Chapter 294: Missing

There was a blast, but two zombies fell to the sky at the same time, an arrow was inserted in the brows, and the tail trembled slightly!

A zombie had just turned around, a cold mang flashed, a sharp arrow was added to his brows, and the madness of the zombie faded like a tide, and it fell straight. Dust Fate → Text ↓ Xue √ Net Liu Wei'an rushed to the front, his eyes covering all the nearby areas, a little bit, all in his grasp. The bowstring continued to vibrate, and the zombies fell one by one, whether it was ordinary zombies, level 1.1 zombies, level 1.2 zombies, or level 1.6 zombies, all of them were killed without exception.
Wu Lili, who is close behind, has beautiful eyes. As she has just acquired special abilities, Liu Wei'an's ability to kill zombies has made her extremely envious. I look forward to one day like Liu Wei'an. Killing zombies will not destroy them. Power.
The repairman followed Wu Lili, holding the submachine gun with both hands, remembering Liu Wei'an's orders in his ears, unless the zombies approached within half a meter, try not to shoot. Passing through the zombies, danger is everywhere, where can not go wrong, every time a large number of zombies swarm over, he almost pulled the trigger nervously, but in the end he still resisted, the muscles in his whole body kept tight. Taut, afraid to relax in the slightest.
The elephant walked at the end. It didn't matter. Although his realm was not high, the combat effectiveness was definitely cross-border. I didn't know where the bar of steel that was taken down was as thick as an arm. Any nearby zombies were broken by a stick. Bloody. As long as he is full, he has the energy to use up. If there is no one missing candidate in the team, the elephant is actually the best person to open the road.
In the square, because of the departure of Xinglong University, Xiang Junzhen, and Zhang Yangming, most of the zombies were taken, and because they were not attracted by the anger, other zombies also left one after another, but most of them followed Zhang Yangming and others. He went behind his buttocks, and when the ogre came, he made a loud ghost-like growl, and 90% of the zombies left. Most of the remaining zombies were old, weak, and sick. Liu Wei'an left with a few people at this time. There were still a lot of scattered zombies, but none of them constituted a threat.
Several people quickly got rid of the zombie entanglement and appeared in a large parking lot. When they were about to enter, Liu Wei'an stopped suddenly, and the lightning turned, and the black iron bow suddenly pulled into a full moon, aiming at the three people who suddenly appeared behind him. When I saw what Chu was, my expression relaxed a lot, but I was still alert.
"Yes, it's very vigilant." Gong Shanliu applauded and smiled: "Don't be nervous, we are not malicious."
Liu Wei'an hesitated for a moment and put down his bow.
"My name is Gongshan Liujing. He is Song Qingtian. This is Hao Xiaoying. We are from the First Army." Gongshan Liujing introduced two companions around him. The one holding the sawtooth was Song Qingtian, and the other was It was Hao Xiaoying, both of whom were not good at communication, just nodded and didn't speak.
"Because I just met you on the rooftop to rescue the students of Xinglong University, and I feel good about it, so come and get to know him." Gongshanliu said with a smile. His tone was sincere, and the speed and tone were just right, making people feel good .
"Liu Wei'an! I'm glad to meet the three." Liu Wei'an was telling the truth, Gongshan Liujing was a few years older than him, but he thought he was not an opponent.
"Liu Wei'an! It really is you!" A closed door behind the three of them suddenly opened, Xiao Jie rushed out from the inside and came to Liu Wei'an with a look of surprise.
As Xiao Jie rushed out, a crowd of people came out of the gate. There were some students from Zhang Yangming and Xiang Junxuan, some of whom had been seen, students of Xinglong University, and some who had not seen them. They should be from Xinfeng University. people.
"You?" Liu Wei'an was taken aback. He clearly saw these people leave, but how quickly he got behind him.
"Zombies have led people to other places, and we circled a half circle and came back," Gongshan Liujing explained.
"Liu Wei'an, did you save me just now? Thank you. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead." Xiao Jie hurried and three more students came out to thank him.
"Both brothers, don't be polite." Liu Wei'an was also a bit happy. After the zombies broke out, he met his friends for the first time. Although he didn't spend a long time at Xinglong University, Xiao Jie was regarded as having a good time Friend.
"You are also a student of Xinglong University?" Gongshan Liujing interjected with a surprised expression.
"It's a pity that a transfer student was fired." Liu Wei'an had time to talk in the future, and a sarcastic remark was inserted beside him. Liu Wei'an turned his head and looked at Xiang Junsu.
"Xian Junsu, let's talk, what are you talking about?" Xiao Jie glared at him.
"Life is unsatisfactory. I do n’t need to pay too much attention to the past. I am also a student at Xinglong University. Like you, I am also a dismissed student. I have not received my diploma until now." He glanced at Xiang Junsu and said to Liu Wei'an.
Xiang Junsu seemed to be in awe of Gongshan Liujing. When he glanced at him, he dared not speak again.
"Brother Gongshan is the most powerful person at our Xinglong University. He is the only one who specifically recruited the first army." Xiao Jie was excited, looking at Gongshan with respectful eyes, full of worship.
Liu Wei'an's eyes flashed. If it hadn't happened to Bai Ling, he would already be in the First Army, but now, those are the past. In the respect of Gongshanliu, he hugged his fist and said, "I'm very glad to know Brother Gongshan. I still have something to do with it."
"You're leaving?" Xiao Jie was surprised and said, "Aren't you here to complete the task?"
"Task? What task?" Liu Wei'an looked at him puzzled.
Xiao Jie seemed to wake up and said what he shouldn't say, and watched Gongshan Liujing anxiously. Gongshanliu did not conceal anything, saying: "One girl is missing. She played a key role in some research, so everyone came to find her."
"Oh!" Liu Wei'an did not dare to be interested in this, and said, "A friend of mine lost contact. I'm going to find her, so I won't delay everyone."
"What's your friend, where? Maybe we can help a bit, these days, we have been walking around." Gongshan Liujing asked suddenly.
"Her name is Xu Ying, she lives in Jinsheng Garden, you know?" Liu Weian moved in his heart.
"Jinsheng Garden?" Gongshan Liujing expressed his sorry expression. "Jinsheng Garden is still a long way from here. We didn't go there, sorry, but I also met a few people who came from there. Where's the situation, it seems ... not too optimistic. "
"Until the end, I will not give up." Liu Weian insisted.
"In this case, I won't keep it." Gongshan Liujing is a pity. The three of them are all close-in combat power. Liu Wei'an's long-range ability makes him extremely appreciated. Unfortunately, Liu Wei'an has no such thoughts. .
"Farewell!" Liu Wei'an turned and walked into the underground parking lot. Elephant and Wu Lili followed closely behind. Only the repairman stared at Xiang Junzhen. If it wasn't for reason to tell him that it wasn't impulsive now, it would be a bullet. Sweeping past, finally biting his teeth and following Liu Wei'an.
"Let's go in, too. Everyone gathers, angry too much. Although the zombies have been led away, still be careful." Gongshan Liujing said to everyone.
Everyone was so nervous that they rushed into the house.
The advantage of having a repairman is that picking a car can pick the best, maybe not the fastest, or maybe the hardest, but it is definitely the best in comprehensive ability. A repairman who can't drive is not a good repairman. There was no key, and no idea where the repairman moved, the car started.
"In the urban area, traffic is congested, and the ground has been damaged to varying degrees. If you choose supersonic speed, it is purely death-seeking." The repairman stared at the road ahead and talked about his profession. The whole person seemed like a person. full of confidence.
Liu Wei'an felt that Wu Lili's driving skills were already very good, but compared with the repairman, it was a sudden difference, and it was not obvious elsewhere, but he could feel clearly when turning, he doubted that if he put a glass Water in the car should not spill out.
It was also from the mouth of the repairman that Liu Wei'an knew why there were no floating cars floating in the sky these days, and the sunspot movement of the solar system caused irregular storms in the space. The air was full of invisible anions, which would interfere with electrons. Parts, suspended cars cannot be on the road at all, otherwise 100% of the cars will be destroyed.
The car was driving on the road. Except that the road was detoured twice because of the interruption of the road, the road went surprisingly smoothly, and few zombies were seen. If it was not chaotic road conditions, and there were no people, Liu Wei'an thought it was to restore order. Here it is.
Two hours later, Liu Weian appeared at the gate of the long-lost Jinsheng Garden ~ ~ the moment he saw the broken security pavilion, he lifted it with one heart, no one, the car drove straight into the road, There were bloodstains everywhere, very vertical cars, the collision did not look like, and occasionally several corpses were seen, which had been severely rotten, flies were buzzing in the air, and a strong odor of the corpse filled the people. Gagging.
The deeper it goes, the colder Liu Weian's heart becomes. If there is anyone, even fighting, it means that there are still living people in it. Quietness can only represent one thing, the people inside either leave or die.
The car parked in front of Xu Ying's villa. The villa was in good condition. It seemed that Liu Weian had no hope of fighting and rushed into the villa!
"Xu Ying--"
Wu Lili got off the bus for the second time. At the end of the elephant, although this car is already the largest space, his body is still a bit reluctant. When he came out, he had to be careful. He was worried that he would use too much force to get the car. broken. When Wu Lili walked into the villa, she saw Liu Wei'an, who had lost her heart, came out. Wu Lili was startled and asked, "What's wrong?"
"People are gone." Liu Weian's voice was low.
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