Chapter 705: Save

The screams screamed suddenly from a distance, and the next second, like a boulder thrown into the lake, the footsteps surged in, and the sound of panic filled one after another.
"Zombies, so many zombies!"
"Hell, why are there so many zombies all of a sudden, and all are high-level zombies!"
"Is the army eating rice? The army of zombies hasn't found it under the eyelids. Run away, bastard, don't block my way, just let me go!"
Bounty hunters, mercenaries, other idlers, and other bees rushed towards Texas. Those with chariots rushed forward. Those without chariots could only lean on two feet.
Those who run slowly can only be reduced to zombies' food. Behind the crowd were zombies exuding a rotten smell, ragged clothes, rotten muscles, stiff movements, and amazing speed.
The lowest are zombies of level 2.0. A high proportion of high-level zombies are standing, so that the ogres who dominate the party cannot stand up. sound.
A 15- or 6-year-old skinny kid tripped over by someone else and fell to the ground. When he got up, the zombies had reached behind, and his sharp claws pierced his back. The abdomen came out.
The little boy screamed in despair, his arms suddenly turned into noodle-like softness, a fist banged on the zombies, smashed a few white and tender maggots, and the zombies opened their blood basins around the little boy's neck.
The neck was broken, and the second fist of the little boy hit only half, and dropped weakly. As soon as the zombie took a hard breath, half of the little boy's blood entered his stomach, and after taking another breath, the little boy's body shrank a circle. The zombies threw away the little boy's body at random, and the sky shouted, and the momentum was wild, twice as strong as before the blood sucking.
Zombie evolution is so simple. Only blood can drink. Their strength can always be enhanced. There is no end. The more powerful the blood, the faster they evolve.
The bloodless corpse was not wasted, and zombies lower in rank were divided. In the world of zombies, blood is the most precious thing, followed by the flesh. High-level zombies are blood-sucking, and meat-eating zombies are generally of lower rank.
The old man who was behind suddenly grabbed the thin girl and threw it towards the front with all his strength, but he slowed down because of the opposite force.
The girl's eyes should be eighteen or nine, but because of chronic malnutrition, she looks only sixteen or seven. She cried out in midair, watching her grandfather surrounded by zombies, a hot flame burst out, and her grandfather's evolutionary ability was a flame. Two low-level zombies were burned to death, and the flames quickly extinguished.
An ogre just happened to be on the side, suddenly speeding up, knocking the other zombies apart, regardless of the still burning flame, grabbed Grandpa into his mouth, clicked, clicked, and took Grandpa's head with only three mouthfuls The bite was rotten, and the flame extinguished instantly. Ogres are a different kind of zombies. Although they are high-level zombies, they like to eat meat. They do n’t let the blood go away and do n’t leave soup for the younger brothers.
Tears flowed from the girl's eyes, but there was no sound. She hated the world, but
Knowing that crying is useless, except to show cowardice. In today's world, cowardly people can only die faster.
She exhausted herself in the direction of Dezhou City and did not look back. She must live, she can't die, this is the chance for Grandpa to earn her life with her life.
More and more people are being overtaken. Zombies are tireless, but humans are tired. After getting tired, the speed dropped. Many people didn't regret not having a chariot until they were caught by the zombies. I knew that today, why bother to save that money.
There are no more regrets in the world.
"Stop!" Liu Wei'an suddenly called.
"Your injury is not good yet." Would Huang Huang not know what he meant. She did not object to saving people. On the contrary, she could not wait to save people at the first sight of the zombies. But if Liu Wei'an was put in a dangerous situation to save people, she would not be willing.
She knew the idea was selfish, but she would rather be selfish. Wounded by the enchantment, Liu Wei'an's injuries did not heal. In order to quickly resolve the predator, the wounds were increased, and the old slayer ran away from the chase, consuming energy. She has no martial arts, but also knows that wounded combat is a taboo, she does not want Liu Weian to take risks.
"Anyway, I won't take risks. Zombies won't hurt me." Liu Wei'an's eyes were firm, and his voice contained a strong confidence. Although injured, not a few zombies can bully.
"But the enemies behind—" Huang Yan said.
"The enemy wants to catch up with us for at least 15 minutes. We have time for 10 minutes." Liu Weian saved people, but never thought of putting himself in danger.
Huang Zheng didn't persuade him anymore, and suddenly stepped on the brakes. This car is very powerful. He changed to a nearly-powered car, and suddenly braked at such a high speed.
"Look to death! You—"
Suddenly Huang Huang braked, the chariot on the back almost hit, the window shrank, and a fierce head stretched out and yelled, but only one sentence, and the second sentence could not be cursed.
Liu Wei'an, who suddenly appeared on the roof of the car, had a huge bow in his hand. The shining platinum light exuded a horror. Liu Wei'an gave a cold glance at this person. For a moment, the person was cold all over the body. The smell of death was like a poisonous snake gently kissing the neck on the back, and the sweat on the body exploded.
There is no reason to believe that if you don't speak badly, you will die badly. The man slammed the steering wheel, and an arc crossed the Huangpi's car, galloping away without the courage to look back.
Huang Yan started to reverse, and Liu Wei'an on the roof seemed to be welded to it, leaving nothing moving. The chariot behind them passed over them, and the crowd swarmed over them. Although I didn't understand what it meant to have someone go backwards at this time, no one was bothersome. It was true that a few fierce-looking people had a different mind, but were swept away by Liu Wei'an's eyes, and they were honest.
Those who run fast are elites, and those who are behind are old, weak, and sick. This is a cruel world. Even if the people of the same team, when their lives are threatened, they also take care of their own safety before they can help their teammates. If there is no spare power, they can only pray in their hearts. Unfortunately, now is the time when there is no spare power.
The silvery white light glanced through the void of tens of meters, as if the white foal had passed through the gap, as if the lightning cut through the dark clouds. With so many people at the scene, no one could see clearly what the light was.
The residual phantom was too late to dissipate, and the pursuit of the zombie had fallen. His head was broken, crushed by some powerful force.
"Lianzhu Archery!"
"Lianzhu Archery!"
"Lianzhu Archery!"
More than fifty zombies died in the blink of an eye. The power of the platinum bow was too powerful. Even Liu Wei'an used ordinary arrows and did not use spells to shoot zombies.
The rescued man looked at Liu Weian's grateful eyes, but did not dare to stop, and hurriedly went towards Texas.
In a matter of minutes, more than 300 zombies died, and at least 200 people were rescued. However, Liu Wei'an also attracted the attention of the zombies. Many zombies changed their direction and rushed towards this side.
Huang Yan had stopped moving backwards. On the roof, Liu Weian was calm and his fingers moved quickly between the arrow and the bowstring. Because the speed was too fast, he couldn't see the movement of the bow. He could only hear the vibration of the bowstring. The sounds are connected in a line.
"Serial Arrow!"
"Dead Corpse!"
The rushing ogre was smashed by half of his face with the first arrow, and nothing happened yet. The second arrow appeared out of nowhere and hit the same place at an indescribable speed.
His head exploded, and the ogre stumbled, his heavy body shaking the ground.
The players who saw this scene were shocked. They killed Zombies ~ ~ Many of them could do their best, but they could kill the ogre, so many people in Dezhou. Counting dissatisfaction.
Who is this youth?
More and more zombies rushed to the chariot where Liu Wei'an was, but they were attacked by powerful snipers 30 meters away from the chariot, like an infinite defensive cover, so that the zombies could not cross the thunder pool, and anyone broke into this range. The zombies, regardless of their level, were shot relentlessly.
Liu Wei'an is like a reef, leaving no matter how the zombies impact.
"Good boy, dare to stop after offending her mother-in-law, courageous!"
The immature voice gave people an old taste, and the voice came over from afar. The details were like a gossamer, and there were thousands of people present, and everyone could hear clearly. One by one, they couldn't figure out where the sound came from.
"Let's go!" Liu Wei'an's face changed. I didn't expect the old demon to come so fast. It only took five minutes.
There was no need for Liu Wei'an to remind him. When he heard the sound, Huang Yan had already started the chariot. In the loud roar of the engine, the chariot fired like a cannonball. Two blind zombies stood in front and were directly hit by a fly. However, the body of the zombies was as hard as iron. Although they flew more than ten meters away, they were not injured.
"Now you want to run, don't you think it's too late?" A six- or seven-year-old girl with a whip from the sky shot from the end of the road and blinked before her eyes.
Liu Wei'an has seen the old demon in the realm of ghost doctors. The old demon had not seen Liu Wei'an, because the enchantment could only see the outside from the inside, and the outside could not see the inside, but the old demon knew that Liu Wei'an was the person she was looking for.
"What do you want?" Liu Wei'an looked calm and narrowed his eyes.
(= Easy to read novel)
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