Chapter 526: , Gambling (below)

Mr. Ji, Mr. Zou, and Zhang Xian have already made their names, and the results are brilliant. In contrast, Liu Wei'an, who only had a record in the Bafang Gambling House, seems a bit inadequate. . Yaner couldn't look down on Liu Wei'an and argue with her, but she was weak and couldn't win at all. Remember that tears came out.
Mr. Zou Zou also chose the meat sac, which is dark in color and gives a sense of restraint. This is also one of the favorite meat sacs. The price is 88 gold coins. Expensive.
I saw that many gamblers who chose this flesh bag exclaimed, distressed.
"It turned out that Hei Yanluo really had something. I knew it and I won it. I regret it at the beginning." A thirty-year-old soldier regretted it.
"I am also very optimistic about Hei Yanluo, but the price is too high and I have been hesitant. Alas, I didn't take a gamble this time." Beside him, the archer in his forties was also dead expression.
"One step late, one step late, I came here with money this time for the sake of Hei Yan Luo, but I've already sealed it here." The old man in his fifties was injustice.
Uh ...
To be honest, everyone is optimistic about the 10 highest-priced meat sacs, but there are not many who dare to shoot. Otherwise, they will not be displayed for more than a week, and the price is too high. There are more poor people in this world.
There is such a rule in the casino. Most of the players in the casino are poor. They are delicious and lazy. They fantasize about getting rich overnight, and often return to liberation overnight. On the contrary, those who are very expensive, although they also gamble, but people are sensible. More funds are used to invest in other projects and industries. The money used to gamble is actually pocket money. It is happy to win and lose. Innocuous.
Most people are willing to take a shot. Once the real thing is done, basically gamblers will be cautious and cautious. Dozens of gold coins are hundreds of thousands of copper plates. How many can be easily taken out?
"Take the liberty to ask, what is Hei Yan Luo?" There are novices somehow.
"Hei Yan Luo is a collective term that refers to the dark-colored flesh sac, which has a pattern similar to a ghost face. Most of the black Yan Luo color is not deep enough, the pattern is not clear enough and image, but look at this black Yan Luo, the color is dark Rumo, his face is vivid, is the standard black Yan Luo. "The old man in his fifties is a good teacher. Although he regrets his face, he still acts patiently as a commentator.
The novice carefully observed, and as the flesh sloshed, she really saw a vague pattern looming. It was a grimace, blue faces with fangs, and horror.
Not only are the novices, many people in the casino are not clear about the source of Hei Yanluo. After being popularized, he looked for other flesh sacs and saw a lot of Hei Yanluo that met the description, but compared with Mr. Zou's hands, Immediately thrown, not a level. One is genuine and the other is cottage.
"Mr. Zhang has also been selected!" Someone yelled, attracting everyone's attention.
Mr. Wu Zhang is the only one of the three masters who has not gone straight to the top 10 sacs. He chose a medium-priced meat sac with a large number, so he also looked at it slowly.
As Mr. Zhang walked back, he constantly tapped each part of the meat sac with his fingers. With the tap of his fingers, the music per second was transmitted. At first, it was chaotic and quickly became smooth and full of rhythm. . When Mr. Zhang came to the front, a complete piece of music was formed.
Music is like a mountain stream, nourishing the heart that was scorched by the scorching sun, and a fresh advent comes. Everyone feels restless and calms down. They have a new sense of life. Music is like a jingle of a lover. When the song stopped, everyone was lost.
The noisy gambling house is surprisingly quiet, and everyone is immersed in their own world.
"Xianlinglong, Mr. Zhang even found a fairyling." It took a long time for the gambler to wake up.
"Xian Linglong, I actually saw Xian Linglong today, and it was a worthwhile trip."
"I used to listen to rumors before, but I am fortunate to hear about it today. It was magical. For a moment, I had a new understanding of skills. Xianlinglong could open up wisdom and have a good reputation."
Uh ...
Teacher Ji Ji and Teacher Zou were equally shocked by Xian Linglong. They stared at the meat sacs in Mr Zhang's hand for a while, then regained their eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.
"What is fairy?" The novice asked weakly. He has been in the gambling bag industry for more than half a month, and has never heard of Hei Yan Luo and Xian Linglong. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that he used to be a fake bag, which is amazing.
"Each flesh sac is able to make different sounds when it is struck with heart, or it is dull or clear or high or sharp. Most of them can only emit a single note, which is not unusual. Some flesh sacs can emit A variety of notes make up a tune. These tunes usually have the power of tranquility and soul. They are very magical. Since the establishment of the city, Black Dragon City has never appeared fairy. I only saw it on the forum. I did not expect to be able to see it today. Even if I lose today, it's worth it. "The explanation is still the old man in his fifties, who should be an experienced gambler, with all kinds of interesting news, information, hand-held.
"Does the old man know the price of this fairy?" The novice asked, and the people around him also showed a curious look. This was their most concerned issue.
"The one on the forum was said to have been purchased by the original owner for 1.5 gold coins. After accidentally discovering the secret of Xian Linglong, many big men wanted to buy it. The highest price reached 2880 gold coins, but the original owner did not agree. A few months ago, until now, at least 3500 gold coins. "The old man guessed.
3500 gold coins!
Everyone was exclaimed, and their eyes immediately turned to the exquisite price tag: 3.5 gold coins. I just felt a dizziness in my brain, 1,000 times, this profit, which is really a rich overnight.
Many gamblers' eyes shot hot, aiming at the mid-price meat sac. Since there is one Xian Linglong, there must be another. Many people have begun to imagine themselves as the third master of Xian Linglong. Once I found a fairy, I washed my hands in this golden basin and did nothing. The 3500 gold coins are enough to squander for decades.
"Xian Linglong is different from other flesh sacs. It is like a Maxima. It needs Bole to find it. It is better not to challenge without an excellent vision." What, although knowing it's useless, I can't help reminding.
"So, Mr. Zhang has won this bet." The novice enviously said.
"Not necessarily." A sudden voice was inserted into the crowd. "Some people also said that Xianlinglong Jinyu was defeated outside. The external appearance alone was good. Once broken, the items inside were worthless. The reason why the master didn't dare to use the knife until now. "
"There is still such a thing?" Novice suddenly.
Three masters chose their flesh sacs, leaving Liu Wei'an. Everyone's eyes fell on him, including the three masters, which were different from others' disdain for Liu Wei'an. The three masters attached great importance to Liu Wei'an and did not think anything else, just looked at him The meat sacs selected in the basket show that Liu Wei'an is level.
From the eyes of three people, it is not difficult to see that at least half of the meat sacs in the basket have items. Basically, it is no problem to make a lot of money. The worst result can also be recovered. For a gambler, it can be recovered. Is success.
"If you can't choose, you can admit defeat, and no one will laugh at you." Hu Junlin couldn't help Liu Wei'an's calm look, he was dragged to the end, and he was not in a hurry.
But he said, not only did not echo, but many people glared at him, and suddenly became embarrassed.
Liu Wei'an is a gambler with the three masters. Even if the level is even worse, before the three masters do not speak, everyone should maintain sufficient respect. This is not only to respect Liu Wei'an, but also to the three masters. Tribute. In one day, there are not many masters who can fire Hei Yanluo and Xianlinglong ~ ~ This time, even if Mr. Zou and Mr. Zhang lost, they are well-known.
Gamblers admire those who have real strength. Although Hu Junlin has been mixing gambling houses for a long time, most of the time he is smashing the flesh with money. He is not a pure gambler. He does not know the gambler's psychology. Otherwise, he would not make such a low-level mistake.
"I'm sorry, it's delayed everyone." Liu Wei'an stopped and picked up a meat sac casually, "Just this."
Everyone's eyes hit the flesh at once. The size of the fist is not a regular round body, a bit flat, one large and one small, the color is the most common gray, except for some spots on it, there is nothing. The color, texture, and shape are not surprising, and many people are surprised in their eyes. Don't be arrogant after seeing Hei Yan Luo and Xian Linglong.
Even the newcomer can see that this flesh sac is not gambling, and the sac must be lost.
"There is still plenty of time, you don't need to worry." Teacher Ji gave Liu Weian a deep look.
"You don't have to be disturbed by other factors, picking up half a bag is slow work." Teacher Zou said.
"If you get it wrong, you can change another one." Mr. Zhang said lightly.
The three masters are not optimistic about the meat sac selected by Liu Wei'an, but the master is a master, with a first-rate attitude, and speaks actively for Liu Wei'an.
"Thanks to the three masters, I have already selected them, and that's it." Liu Wei'an smiled, confident.
既然 "In this case, the four gamblers have selected their own flesh sacs, and the next step is to open the sacs." Although Ma Xiaosheng is a gambling staff member, he is also the host and acts as the host.
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