Chapter 557: , Draw and regenerate

They approached and found that the two armies had confronted each other, but they had not exchanged fire.
"My son!"
Uh ...
The members of the Ping'an Clan leaned over and called a bit messy, but their expressions were calm and apparently nothing serious happened.
"What happened?" Liu Weian asked Fu Jiang.
"I thought they were going to attack, and for some reason they retreated." Fu Jiang shook his head and looked puzzled.
"I may explain." Zhang Changyang uttered. Liu Wei'an looked at him.
"Father Liu had little interest in hegemony and the like. If the government had not been crushed too hard, I'm afraid he would have already surrendered. This time, the purpose of this troop is not to occupy the land." Zhang Changyang guessed.
危 Liu Wei'an heard the words, his eyes flashed brilliantly, and he looked up at Fu Jiang: "What's going on inside?" At night, I saw that the cultural center was a little fuzzy, and the outside just turned on a few small lights.
"Everything is stable, the son goes in for a rest first." Lin Zhonghu said.
"Go in and take a look." Liu Wei'an stepped inside. I thought that there was a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to not fight. The distance of seven or eight kilometers was as simple as eating and drinking for him, not tired, and no need to rest. He just used this to sort out the ideas in his mind. Father Liu came to see it, but it was not big. The retired soldiers took it with him. The enemy and his friends were difficult to separate and the purpose was difficult to understand.
The Cultural Center is the largest paper library in Anji Road. It covers a large area, has a quiet environment and complete facilities. It has multimedia, dance rooms, theaters, painting rooms ... It is a collection of reading, cultivation, moral education A comprehensive training center for talents. However, after being occupied by Qin Fat for a few months, the fumes, books, littering, and flying everywhere, and some excrement can be seen in the corner. Liu Wei'an was disgusted for a while. These people live in this place, because of the psychology of falling to the ground, making the place so dirty.
Reading rooms, impurities, books, newspapers, and so on ... discarded on the ground, books that were neatly placed on the bookshelves, now, just like after the earthquake, piles of ashes on the ground, these people are burning books, Liu Wei's peace of mind There was a murder in Zhong. He had been reading since he was a child. The orphanage had very few opportunities to read, which made him cherish reading and admire knowledge. Seeing someone spoil the book is like seeing a bad person a beauty. Crime is just as angry.
"The heating pipeline was damaged in the Palace of Culture, which prevented the heating from being delivered here." Fu Jiang, who followed him, suddenly said something.
"Can the books be burned in cold weather? How long have these fattened Qin fat men occupied here? How many books have been destroyed in the reading room every night?" There is still a bit of guilt for the dead Qin Fat. His original plan was to persuade him, but now he only feels that this person should be killed.
"Where are the detainees? How many more?"
"Segmentation is in various fitness, Taekwondo, Muay Thai ... training grounds, and there are more than 380 people, including 200 evolvers." Lin Zhonghu said.
For those people who even burn books, Liu Wei'an didn't want to see them. Ordinary people may not be able to resist the cold, but the evolutionists will never be frozen by the cold, and their book burning behavior is completely a kind of psychology. distortion. However, for the sake of the overall situation, he still appeared with pangolins, but only showed a face, and some captives who still had careful thoughts completely gave up the resistance. Be honest with Zhang Changyang's collection.
The Ping An team has a very strict income. In addition to assessing the combat power, the most important thing is to look at the character and loyalty. Most people must enter the Ping An team after a period of observation. People with bad mentality will not accept Ping An team.
The non-staff personnel led by Zhang Changyang became the best place for captives.
After Zhang Changyang settled all the people, the elephant also returned with the soldiers. He blew up the houses on both sides of the streets with more zombies, blocked the road with masonry, and sealed the zombies outside. Do n’t worry about them coming over for a short time, the important thing is that several ogres that are closer are sniped, and the zombies can cope even if they come over.
报告 "Report, Father Liu of the First Group begging to see you!" Someone came.
"Yes, please!" Liu Wei'an was also curious about this old Liu, not only to fight without fighting, but also because he heard his respect from Zhang Changyang's introduction to him.
老 When Mr. Liu entered the cultural center, he was still a little bit stubborn, but after seeing that the third group of people were cleaning, his heart was settled all at once. He didn't know why, but suddenly he was not afraid.
The cultural center is composed of the Cultural Palace and the Cultural Square. The walls outside the Cultural Square, because of the hot and cold air collisions on Mars at night, the wind is not small, and domestic garbage and plastic bags are flying around the square at this moment. While cleaning up these garbage, it was a little messy, but all kept quiet.
This Liu Wei'an is not simple, so Master Liu concluded. He knew Qin Fat and Zhang Changyang. Qin Fat did not do sanitation. He knew this very well. Zhang Changyang had such a consciousness, but he was not high in combat ability, he had absolute authority over ordinary people, but evolved. The person may not listen to him, and now all the people working in the square are evolutionaries. Suddenly looking up, I saw a tall figure standing at the gate waiting, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth.
"Father Liu, welcome!" Liu Wei'an clenched his fists.
"Fear the old man." Father Liu hurried to Liu Wei'an, a little embarrassed.
"Inside please!" Liu Wei'an invited several times, making sure that Mr. Liu refused to go ahead, and then led his own way. Father Liu came alone.
There are no meeting rooms, a lounge serves as a temporary meeting room. Under the light, Liu Wei'an could clearly see each of Zou Wen on Father Liu's face.
This is an ordinary old man who can't be left in ordinary people. The wind and frost leave too many traces of years. His hair is half a hundred. The zou lines on his face are left over from years of hard work. The skin is covered with dark spots, sitting. At the time, the waist was slightly bent, humility, simplicity, and fear of things. If it was not suddenly acquired the ability to evolve, such a person is lying on the street waiting for death.
"I don't want to fight with you, I can surrender." This is the first sentence after Mr. Liu sat down, shocked Liu Wei'an, he guessed many possibilities, negotiation, conditions, threats, Intimidation, only surrender was not expected.
"Talk about your conditions." Looking at Grandpa Liu for a while, Liu Wei'an slowly said.
"You have to treat us equally, and you can't treat them differently." Father Liu was staring a little with anxiety with Liu Wei'an's sharp eyes.
"What else?" Liu Wei'an waited for Father Liu to continue talking, but Father Liu shook his head: "No, that's it."
"It's that simple?" Liu Wei'an's eyes were skeptical. He couldn't believe it. It was too strange. Father Liu had more than 10,000 people. He can lead this 10,000 people, and his fighting power is bound to be extraordinary. People with ability don't want to surrender to others, let alone say, the first group that Father Liu now leads, from the current situation, the strength is still above him, like the weak surrender, without conditions, what? Seen as unreal.
"To tell you the truth, I was originally an old man selling vegetables. I didn't understand any management. Others boasted that we are the first group. The actual situation is clear to us. It is a group of old men and grandmothers who are basically people in the market For the sake of self-protection, we only held together. We basically do not fight. Now that there are more and more zombies around, I have already planned to dissolve the first group, but I am afraid of dissolution. Those old folks died too quickly. Just when I saw you coming, I stopped by this burden. "Father Liu said frankly.
"Why did you choose me?" Liu Wei'an was remarked by this remark. In the troubled times, it is not just him. How hard is it for all people to create a career and work hard? This old man is good and easy. Raised a banner and called people together, and then tired of it, do not want to do it, you have to bear the burden.
Not only is the life encounter so incredible, his state of mind makes him incomprehensible. Generally speaking, after taking power, you will only worry about losing power, and you will only worry about the power being too small. How can you take the initiative to throw out the right ~ ~ First, you put the captive back, and you have a letter, then You have something to eat. Father Liu apparently did some investigations into Liu Wei'an.
"The old man can feed more than 10,000 people, shouldn't he be short of food?" Liu Wei'an looked at him with amusement.
"To be honest, when there were few people before, I could still hold on. Now that there are more and more people, I can't hold on." Father Liu expressed his tired expression.
"I don't understand what Master means."
"Are there zombies or other monsters here? I mean alive." Father Liu suddenly said.
"No, what does the old man want to do?" Liu Wei'an was puzzled.
"It has something to do with my evolutionary ability," said Father Liu.
"Elephant, go and catch a few zombies and come back to live, the sooner the better." Liu Wei'an shouted towards the door. The elephant responded, and rushed out with Li Wang and Ding Lishi, ten In less than a minute, I ran back. A man was holding two zombies in his hands, his limbs were discounted, and he was thrown on the ground with a swing. The zombies were very aggressive. When he saw someone approaching, his canine teeth were exposed, but he moved. No, you can only twist your head in vain.
"What then?" Liu Wei'an looked at Father Liu.
老 Mr. Liu saw the elephants and others closed, and stood up from his seat, then reached into his pocket, took out a potato, a round potato, the size of a fist.
In times of trouble, as long as there is a condition, he carries a little food with him, but somehow Liu Wei'an felt a little funny when he saw an old man and a yellow potato, but soon, the expression on his face became Surprised, incredible surprise.
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