Chapter 1328: , 5 Tiger Broken Door Knife

The fist and the palm were connected, and for an instant, a flush of flush flashed across Fu Xujiu's face, and when despair appeared in his eyes, Liu Wei'an withdrew his fist.
Fu Xujiu's palm was too late to withdraw, and he quickly changed direction and hit the wall. Amidst the rumbling, most of the city hall collapsed, and the smoke and dust skyrocketed. People working inside shot out, watching the fighting place vigilantly.
Fu Xujiu was ashamed, admired, and grateful. He was also very bachelor, and knelt down in front of Liu Wei'an: "Fu Xujiu will pay respects to the Governor. From now on, I will look forward to the Governor."
"Get up, let's talk in another place." Liu Wei'an was in a good mood, and returned to half of the city hall in exchange for the surrender of such a master, worth it!
Fu Xujiu was the old man with a piggyaozi face. He was sloppy, but his seniority was not low. He was of the same generation as the master of the third child in the early days. Jian Twenty-three saw him and belonged to his grandchildren.
Fu Xujiu's seniority is high, but his status is not high, because he is a casual cultivator and has no school. In peacetime, Fu Xujiu stayed hidden in the city, worked as a shoe repairer, worked as a doorman, swept the streets, and worked in the hospital morgue for a few years... I am 129 years old this year, which is a living dictionary.
As Mars changed dramatically and aura revived, Fu Xujiu, who had a foreboding that the time limit was approaching, felt that he needed to come out and fight for the glimmer of life.
Mars reincarnated from death and contained infinite vitality. Fu Xujiu lived a long time, and received a ray of information in the dark. If he seizes the opportunity, he is likely to live a second spring. After thinking about it for a long time, he was born. He observed Bai Zige and Linghu, and finally decided to try his luck in front of Liu Wei'an.
The peerless murderous intent of "Suzaku City" made him think he was wrong in his gambling. Fortunately, Liu Weian let him go at the moment of his death. He was not very convinced and proposed to compare with Liu Weian. He was not stupid and did not compete with Liu Weian. Fa is more than skill. He thinks that he should have completely defeated Liu Wei'an in more than a hundred years of skill. When that happens, he will put away a bit of strength and prevent Liu Wei'an from taking action, which has given him face, compared to him. I will value myself more.
He decided to buy himself, but he absolutely didn't want to sell it cheaply. He also wanted to sell it at a good price, which he never expected. As soon as the palm of his hand touched Liu Wei'an’s fist, a force rushed over like a flash flood. The momentum seemed to destroy everything. For a moment, he felt like a loose tofu dregs project, which would be easily washed away by the flood. Suddenly, he saw the black back impermanence waved the ecstasy chain towards him...
The breath of death was so clear that his entire body was erected. He regretted it, and regretted that he should not trust Liu Wei'an. Liu Wei'an clearly wanted to take the opportunity to kill him. This thought came up, like a stormy sea. The power disappeared without a trace, as the tide faded, so fast, and suddenly disappeared.
If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Fu Xujiu would never believe the scene in front of him. The power is sent and received from the heart, and it is simple to say, but it is impossible to do it. His more than 100 years of martial arts skills could not do it, but Liu Wei Ann did it, relaxed and casual. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network
In that instant, Fu Xujiu's heart surrendered.
The influence of "Suzaku Formation" is huge. After Fu Xujiu announced that he joined the "Governor's Mansion", five or six masters of the golden peak joined one after another, and another person joined in the evening. The gold is perfect, only 69 years old. , I hope to take that step.
The next day, Liu Wei'an, Feng Xingzang, Fu Xujiu, Bai Madzi, Elephant, and Huang Yueyue appeared in "Jinrui City". Feng Xingzang took out a lot of guys and began to measure against a hillside. Get up, Huang Yueyue is fighting. The madman and the elephant watched curiously.
Fu Xujiu stood quietly, without much sense of existence, Liu Wei'an walked around the hillside, his eyes kept staring at the hillside. Said it is a hillside, it is already the highest mountain in the vicinity. The trees that were planted before the end are now withered and dead because no one has taken care of them. With the hillside as the background, the developments on three sides are all high-end communities, mainly villas. Of course, no one is there anymore.
The villa area is generally a little away from the urban area. The force of the "Governor's Mansion" is not too strong, and the urban management is still based on the urban area, and the control of the periphery is not strong.
No one thought that in this place, there was a hidden sect-"Five Tigers Broken Door Knife", if it weren't for Fu Xujiu to provide the information, no one would have discovered it for a lifetime.
"Found it!" With mental arithmetic and unintentional, after careful investigation by Feng Xingzang, he finally found the clue, this is a lock mountain formation.
Hearing these words, Liu Wei'an breathed a sigh of relief, and Fu Xujiu also breathed a sigh of relief. It was 70 or 80 years ago that he accidentally saw a doorman of "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" disappearing here. He inferred that "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" disappeared here. The gate of "Tiger Broken Door Knife" should be here. He revealed this news to Liu Wei'an in order to claim credit, but he didn't want the first news to be wrong, it would be shameful.
"Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" was placed in the era of large numbers of talents. It was only a third-rate sect. Relying on a fierce sword technique to stand firm in the martial arts, but it only stood on the heel. It is impossible to further develop. "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" is just a powerful sword, without the support of powerful inner strength, it can only be regarded as a first-class master, not a top-level master, but also considered decent.
The third-rate sect at that time, put it now, the situation is different, that is the master. The "Peace Legion" exercises are extremely lacking, and many evolvers have little power and can't use them. "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" is fast, ruthless, accurate, gathers strength, accumulates strength, and bursts. There is a different method. It used to shine on the battlefield. If the soldiers of "Peace Legion" could learn this set With the sword technique, the combat effectiveness can inevitably rise by two steps.
"Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" and "Governor's Mansion" have no grievances, and "Jin Rui City" has never come out to provoke Ping An soldiers, but Liu Wei'an is here.
"How sure are you?" Liu Wei'an asked.
"Thirty percent." Feng Xingzang hesitated and replied. Although "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" is a third-rate sect, the mountain chain formation is after all the formation method for people to guard the mountain gate. The power of a sect has been gathered, decades of work, he No matter how genius is, I dare not care about it.
"Plus this!" Liu Wei'an took out a chessboard. This is a chessboard he made by imitating "Suzaku Formation". It has only one attack and its power is less than one-tenth of the formation of "Xinfeng City". , But this is the limit he can do.
"Five percent!" Feng Xingzang took the chessboard, flicked his fingers and almost fell off, he didn't know what to say. He is a genius who is nothing in front of Yu Wan.
For more than a month, I was thinking about how to set up the formation every day, every step, I had to do my best and exhaust my brain. After the "Suzaku formation", he slept for one day and one night, and he was also in the formation, taking on 80% of the workload. Liu Weian still had time to set up a chessboard, which made him speechless.
"Enough!" Liu Wei'an motioned to Huang Yueyue to stand behind him. His chessboard was a killing array, and after being excited, it couldn't be stopped.
There are two easiest ways to break the formation, one is to find a way, crack it, which is similar to playing Rubik's Cube, the other is to break the magic directly without finding a way, and then rely on it.
If you don’t care about the process, non-professionals prefer the latter method. Feng Xing Zang is a professional knowledge, but in a hurry, he is also more inclined to violently break and destroy other people’s formations. There is a kind of psychology. A sense of conquest.
The elephant and the white madman stepped back a few steps. When Fu Xujiu saw this, they also stepped back for a while. They just stood firm. I don’t know how Feng Xingzang activated the chessboard, and a fiery red phoenix flew out, with horrible breaths. The fire fell on the hillside, and an unbelievable thing happened. Above the hillside, there appeared a series of mountains and rivers, layer upon layer, the mountains and rivers were verdant, and the birds and flowers were scented, and outside the mountains and rivers, was blocked by a layer of translucent mist.
When the fire is about to touch the fog, it turns into a small sword, hitting the fog, it looks like a small sword that will break when it breaks, and the powerful force contained in it makes Fu Xujiu, an old predecessor, heartbroken. .
Fu Xujiu thought to himself that he could receive three swords, and he would be injured if he surpassed three swords, but the fire phoenix fired more than thousands of ways, shaking the entire array.
Feng Xingzang's eyes shot a divine light, shining on the formation, every detail was reflected in his mind, and he quickly deduced it, while attacking some ordinary people incomprehensible attacks. UU Reading The nails and the Five Emperor's Money... are some seemingly ordinary objects, but at this moment, they are exerting strange power.
The shaking of the mountain-locking formation is intensifying, the fog covering the mountains and rivers is getting less and less, and the scene of the mountains and rivers is gradually becoming clearer.
"Someone has come out!" Huang Yueyue called.
The Suoshan Formation is about to be breached. Where can "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" sit still, it's strange if it doesn't come out. First, there are some panicked younger generations, and many people have angry and murderous faces on their faces. The middle-aged generation, and the last generation, the older generation. There were three people in the older generation. As soon as the three appeared, the bodies of the white madman and the elephant straightened up a bit at the same time.あ奇奇 Novel 蛧ヤ~7~1~7~(ωωω).qq7(1)<First issue, domain name, please remember
This is the feeling that comes from encountering a strong opponent.
"Where is the fellow Daoist, why attack my mountain gate guardian formation? If there is a misunderstanding, please stop!" The one who spoke was the most elegant-looking person among the three older generations, with a strong voice, which was passed from a distance.
"Junior Liu Wei'an, meet the seniors of "Five Tigers Broken Door Knife". Here, the juniors have important matters to discuss with the seniors. They also asked the seniors to open the formation and let me wait in." Liu Wei'an clasped his fists, very much. polite.
After all, I was asking people to borrow something, and I had to have a right attitude.
"Five Tigers Broken Door Knife" has been declared secluded and isolated from the world, Brother Liu, please come back!" The old man said calmly.
"Senior should know that the world has changed. It won't take long. Even if I don't attack the formation, the formation will automatically appear. This is the general trend of the world and can be blocked by non-human resources. Do you have some preparations?" Liu Weian said.
"You stop attacking the formation first." The elegant old man said.
Liu Wei'an frowned slightly.
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