Chapter 628: Restore order

When Liu Weian returned to Xinfeng, Lin Zhonghu also found a little clue. Liu Wei'an was assassinated twice for no reason, and this incident must not be so easily let go. This is not just a matter of grievances. He also needs to figure out who is hostile to him and take precautions.
He can choose to retaliate or stop, but he must have the right to know.
There is no light in the abandoned building, and there is no sound to do anything quietly. The Ping An Team has surrounded this six-storey building and waits for Lin Zhonghu's order.
"Action!" Lin Zhonghu didn't know why, his face was very ugly.
The members of the Ping An team rushed in through the doors and windows. The thunderbolt controlled the entire building, but soon someone rushed down and looked angry.
"The report captain, 28 people, were all killed."
Lin Zhonghu walked to the third floor with a grim face, and 28 people died on the third floor. There were no traces of activity on the lower two floors. These 28 people usually live on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. The sixth floor is only in front of the windows. Footprints indicate that someone usually sent a whistle here.
"People died of poisoning. The death time was between one hour and one shift hour." When Lin Zhonghu came up, members of the Ping An team had identified the cause of the death, "acquaintances committed the crime."
"Why is it visible?" Lin Zhonghu asked.
"These people are mercenaries. No matter what the circumstances, there will be someone to send a whistle. If they can be called together, only acquaintances." The member affirmed,
"What poison?" Lin Zhonghu asked, he didn't see any food in the room.
"It should be some kind of gas, and what kind of gas it is, it will take a little time," members said.
"Any other clues?" Lin Zhonghu asked.
"The murderer was very cunning. After the crime, he deliberately opened the window to ventilate and blow all the gas out, but he ignored it--" The member pointed to a pile of ashes on the ground, "Captain, please see!"
"Charcoal?" Lin Zhonghu looked at him puzzledly.
"The group of mercenaries chose this place as a place to stay because it was deserted, but they obviously didn't expect that the desertion was a bit excessive. Even the electrical circuits were aging. The building had no electricity. Now the weather is so cold, they can only burn. The charcoal was grilled and the charcoal had an adsorption effect. It took more than an hour for the charcoal gas to dissipate so quickly. "The members looked confidently at a small instrument for analysis and inspection. Several pieces of charcoal were pressed into powder and mixed with water. Together, they are stirring quickly.
For about a minute or so, a beep sounded from the instrument, and the red light became yellow, and the result came out.
"Sure enough!" The member sneered.
"What is it?" Lin Zhonghu looked at him.
"About 5 years ago, a biologist lifted a gas from the body of a poisonous mushroom, which can kill an adult in 3 seconds without any pain. He was very happy after discovering this poisonous gas. I hope it can replace the euthanasia drug, but then I do n’t know why it did n’t pass the FDA ’s review, and this matter will be lost. No one knows that after this incident, the biologist disappeared. Coincidentally, I Three years ago, I encountered a case where the same poison was used to kill people. I found this biologist. He joined the Changsheng Pharmaceutical Group and secretly developed a poison for this company. Because this poison is too toxic, it is sold. A customer, they all have files, and the customer doesn't know that, "said the member.
"Where is the Changsheng Pharmaceutical Group?" Lin Zhonghu now appreciates this member.
"It's a coincidence, it's on the blue and white porcelain road," said the member.
"Close the team and go to Changsheng Pharmaceutical Group." Lin Zhonghu immediately ordered.
"Yes!" Ping An left the building quickly, started the car, and disappeared into the darkness.
At dawn, the first document signed by Liu Wei'an was passed to various roads, cities, counties and towns. The first thing in the document was to determine Liu Wei'an's status. From today, the governor of Tianfeng Province has become Liu Wei'an, and Liu Wei'an has become the highest and only person in charge of Tianfeng Province.
The second point is the restoration of the law. The law that was abandoned because of zombies has been re-run, regulating the code of conduct for citizens, and we hope that all citizens can abide by the law and be good citizens.
Third, five peace troops were established, each with a population of 100,000, and it was clearly stipulated that the number of each army would not change. Only when they died would they recruit people.
Third, a large number of officials have been appointed, including officials from the former Tianfeng Province, and others transferred from other places. More people who were once dissatisfied have become leaders of important posts. Among them, Shi Hu, as the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, led 80,000 police officers, was independent of the army, and became the most powerful person outside the five regiments.
The decrees were unified, and the order was ineffective. The order of Tianfeng Province was restored in just one week. Of course, some mischievous people appeared. At this time, Shihu showed his hot side and suppressed the mischievous people with a thunder. After the dozens of people's heads landed, other careful people realized that the situation was irreversible and became a teacher.
The improvement of communication equipment makes the work of the propaganda department work well. With the overwhelming publicity, Tianfeng Province has accepted and adapted to the fact that a governor has been replaced. A large part of the lives of the southern region were rescued by Liu Wei'an. These people agreed with Liu Wei'an as governor.
Finally, traffic, railways, highways, and highways have been unblocked, allowing Liu Wei'an's control to reach every corner of Tianfeng Province. At this point, Tianfeng Province is truly in his hands.
The provincial government building was demolished by the dirty blood boy, and Liu Weian temporarily requisitioned a building as an office location.
"Governor, this document needs your signature. It's about medical devices and medicine."
"Province, Anyuan's food report has been released for three days, and no more food will be distributed. They are afraid they will not be able to persist."
"Governor, slave areas often have large-scale monsters passing by these days. I don't know what else, Banshi County requested to increase some troops."
These days, Liu Wei'an is flying fast, even if his brain is developed, his memory is super, and he will never forget. At this moment, he is also dizzy, but he also knows that everything is difficult at the beginning. Shun, he will relax. Perseverance, persistence is victory.
Food and security are the biggest problems facing Tianfeng Province. Relatively speaking, when he conquered Tianfeng Province, he also sorted out the territory of Tianfeng Province by the way. For the time being, the security issue is not so urgent. The brow is the food problem. .
If he didn't take the position of governor, some people would live or die, and those people would not dare to bother him. But since he took the position of governor, all the citizens of Tianfeng Province are under his jurisdiction. As long as he is a citizen of Tianfeng Province, he can justly ask him for help if he has any questions.
And he couldn't refuse.
"Xiangshui Province rejected our transaction request." Wu Lili came in from the outside, her face was very unsightly.
"Why? Do they think the price is too low?" Liu Wei'an looked up. In today's world, the largest power organization is the government. The zombies started in Tianfeng Province, so it is also the most damaged in Tianfeng Province. Although Xiangshui Province is next door, the loss is much smaller than Tianfeng Province. Liu Weian, a long post, thinks he is qualified to deal with Xiangshui Province, so he rescues them.
"They said they didn't recognize your governor, and the name was not right," Wu Lili hesitated.
"Don't they recognize that the citizens of the sky are subjects of the Han Dynasty?" Liu Wei'an glanced at the air.
"They said ... Unless you are overthrown, they won't admit it." Wu Lili whispered.
"Fortunately, I have the heart to prepare." Liu Weian laughed at herself, seeing that there was no one else in the office, pulled Wu Lili into her arms, and said softly: "It's been hard for you these days, you're all thin."
"You're working hard!" Wu Lili rubbed the back of his hand, and never felt such peace of mind and happiness for a moment. Despite the pressure, this was a new beginning.
After the death of her father, she felt the warmth of her home again.
"When we are busy, we will go on a tour and we don't know how long we haven't rested." Liu Wei'an pressed his chin against Wu Lili's forehead and smelled the faint aroma of Wu Lili's body, only to feel that everything was worth it .
"Okay!" Wu Lili's longing appeared in her eyes.
The two were interrupted by knocking on the door less than ten minutes after they had been warm.
"Come in, what's the matter?" Liu Wei'an's voice calmed down. When the staff came in, the two had already separated, and Wu Lili had finished dressing.
"It is Principal Mei Ruhui and Principal Wang Caozhi, and they are here again."
"No time ~ ~ Let them negotiate and come to me with a reasonable and mutually agreeable plan." Liu Wei'an headache.
Schools are undoubtedly synonymous with talent, but talent depends not only on education but also on talent. Mei Ruhui and Wang Caozhi are now robbing talents. Because of the zombie turmoil, how many citizens have awakened to obtain super powers, and most people will not use this power, and the utilization rate is less than 50%.
The target of Mei Ruhui and Wang Caozhi is this group of people. Both schools have newly opened superpower classes, and they are placed in the same position as cultural classes. This is the third time for the two to come, and they can't convince each other each time. Naturally, Liu Wei'an wouldn't pull the frame, so they were sent away.
Come here this time, you do n’t need to ask, you know, you must have found something special.
Liu Wei'an quickly left the two principals behind. A century-long plan and education first. Although the school is important, it is not imminent. The matter of food is the most important. The neighboring provinces cannot help, and he can only take other paths. Otherwise, citizens will be rebellious if they have no food.
History has proven that the overwhelming majority of rebellions are due to hunger. He didn't want the governor's position to be kicked out without sitting in the ass.
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