Chapter 832: Distraction

Tianfeng Province came to Jiangdong with only 500 chariots and less than 3,000 people. The shock to Jiangdong Province was no less than 30,000 or even 300,000. People in the province of Tianfeng have amazing fighting power and cooperate with tacit understanding. Basically, they have single-headed zombies or even one enemy-two strength. In contrast, in Jiangdong Province, three to five people are required to deal with an ordinary zombie.

The huge power gap makes Jiangdong Province deeply reluctant to leave the Ping An Team, but they also know that they have no reason or excuse to retain the Ping An Team. They can stay for three days.

These three days of help to Jiangdong Province are also visible. The reduction in the density of zombies has at least doubled the rest time for soldiers in Jiangdong Province.

After Xiao Panxia was awakened, the battle king Niu San and others said that nothing allowed Peter Pan to stay on the front line, and pulled him back to the rear, so that the Fire Girl stared at him. In Jiangdong Province, Peter Pan only listened to the words of three people, Wuyou, Xiaoxiao and Huojia. Now worry-free is dead, Xiaoxiao girl is missing, and the only one who can control Peter Pan is the Fire Girl.

Seeing that Peter Pan really calmed down, the battle king Niu San and other talents bowed down.

"You go down, I want to stay alone for a while." Xiao Feixia said, the calm tone made the girl of the fire family tremble, inexplicably upset.

Xiao Xiaoxia likes that the Huojia girl's high level in Jiangdong Province is an open secret. Although Peter Pan has never said anything, as long as he is not a fool, he can see it. Therefore, although the Fire Girl is of average strength and somewhat willful, she is detached in Jiangdong Province and no one dares to offend.

Peter Pan and the Huojia Girl have always spoken in harmony, and they dare not speak hard, not to mention this almost unfamiliar tone. For weekdays, the Huojia Girl must certainly teach Peter Pan a little, But today I know that because of the worry-free death, the attack on Peter Pan was too great. Although the fire girl was arrogant, she was able to distinguish between them, did not say anything, and left silently.

Puppet Peter was really sad. The closest and most trusted person died. He almost had the idea of ​​this life. However, after all, he was the son of a general, and in some ways inherited from the general. Although he was sad, he forced himself to forget the incident and turn his attention to Liu Wei'an.

If you did n’t know what Liu Weian meant by this time, you already knew it on the way back. Liu Wei'an was very disappointed with him, and even had the idea of ​​replacing it, although in the end, he didn't know what happened, which made Liu Wei'an precarious and changed his attention. But that inadvertent behavior made Peter Pan feel great shame.

小 His Peter Pan is the son of a general, and the son of a general cannot suffer such an insult. But a clever woman ca n’t cook without rice. For millions of ordinary citizens, he ca n’t support them. He sat in the office alone, looking up at the yellow-yellow lights, constantly thinking about various ideas in his mind, and his face was changing. I don't know how long it took, a resolute brush on his face, his brows suddenly raised, as if he had made some important decision.

Opened the drawer and took out a sensor in the small cabinet with fingerprint encryption inside. The three-dimensional imaging sensor is simply a high-tech phone that projects human influence and generates it in three-dimensional mode. Speaking like this is the same as face-to-face, except that the impact is virtual.

Qi Qie is exactly like a real person.

The sensor was placed on a blank ground, and the red dots flickered. After about half a minute, the red dots turned green. The sensor emitted a hazy light, and a human figure was formed instantly.

"Linghu, my husband has been waiting for you for a long time." This is a gray-bearded old grandfather, with a smile on his face, and his deep eyes flashing an unknown light.

"You know what I'm looking for you." There was an unnatural glance across Peter Pan's face. He was the son of a general, but had to do something unwilling to do against his conscience.

"Know, my condition remains the same, 1 corpse of the evolutionist plus 10 ordinary living people in exchange for 100 kg of food, if it is a living evolutionary, 1 100 kg of food, a bronze-level evolutionary 1 200 kg of food, silver One 400 kg of grain for the evolutionist and one 1,000 kg of grain for the gold master. "Said the old man with white beard.

"1 evolutionary body for 100 kg of food, no living people." Peter Pan coldly.

"The corpse is in Linghu's hand. It is useless except cremation. Cremation also wastes resources and labor costs. Does Linghu think that my underground court is a charity?" The old man with white beard still smiled. The voice cooled down.

"Don't think I don't know you want to use corpses for experiments, corpses can be of great use to you." There was a flash of anger in Peter Pan's eyes.

"It ’s good to know something, Linghu. It ’s hard for everyone to say that if we come to the corpse for cremation, why do we still have food? Although we have food, we do n’t want to feed our eyes. Wolf, we might as well give the dog food. If the dog eats, he can bark twice and watch the house and protect his eyes— "

"Enough!" Peter Pan angered. "Are you scolding me?"

"I'm a slave, how dare to scold Linghu, you are the son of a general, and I dare not scold you, I don't eat a bear heart leopard, metaphor, I just make a metaphor, Linghu Please do n’t sit in the right seat,
said the old man with white beard.

"An evolved corpse plus 5 ordinary people, on this condition, there can be no more." Peter Pan took a deep breath and let the angry pressure go down.

"Linghu should know that my conditions are already very favorable. Moreover, Linghu should also know that my underground court is based on the face of the general and did not move on your site. Otherwise, we have to Catch a few ordinary people, do you think you can stop it? By then, it will not be ten or eight, but ten thousand. "The old man with white beard said lightly.

"You threaten me?" Peter Pan shot a cold mang in his eyes.

"Don't dare, I just state a fact." The white-bearded old man smiled.

Xiao Xiaoxia's chest was undulating and his face was cloudy.

"To survive, everything is possible. If you die, nothing will be empty. There are millions of ordinary people in Jiangdong Province. If these people do n’t have food, they can only wait for death. The death of a person is not a waste of waste, so why not make use of it, and let these people make a contribution to the living, and not let them come around the world. " Why is the combat effectiveness higher than Jiangdong Province? Not him

How much strength do we have, but they are better physically, they are full, and they have food. If the soldiers of Jiangdong Province are full, their combat effectiveness will be the same as that of Tianfeng Province. The strength of the soldiers has increased, and it will not be a problem to eliminate zombies. Linghu will not like to fight with zombies all the time, right? "

"Don't say it, I agree to the deal." Peter Pan said nothing for a full minute of silence.

"I do n’t want to regret this transaction." The old man with a white beard twitched a smug smile.

"I'll see the grain tonight." Peter Pan said without a doubt.

"I look at the character of the fox son, you can rest assured that after three hours, you will see the Baihuahua food." The old man with white beard promised.

Peter Pan didn't want to say anything anymore, turned off the sensor. When the image of the old man with white beard disappeared, Peter Pan took the time to sit on the ground, breathing heavily, his face ugly. I don't know how long, Peter Pan suddenly turned around with a sense of instinct. The pale the face stood in the corner with no expression on her face and could not see the joy.

"Smiles and girls have seen?" Peter Pan's voice was hoarse.

"Saw it." Xiao Xiaoxiao's voice was very calm, but she had a kind of weakness that she hadn't before. She lost one arm and hurt her a lot.

"Smile girl must be very disappointed." Peter Pan closed his eyes, as if a prisoner waiting for his sentence.

"Right and wrong, leave it to future generations to judge, we just need to do ourselves well." Xiaoxiao girl said.

"Smile girl doesn't blame me?" Peter Pan suddenly opened his eyes, his voice excited. There was no longer a girl in the room, and she did not know when she would leave. Although the person was gone, her words ignited Peter Pan's confidence, no longer in fear, no fear, and re-injected strength.

Uh ...

"Let's relax." Liu Wei'an suddenly said without being aware of how long he was silent.

"Okay!" Huang Yi suddenly jumped up. I don't know if it's for Liu Wei'an's excitement or to like going out for himself.

In the place where the three provinces of Tianfeng, Jiangdong and Xiangshui meet ~ ~ Liu Wei'an left the army and entered Xiangshui province. The army continued to move forward and returned to Tianfeng province.

Liu Wei'an went to relax, not bringing many people, Elephant, You Mengshou, Undead Cat, Yang Zhangmen, Lin Zhonghu, three gold-level masters with strong working ability, and Huang Zhi and Liu Wei'an. A total of 10 people, three chariots. With few people and high mobility, it is easy to avoid large-scale zombies.

I soon entered the boundary of Xiangshui Province. Xiangshui Province had more zombies than Jiangdong Province, but Liu Wei'an also found a little anomaly. Although there are many zombies in Xiangshui Province, there are few high-level zombies. Along the way, don't say that Dauma, such as White-haired Zombies and Bronze Armies, did not see a few abominations, hunters and predators. Confused, but the speed did not stop, passing through the gap of the zombies.

The defense of Luanxiang Province is similar to that of sacks, and there are holes in the eyes. The three chariots of Liu Weian and others easily entered the nearest Binzhou Road. Entering inside, it was found that the fighting in the city was more fierce than the battle at the gate of the city, and suddenly realized that Xiangshui Province was fighting in the alleys.


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