Chapter 487: Nanlong

Nanlong City Besieged!
The news was like a sap, dizzying Liu Wei'an. He was taking the city here, but his old nest was surrounded by others. He has no mood to sneer at the black humor at this moment, and hurriedly came Zeng Huaicai briefly explained a few words, and rushed to Nanlong City with the elephants and 50 peace teams as fast as possible.
Zeng Huaicai meant that he wanted to take 100 people, but he refused. The overall situation of Changhui City is initially set. There are too many problems, and two hundred people are too few. Now only 150 people are left. He is very worried, but there is no alternative but the time for the establishment of the Ping An team is too short. Suddenly it became three cities, and the shortcomings of manpower were expanded infinitely.
The car made a beast-like roar and rushed out of Changhui City, driving on the road, not because of the bumpy roads rising up and down, and driving by soldiers with first-class technology, but it was hard to take the car.
"Ou Yang Xiu Rui asked, should he send someone over to support him?" Qiu Quansheng looked at Liu Wei'an, holding a mobile phone in his hand. Liu Wei'an touched his pocket, only to find out when the phone had dropped.
"Give me the phone."
Qiu Quansheng handed him the mobile phone.
"I'm Liu Wei'an. What's the situation in Wuxun?" Liu Wei'an looked calm after receiving the phone. Ouyang Xiu Rui is the deputy mayor. The management ability is not under Zeng Huaicai. Zeng Huaicai left, and it became him who presided over the overall situation.
"Expand steadily!" Ouyang Xiu Rui's answer was simple, and the four words were enough to explain everything.
"Send someone over with as much stability as possible. If there are disobedient people, don't be polite." Liu Wei'an said. The last four words revealed a killing.
Liu Weian just threw the phone to Qiu Quansheng, and the rushing tiger Jeep suddenly made a sudden brake and was caught off guard. He almost flew out, reached out and grabbed the handle on the top, turning the force of the impact into the force of rotation. The opened window shot out. When landing, the four tires of the jeep rubbed two black traces of five or six meters in length on the ground and stopped in front of a large pit.
A good road, without knowing who was stopped by it, cut a gap close to one meter in width, occupying two-thirds of the road, and the soil was piled up everywhere, just blocking the other third.
The car just stopped, and a group of zombies rushed out from the facades of the abandoned buildings on both sides. They were disheveled and stained with blood. Although they were air-dried, they could still smell a strong smell and a strong rancid smell.
"A coincidence?" Liu Wei'an's gaze shifted from the gap to the zombies. Does this count as setting a trap and waiting for the rabbit?
The Jeep behind stopped and the elephant rushed down to stop the car. He was big. Although the space of the Jeep was not small, he couldn't stand the crowd of people, which made him hard.
"Boss, kill?" The elephant's eyes were reddish and murderous.
"An elephant, a three-inch nail, and Qiu Quansheng killed the zombies with me, and the rest resumed traffic at the fastest speed." Liu Wei'an ordered.
"Yes!" Everyone promised.
The elephant kicked its feet on the ground, the ground exploded, and people shot like a cannonball. A distance of more than twenty meters flew, and the elephant's nose stick swept away like a lightning bolt.
Three zombies were swept away like flies, and their bodies were severely deformed. The elephant trunk with a size of about three hundred catties was as relaxed as an embroidery needle on the elephant's hand. Just followed by a headshot, like a watermelon falling to the ground.
The three-inch nail ran through the zombies like a black shadow, and sharp claws ran across the zombies, such as cutting tofu, a crackle, and the zombies were divided into two halves from top to bottom.
The small three-inch nail has a sharp contrast with the elephant. The attack method also has two extremes. One is wide open, the force is endless, and the other is tricky and invincible.
In comparison, Qiu Quansheng's attack was the most orderly, with the scalpel shining, every ray of light was like a kiss of death, passing over the zombie's neck, and his head was separated from the body instantly.
The three were like thousands of horses, completely blocking the rushing zombies. Members of the Ping An team found a military shovel in the car and quickly closed the gap. There are many people who are good at things. After a while, the gap has been filled. Some people rush to the front and remove the cars that are blocking the road.
Liu Wei'an suddenly frowned, and more and more zombies came from both sides. It seemed that there was a gathering place of zombies nearby. His fingers were open and the silver wing bow appeared on his hand.
The sound of a long bowstring vibration came out, and a long arrow whistled out, and halfway through, the arrows suddenly spread out, turning into nine normal-sized arrows, and lightning hit nine zombies, one A weird and terrifying force erupted.
Corpse curse!
The zombie's body exploded and was torn apart.
"Lianzhu Archery!"
"Lianzhu Archery!"
"Lianzhu Archery!"
Liu Wei'an opened the bow ten times in a row and shot and killed ninety zombies, leaving corpses in one place. The rich, extremely rancid smell permeated the air, which was disgusting.
"Okay." The Ping An team closed the gap and stepped on it a few times.
"Return to the team, do not entangle with these zombies." Liu Weian ordered.
The Ping An team quickly returned to the car. The elephant killed Zheng Shuang, but Liu Wei'an didn't dare not listen. The last one returned to the car. No one blocked it.
"set off!"
Liu Weian leaped and landed on the roof of the first car. Two feet developed a suction force, which was firmly absorbed on the roof, and the bowstring vibration sounded again.
A thick voice spread throughout the wild, dozens of arrows burst through and shot, and the zombies rushed up seemed to find the flyback and exploded before landing.
The minced meat flew up and scattered.
咻, 咻, 咻 ...
One sharp arrow shot after another, the fastest zombies that rushed, and the fastest to go back, basically exploded in the air and turned into a pile of minced meat.
Liu Wei'an bowed one by one, killing a pig in a zombie herd.
The jeep stepped on its horsepower, snarled and rushed out at speeds close to 140 yards. Occasionally, a zombie caught a net fish was hit by a car. For more than ten seconds, the team rushed through the most dense area of ​​zombies.
At this moment, a loud scream came from the side, and a huge zombie rushed forward like lightning.
The Ping'an team was all shocked. Although the ogres killed were not a few since the establishment of the Ping'an team, no one was not afraid of ogres.
At the speed and angle of the ogre, when it rushed to the front, it collided with the last car of the convoy. Liu Wei'an did not see the same ogre, a slightly different arrow appeared, open eight points, let go of both feet, the arrow disappeared, and the arrow's trajectory in the void was not seen at all, and the arrow was seen By the time he had shot the ogre's body.
Burst Rune Arrow!
The area above the ogre's neck was smashed and smashed. The ogre without head still ran for more than ten meters before it fell to the ground, its heavy body, and the sound of a slamming noise on the ground.
The convoy whistled away, and the distance from the zombies was getting larger and larger. At the beginning, the zombies were not willing to chase them. After the fastest running zombies were shot and killed by Liu Wei'an, they could not catch up and stopped. , Slowly dispersed again.
"My son, the girl Wu Lili just sent a message. The enemy is from Nanding City." Qiu Quansheng confessed to Liu Weian who returned to the car.
"Number of people? Fighting power? Weapon preparation?" Liu Wei'an looked at Qiu Quansheng.
"The signal was interrupted again." Qiu Quansheng shook his head.
"How long?" Liu Weian asked the driver.
"More than thirty kilometers, about fifteen minutes," the driver replied.
The car had been driving for about ten minutes, and the sound of guns from the sky could be heard faintly. Liu Wei'an suddenly jumped his eyebrows, and the severe crisis struck him. He could not help shouting, "Stop!"
The driver reflexively stepped on the brakes and directly hit the bottom. The car's was raised high, and it was almost turned over. After all, it was still a little worse and landed heavily.
Almost at the same time, two rockets left and right, two rockets hit three meters away from the car, exploded with a bang, the flames shook the sky, and the shock wave shattered the bulletproof glass in an instant.
"An enemy attack--"
Liu Weian rushed out of the car and took out the sniper rifle for the first time. Qiu Quansheng rushed out of the car the second time. When he rushed out of the car, he just saw a person falling from the highest building on the left, with a bazooka in his hand. together.
When Liu Weian hit the enemy on the building on the right, the enemy just pressed the launcher ~ ~ and the rocket shook his tail.
The fire was dazzling, a car soared into the air, and fell heavily again. The bomb was severely deformed, and the two Ping An teams who were too late to rush out died of shock.
Dense bullets rained down from the buildings on both sides. On the street, no shelter was found at all. The Ping'an team was shot at several people, and the rest rushed into the first floor and began to fight back.
Bang, bang, bang ...
Liu Wei'an's eyes were cold, and his sniper rifle was firing at the fastest speed. In a hundred hits, the people falling on the building were connected into one, basically a headshot.
Liu Weian was under tremendous pressure. Every second, dozens of bullets hit him, and the iron plate depicting the double stone spell was deformed.
However, it created favorable conditions for the Ping'an team to counterattack.
The elephant was shot as a target, and the bullets per second were far more than that of Liu Weian. He beat his head and rattled and roared. He hated fighting this kind of battle the most. He couldn't touch the enemy's fur, but was beaten by the enemy.
After the Ping'an team fully counterattacked, Liu Wei'an rushed into the building on the left, and the gunfire was loud. Three minutes later, the building on the left became quiet. Only a huge gunfire was still unnoticed. Liu Weian.
When Liu Weian came down from the building on the left, there was no sound on the building on the right, and the street suddenly became quiet.
"The soldiers are divided in two ways. I and the elephant go one step ahead. Qiu Quansheng takes everyone and then comes." Liu Wei'an was still in front of him when he said the first word, and he was hundreds of meters away when he said the last word In addition, the speed is fast, beyond the car, the elephant did not say a word, ran down, just barely followed Liu Wei'an.
Two minutes later, Liu Wei'an arrived in Nanlong City.
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