantaneously, and some battles shook the whole city. Until nightfall, "Ping An Army" was finally released from alert, and at the same time, it explained the reason for the killing. The remnants of "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce".
"Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" has been entrenched in "Dragon Sparrow City" for so long, and its background is unfathomable. "Ping An Army" has been combed three times before and after, thinking that with the power of the left, even if "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" still has fish that missed the net, only a small There were three or two cats, and it was not until Cai Wenqing voted to find that there were so many nails in the dark.
There are many benefits to clearing the hidden piles. It hit the enemy and got a Cai Wenqing. In addition, it made a fortune. "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" has so many people arranged secretly, and the funding is an astronomical figure, not to mention, "Ping An Army" has found a lot of wealth, just 200,000 gold coins. , And other power seeds, meat sacs, equipment, props, and materials, with a total value of more than 150,000.
With the size and strength of "Ping An Army", it is also very pleasant to see hundreds of thousands of wealth.
The sky was completely dark, the streets and alleys of "Dragon Bird City" were lit up, and "Ping An Army" was taken off guard, and the murderous spirit was gone, and the city quickly returned to its normal bustle. At 20:00 in the evening, the fully fed "Ping An Army" left the city. There were a lot of people leaving this time, accounting for 90% of the force of "Ping An Army". Suddenly, only 10% of "Dragon Bird City" remained. The Ping An soldiers maintain basic order.
The "Ping An Army" leaving the city is divided into three groups, the other three in the eastern theater, Xihuai Road, Nanhuai Road, and Beihuai Road.
Liu Wei'an also left. Yang Yuer was in charge of "Dragon Sparrow City" with Shi Yuntai alone. Shi Yuntai is too old to be suitable for long-distance travel. If not, Yang Yuer would not agree with such a super master to stay with him.
Just killed Mrs. Red Flower and Fat Messenger, and cleaned up "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" again. At this moment, "Dragon Sparrow City" is the safest. Under "Suzaku Formation", as long as the mind is not squeezed by the door, No one will make an idea.
At dawn, good news came back to "Dragon Sparrow City" one after another. The first good news came from Liu Wei'an. Liu Weian took only two people, Tiger Yueshan and female archers. There were few people and fast speed. He rushed to the first city on Beihuai Road in only six hours, and was wiped out with lightning speed. The shops of "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce".
"Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" was unprepared, and I didn't know anyone would dare to attack "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", and it was so thunderous. In the almost sneak attack by the three of Liu Wei'an, the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" went up and down, with more than 200 masters, large and small, all dead in less than a cup of tea.
Liu Wei'an cleaned the battlefield as quickly as possible. UU Reading put the most valuable items into the space ring, and then rushed to the next city. The endgame was cleaned up by Cheng Yifan's hand.
Cheng Yifan has not been idle these days, and has done a lot of preparation work. If it weren't for Cheng Yifan, Liu Wei'an and the three wanted to enter the city so easily, it would be almost impossible.
The second city, the third city, the fourth...With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and a super master like Liu Wei'an, "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" fell one after another. On the third day, "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" was the last city on Beihuai Road. A total of 7 cities were destroyed, and there were some small cities below, scattered too far. Liu Wei'an didn't move on, stopped, and gave the small cities to Cheng Yifan.
There are good news on Beihuai Road and the other Lianghuai Roads. The attack went smoothly and there was almost no loss. The shops of the "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce" in 6 cities on Nanhuai Road and 6 cities on Xihuai Road were all breached. It was ten hours later than Liu Wei'an.
The attack of "Ping An Army" was so fast that Cheng Yifan was short of manpower to clean up the mess, and had to send a message to Yang Yuer for help.
"Watermelon City", this is the last city on Beihuai Road. Liu Wei'an discovered the anomaly as soon as he entered. After destroying "Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce", he did not leave as planned, but stayed there.
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