Chapter 22: Pegasus

The next day, I continued to draw the symbols. This time the success rate was a little higher. I drew 21 arrows and 15 arrows were successful. Liu Weian stepped out of Stone Town and saw three familiar figures at the gate, Black Bull, Yellow Bull and Stone Bull.
"You went online so early?"
Liu Wei'an was surprised and happy. The three black bulls' faces were a little pale and a little weak. They were also very excited to see Liu Wei'an.
"Sorry, Brother Liu, I haven't been online for 20 days, which has delayed your business." Black Bull was embarrassed.
Liu Wei'an said that it was all right. It was only a question that I knew that the three of them were killed the first day. In this way, it was exactly nineteen days today and there was no income for more than half a month. They couldn't help it. They tried it and found that it was online. After entering World of Warcraft, they were most worried about being fired by Liu Weian, but the moment they saw Liu Weian, they knew that worry was unnecessary.
Speaking of which, the three were killed or suffered by Liu Wei'an's pond fish. Liu Wei'an's original intention was to compensate, but the three black bulls were resolutely unacceptable. According to their understanding, the killer was a bandit. It doesn't make sense, no matter if they were working for Liu Wei'an that day, anyway, as long as they go online, they will be killed, so it doesn't matter if they are not hired, they will go online.
Everyone was happy in happy events. In the morning, Liu Wei'an was so lucky that he shot and killed more than 50 carrion, more than 300 walking dead, 15 zombies, and drove out a bronze, a black iron, and There is a recipe for trapping. This is also the first time since he entered World of Warcraft that he even hit the middle three yuan, and there is also a piece of bronze. He laughed and couldn't close his mouth.
The bronze is a dagger. It cuts iron like mud, and the blade of the sword sprays green awns, and it feels like a pinch in the eye. The shape is exquisite, and the weight is very light. It is calculated that girls will not feel heavy when they bring it.
The black iron is a wristband that shines with black awns. It is also lightweight and exquisite in design. It exudes an indestructible atmosphere. Liu Wei'an actually wants to give it a short sword. Try the short sword sharp or the wrist brace is hard In the end, this seductive idea was suppressed. Both things are of great value. If they are destroyed a little, it is equivalent to losing a few gold coins. This business cannot be done.
Trap, hesitated for a long time, Liu Wei'an still did not learn. Traps to kill monsters are naturally safe, but the speed is too slow. He is short of money and time now and can only work hard. He ca n’t do it by digging a pit and hiding behind him, waiting for the zombie to come automatically. There is no need to resort to traps.
Trap surgery is superfluous for him at present. If you can still encounter Firefox, you use it, but if you think about it, the probability is even lower than that of another bronze.
"Liu, you're in trouble." Liu Wei'an just finished cleaning the battlefield, and the ox rushed in with anger on his face.
"Let's take a look together." Liu Wei'an had heard the noise from the periphery of the cemetery. Walking to the periphery, it was found that Lao Li was carrying five or six carriages and blocked the intersection.
"What's going on?" Liu Wei'an stared at Li's head, his eyes were not good. "Isn't it telling you, starting today, you don't need your car to transport, how come?"
"Boss Liu, you are not here to transport today." Lao Li head yin and yang said strangely, "Today we are looking for these three people." Pointing at the three black bulls with their fingers.
Liu Wei'an looked at the black bull. Because of his anger, the black bull was flushed and whispered: "The old Lee said that this line was wrapped by the Pegasus team. We are not allowed to walk this line."
"Did you have this rule before?" Liu Wei'an frowned.
"The road is moving towards the sky, and each side will go. Everyone will do their own business without interference." Hei Niu said.
"If you have to leave, how do you say?" Liu Wei'an asked, wondering.
"Kill, smash the car." Black Bull's eyes were angry and a little disturbed.
"Is there any other way?" Liu Wei'an looked at the black bull.
"Unless you join the Pegasus team." Black Bull reluctantly, "However, after joining the Pegasus team, the price is up to them, we can't be the master."
Liu Wei'an didn't ask again. He probably understood what was going on. He turned his attention to Lao Li's head and said quietly, "Here you decide?"
"Consultation?" Old Li's head had no fear, with a proud smile on his face, "Boss Liu, I said in the morning, in Stone Town, your goods can only be transported by our Pegasus team."
"Sure enough, you are a ghost." Liu Wei'an nodded, and his tone became rude. "Give you ten seconds, and I'll look straight away, otherwise, I'll take it at my own risk."
"Liu Brother--" Black Bull was taken aback. Pegasus is not an ordinary team. It has nothing to do with Pegasus.
"Boss Liu, are you kidding me?" Old Li was cautious before turning his head, with contempt in his eyes, "I respect you as the master of gold, only to call you a boss. Do you really think you are who you are? I do n’t know who is the owner of the Pegasus team, and yes, it ’s true that a small person like you, who is qualified to contact the Pegasus team, will tell you nothing.
"... 3,4,5 ..." Liu Wei'an looked at the old Li's head, counting the numbers in a hurry.
"Toasting without eating and drinking, I'm standing here, waiting for you, I'd like to try, there are consequences I can't eat." Lao Li's head became irritated, his face flushed.
"... 8,9,10!"
The last number had just fallen, and there was a sound of bowstring vibration in the air. The next moment, the head of Lao Li exploded, his blood burst, and his skull was overturned.
too fast.
No one could see clearly the arrow shot by Liu Wei'an. By the time he saw it clearly, the body of Lao Li's head had fallen obliquely. On the ground more than 20 meters behind him, a pair of The arrows were inserted there, without the arrow feathers.
嗖, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖, 嗖,
When the sound of breaking into the ears, Liu Wei'an had put down his bow and arrow, backed up on his back, all the five drivers standing next to the car had arrows in their hearts, fell to the ground and left their faces in shock. Emoji, permanently frozen.
"Liu, you kill, kill, kill—" It wasn't just the driver who turned into a corpse, but the three Black Bulls. Killing the Pegasus team is a big event, it's over, it's over.
"You said, with the body of Lao Li's head, can he be resurrected in 30 days?" Liu Wei'an asked suddenly.
"This old guy, don't look good on the surface, at least 35 days old," the black cow affirmed, but immediately found out that Liu Wei'an had shifted the subject, a face crossed, all bitter.
"Killing people, this is a big disaster."
"If you don't kill, are you willing to join the Pegasus team? If you don't join, can you go today?" Liu Wei'an asked continuously.
"No!" After thinking about it, Black Bull answered truthfully.
"Remember, this is not the human world. This is World of Warcraft. It is a game." Liu Weian patted the black cow's shoulder and said with a serious heart: "Do n’t cause trouble, but do n’t be afraid of it. Other people will punch their fists over, you do n’t want to I want to send my face up, but to find a way to cut off my fist, so that the next time someone thinks about it before you hit you, do you want to get rich? "
"Think!" Black Bull nodded strongly.
"At the moment, there is such an opportunity. After touching the bodies of these six people, the ox cart was confiscated." Liu Weian smiled.
"That's not good." The Black Bull stayed a while.
"It's casual." Liu Wei'an shrugged his shoulders. "The chance of getting rich is right in front of you. If you don't want to, then forget it. Although it is remote here, is there a passerby, then it will be cheaper for others."
"A man is dead, he wants to do so many things, Brother Niu." Shi Niu's eyes glowed for a long time, and he strode to the body of Lao Li's head, reached out his hand, touched a pocket, opened a wallet See, the body trembled. 234 copper plate.
On the other side, the ox remained silent, and a driver reached out a hand to find a copper plate, a small number of which was estimated to be fifteen.
"Wait for me--" Black Bull couldn't bear it anymore and rushed up.
Liu Weian laughed very treacherously. In this way, the three black bulls could only follow him and go to the black. Everything was packed and started to set off in the city. The three black bulls don't get excited when they touch the dead body. When the blood drops and the mood is calm, they start to worry again.
"When you were off the assembly line, where was the ox cart?" Liu Weian was also thinking about how to deal with it.
"There is a special place to park ox carts in the city, which is similar to the parking lot, one copper plate a night." Huang Niu Road, holding the money bag tightly in his hand, "If you don't want to pay the money, you can look for someone you know. , UU reading However, then someone will have to stay up late. "
"The next time you go offline, the ox cart can be parked in the backyard of the" Medicine Undead "pharmacy. In this way, it will be safe whether you go online or offline. As long as you do things for me, I will definitely protect your safety. Of course, if you want to take other orders, I can't help it. "Liu Wei'an was careless.
"No, following Liu Ge's money a day is several times as much as before, we did not want to take other orders at all." Stone immediately said.
"In this case, there are people from the Sun family in the city. Do n’t worry. The Pegasus team is not so brave enough to dare to kill people in front of the Sun family. Do n’t worry about the cemetery. That ’s my site. I ’ll kill him as many people as possible. People, the only thing to consider is the safety on the road, wait for me to think about it. "Liu Weian thought about the countermeasures," Yes, Black Bull, you tell me about the Pegasus team, I want to remedy the situation. "
Black Bull's face twitched a bit. If you don't know the Pegasus team yet, you dare to kill people. This is really what people say. However, they have already boarded the thief ship and can only talk about what they know about Pegasus. The team's message came out.
The three black bulls looked at Liu Wei'an. Half an hour had passed. Liu Wei'an still looked at the sky, motionless, and the hope on the three faces slowly turned into disappointment. In the end, Liu Wei'an uttered a sentence.
"there is always a solution to a problem."
The three black bulls were speechless. Liu Wei'an was about to be comforted. There was a sudden noise in front of him. He stood up and took a look. On the road ahead, a convoy lined up for a long time. There were a few carriages, but at this point the team had stopped and had no idea what was going on.
At the forefront of the team, Black stood by a group of people, where the noise came from.
"This is the Pegasus team." Black Bull squinted.
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