Chapter 784: 1 mang

"Old things, pretty cunning." Liu Wei'an climbed out of the dirt, patted the mud on his body, and his chest was just a little skin trauma, which was not as serious as it seemed.
"My son, are you okay?" Yaner burst into tears and smiled.
"It's all right, deceive the old blind man." Liu Wei'an touched her head.
"Scared me." Yan'er's hand still clutched Liu Wei'an's sleeve.
"You feel it now, is that the voice calling you is still there?" Liu Wei'an did not hesitate to take Xu Banxian's move and cheated him, not for fun, but for Yaner.
Xu Banxian came to Heidaotan twice, not for Heihe, he was just a guise. His real purpose was to radiate the cold light from the group deep in Heihetan. And that light seemed to have a soft spot for Yan'er. When the blackbird was snatched earlier, Liu Wei'an checked it once, but I'm not sure, this time, it was almost certain.
The group of Hanmang is estimated to be refined, giving birth to an arc of light, this arc of light is full of spirituality, as if giving life, when the Hanmang was forced out, the arc of light slipped out. Xu Banxian grasped the general situation of the world, but unfortunately he lacked a pair of eyes that were discerning. Although Liu Wei'an did not understand the skill of Kanyu, he had the eyes of the demon god, and the scene of the arc gliding out just happened to be seen by him. Unfortunately, the speed of the arc was too fast. He only knew that he had slipped out, and he didn't know where he went.
The most precious thing in the entire Heihetan Lake is this arc of light. The cold mang as a carrier is also precious, but after all, it is a dead thing, and it is not comparable to a spiritual arc, so Liu Weian will be so calm. Han Mang took it away.
"Still!" Yaner said cheerfully, "I can feel it, he's here."
"Close your eyes and feel with your heart." Liu Weian stepped back a few hundred meters. This is the opportunity that belongs to Yaner. Whether she can get it or not depends on Yaner herself.
Yaner closed her eyes. She hadn't experienced such a thing. She didn't know how to respond to the call from the soul. Everything could only be done by instinct, but she knew that the voice of the call was getting closer and closer to her. Although she likes her, she also has a little fear and anxiety, just like a child facing a stranger's candy, wanting, and worrying.
Liu Wei'an opened Dong Lei's bow, did not aim at all, and shot an arrow at random in the jungle.

The arrow left a residual image in the void, and the next moment, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the dense forest.
嗖, 嗖, 嗖
Three silver lights shot through the air, and the sound of three heavy objects falling to the ground again sounded in the dense forest.
"Serial Arrow!"
The big tree that the three of them exploded burst out, and an arrow suddenly emerged from the air of nothingness. It penetrated the neck of the player hidden behind at an indescribable speed, and the strength was too great, almost tearing the neck of success. .
The player flew over three meters with huge power and hit the big tree behind him to stop. The eyes full of horror quickly dimmed.
Liu Wei'an walked peacefully, the sound of bowstring vibration was endless, and every silver light glided across the air, and a player was bound to die. Soon, there were more than 100 dead bodies in the dense forest, and there was a strong smell in the air.
Xu Banxian, he and the dwarf old man were fighting too much, and the Hong tea house was not far away, and they had already alarmed the people there. It was just that the breath of the three was too scary. Although the players of the Hongjia Tea Shop found it, they were afraid to approach. When the battle was over, I couldn't bear running over to see it.
Touching, Yan Er has not yet conquered that arc of light, Liu Wei'an does not allow others to disturb. It doesn't matter if you grab or not, it is a sin to scare Arc Light.
Liu Wei'an's arrow was terrible. If nothing happened, the middle man would die. With so many players, don't say that you are close. Even the jungle cannot rush out. As long as Liu Wei'an sees it, none can escape.
The place where Liu Weian shot was either the throat or the eyebrow, the player could not even send a scream, and the death was silent. Bronze, silver, when the silver peak also fell, the players behind stopped and did not even dare to approach the jungle.
An overbearing breath quickly shot over from the Hongjia Tea Shop, to see who was exhaling the breath, and the players let out the road one after another.
"Who are these?"
"Three gold levels and four silver levels. Which side is this?"
"A strange face. Could it be the hidden power of which big family in the Blue City?"
No one would think that it is a force outside the Blue City, because other cities cannot come up with so many gold-level masters at once. The seven lightning bolts appeared outside the jungle. After a pause, they rushed into the jungle without any fear.
"There's a good show here." The player standing outside the jungle showed an expectant look.
Although Liu Weian is powerful, after all, he is a person. In the face of 3 gold levels and 4 silver levels, one of them is the peak of silver. I'm afraid it is enough.
How would you know--
After the seven entered the forest, there was no movement. There was no fighting or other sounds. Liu Wei'an also stopped firing, and the forest suddenly became quiet and weird.
"What happened?" The players looked at each other.
Then came two gold-level players, heard of this situation, hovering on the edge of the dense forest, dare not set foot easily.
Seven people were Lu Yan, Nie Pohu, and others. After the breakthrough, the realm was almost consolidated, and they ran over to find Liu Wei'an. Liu Wei'an's breath was not hidden, and they were easily found.
With them in place, Liu Wei'an naturally didn't have to take a shot, and the jungle would be quiet. Although no player dared to enter, the black cow, the yellow cow, and the stone cow were not idle. They touched the corpse of the buttocks and were skillful in movement.
"Eye of the demon, open!" Liu Wei'an put away Donglei's bow, two Shenmang shot from his eyes, the ground turned gray, and a dazzling arc appeared in the field of vision.
It is about a foot long and as thin as hair. If it is not shining, it would be impossible to find. The arc of light moved under Yan'er's feet, the speed was extremely fast, approached all of a sudden, far away, and repeated this action.
Wanting to be close, and afraid, Liu Wei'an's egg hurt. A ray of wisdom has just emerged, vigilance is so heavy, suspicious than a woman, and wonder how to be born.
He took out Warcraft blood and writing brushes, added a few strokes to the Rune, immediately raised a strong restraint force, and began to shrink with Yaner as the center.
Golden Stone Rune, after deciphering Xu Banxian's formation just now, he has a better understanding of the use of the formation, and changes the formation to become more handy.
Together, the arc light sensed immediately and jumped up and down uneasily. Perceived the increase in pressure, immediately no longer hesitated, and fled quickly, as if the electric magpie suddenly disappeared and disappeared, the next second hit the formation, was ejected back.
Liu Wei'an was shocked when he saw a spider web-like crack in half of the formation.
Endlessly. The cracks were all white crystals, exuding a terrible cold, and extended towards the entire formation. Instantly, the formation stopped working.
Liu Wei'an's wrists were shaking, his writing brushes were flowing, and suddenly, a new formation method was formed. He kept moving, his writing brush fluttered, and another formation appeared.
"Double Stonehenge!"
The wrist still did not stop, the writing brush was soaked in the blood, soaked up the blood, the light flowed, and another formation was formed.
"Flame Rune!"
The arc hit the formation again, and the formation erupted in gold and red. The formation was intact, but the arc light was ejected back. Not only that, but the burning smell was faint in the air.
The arc was furious, the terrible cold broke out, and the space on this side suddenly stopped, everything was frozen, and even the air was frozen, except for Yaner. Arc Light was close to Yan'er, even if she was angry, she didn't want to hurt her.
The matrix method solidifies and turns into powder without sound.
Liu Wei'an's eyes flashed brilliantly, but fortunately, there was an array of obstacles, otherwise he would suffer if he was caught in the cold. Who would have thought that the thin arc of hair had such a terrifying chill.
His wrists quivered quickly, his brushstrokes flowed, and three runes formed in one go.
"Mie triple is the formation!"
This is already the ultimate he can do. Then the stroke of the pen turned, the breath became sharp, and in the blink of an eye, another formation was formed.
"Burst Rune!"
Attack and defend, blocking the arc again. Arc light continuously releases the cold and freezes the formation to shatter. Liu Wei'an draws new formations repeatedly. Liu Wei'an can't force the arc into Yaner's body, and the arc cannot break through the formation. The two sides are deadlocked, but After half an hour, the cold of the arc light began to fall, and the power of the formation method prevailed.
After an hour, the arc light could hardly release the cold, giving a feeling of dying, the range of the formation method was compressed to within three feet of Yaner.
Liu Wei'an's stroke turned once more, and a new formation was formed, with hidden murder.
"A corpse formation!"
The arc that had been swimming fast was stiff for a moment, feeling the murderous power of the formation method, and was silent for about a second, and a sizzle shot into Yan'er's body disappeared.
For a moment ~ ~ Yan'er's body was experiencing a terrible cold, and her body was frosting. Liu Wei'an was shocked. Before she could move, the frost melted, revealing Yan's face, her complexion was ruddy, Hurt. Liu Wei'an was relieved, and Yan'er was covered by frost again and again and again. After a while, the frost covered and melted, and the frequency was extremely fast.
With each change, Yan'er's breath is strong, and her strength skyrocketed at a speed that Liu Wei'an had never seen before. Dark Iron, Medium Dark Iron, Late Dark Iron, Peak Black Iron, Dark Iron Complete, Less than 30 seconds, Yaner broke through the Bronze Period. Bronze early, middle, late, peak, complete, silver period.
Liu Wei'an was stunned and watched Yan'er's strength continue to grow. After entering the silver period, the speed slowed down, but she remained strong. Middle silver, late silver, silver peak, silver complete.
Golden period!
Liu Wei'an was shocked and delighted, and outlined a matrix method at the fastest speed, sealing the breath of Yan'er breaking through the gold level. After entering the gold level, the power to support Yaner's breakthrough seemed to be exhausted, and Yaner's realm stopped in the early stage of gold.
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