Chapter 9: Chaotic night

Two pieces of equipment, one is a black mang shoes, and the other is a bright silver hammer, both of which were removed from the beard. Poorly he had two such good pieces of equipment and hung them before he even started.
Something is good, but Liu Weian, a black mang shoe, already has it. He can't use the bright silver hammer, and an archer wields a big hammer, which is not the same. So, everything was sold. When offline at night, Liu Wei'an counted, and the account balance became 11 gold coins, 78 silver coins, and 56 copper plates.
Turned over the serfs and sang, and put Niuwa into a tyrant overnight.
Headed straight to the commercial street and bought a roast chicken and a roast duck, mobile phone, clothes, and a tablet computer. In other words, in this world, only food is the most precious, and the price of roast chicken and roast duck accounts for more than half. That night, the three had a full meal, and their belly swelled. Liu Weian was lazily lying on the bed, only to feel that he had never eaten so full in his whole life. Xiao Yan looked at Zhao Xin. This girl looked like a kitten and licked and licked the bones. The pink tongue was rolled up and rolled up, which was very cute.
Zhao Nannan glanced at a large bag of clothes, cell phone, etc., and said coldly: "Is you rich?"
"A small profit."
"Such as rich?" Zhao Nannan's tone was flat, but Liu Wei'an faintly felt her discomfort.
"if not?"
"Do you think about it later?" Zhao Nannan stared at him.
"In the future, don't--" Liu Wei'an suddenly said nothing, because he didn't know how to continue. From the time he was taken out of the orphanage by the dean, from the inexplicable crime, the universe pirates, chaos, escape, games, struggle … Along the way, basically struggling to live, what he will look like in the future, he has not really thought about it, in fact, he has no time to think about it. If it hadn't been for the sudden improvement of these two days, I would have fallen asleep at this time. You need to race against time to sleep.
"This is a slave area, you have to find a way to escape from this place." Zhao Nannan said solemnly.
"How to escape?" Liu Weian moved in his heart. The slave area was too chaotic.
"I don't know." Zhao Nannan looked up at Liu Wei'an's disappointed expression slowly, and said slowly, "In this world, nothing is impossible with power and money. You have no hope for power, but--" I haven't talked about the big bag with my mobile phone and clothes.
Liu Wei'an's eyes brightened, and he had some vague thoughts.
"In the future, if it is not necessary, buy these things as little as possible, you can have an energy tube." Zhao Nannan said gently.
"You want Zhao Xin to know nothing when he grows up?" Liu Wei'an handed the tablet to Zhao Xin.
Zhao Nannan was speechless and hesitated for a long while, and there was a thick sorrow that could not be resolved in his eyes.
"go to bed!"
Lights off!
Zhao Nannan's mother and daughter-in-law climbed to the upper bunk, but Liu Wei'an opened his eyes. Why couldn't he fall asleep, later? What will it look like in the future? aims? ideal? Be an official? Be a big tyrant? still is……
Toss and turn, opening eyes for a while, closing eyes for a while, somehow remembered his parents, who are the parents? Why is it necessary to abandon yourself and leave in an orphanage? Still don't like yourself? Are the parents still there? Is it somewhere on the planet or is it dead?
Strangely, Liu Wei'an fell asleep. He had a dream, dreaming that he had made a lot of money, linked gold coins, could circle around Mars for several times, and then became a big official, and became the Empire head. Throwing Fang Yan, moving a finger, there are countless people falling to the ground, the harem wives are swarming, people under the foot of the people surrender, enjoying the riches and riches ... The picture suddenly changes, and he sleeps on the dragon bed in the empty hall He was naked, all of a sudden, suddenly, there was a hissing sound, a sword collision, and a screaming sound outside the hall. It was extremely fierce. A cold wind blew. A fluttering white woman appeared out of thin air. Holding a sword dripping with blood, he floated towards him.
"Who are you? Why did you kill me?" Liu Wei'an found in horror that he was speechless and unable to move. He watched as the woman approached. The chill from Jian Feng stimulated the hair on the skin. .
Liu Wei'an yelled and awakened. When Li Jian pierced his heart and blood shot, he saw the woman's face clearly, and turned out to be Zhao Nannan. Touching his back, it was all cold sweat.
Why do you want to kill me? Liu Wei'an shook his head fiercely and suddenly found something wrong. Why is there a killing cry? Aren't you awake? Is it still a dream?
Fierce footsteps came from outside, followed by a few swears and curses, a group of people appeared outside the door, and then one yelled, "Smash!"
The big iron door trembled fiercely, and a huge sound echoed in this small basement room, as horrible as thunder. The upper bunk was a frightening cry from Zhao Xin, but as soon as the sound came out, Zhao Nannan covered his mouth. The body shivered.
Touch, touch, touch ...
People outside smashed the big iron gate frantically, smashing slamming, and there were countless scolds and curses.
"... we are cold and cold outside, but these people live in warm houses, eating savory bread ..."
"... Smash me, smash it hard, break this door ..."
"... Kill them, grab their food ..."
"... we want to eat, we want to be free, we want a house, we want clothes ..."
Slave Riot!
Liu Wei'an instantly understood what was going on, and a relaxed heart relaxed a little, as long as it was not a rebel or a robber. Rebels and robbers have regularized weapons. Where they appear, corpses are everywhere, and there is basically no live mouth. The slave army is different. They are weak in constitution and simple in weapons. Most of them are wooden boards and stones. They have very few iron weapons. Although terrible, they are far less lethal than rebels and robbers.
In this area, due to historical issues and living environment problems, slave riots occur every once in a while, sometimes it is half a month, sometimes it is five days, and frequently it is three days, and the range is also there. There are big and small, hundreds of thousands of people participate in the big time, but most of the time, it is a small riot of 10,000 or 20,000 people. After all, it is a laborious thing to walk around the street in the cold at night. Thinking of this, Liu Wei'an raised it with one heart. Although the slave riots were frequent, there were few cases where he dared to impact the house. Even if there were, they were outside. The building he lived in was deep inside.
He has also heard the incident that the poor living in the surrounding areas were killed by the impact, but he only heard that the real encounter was the first time. The violent impact and the cursing with murderous intentions were just outside the door. Liu Weian's palms were full of cold sweat, and he glanced left and right, there was nothing in the room, and there was nothing to use as a weapon.
The large iron door was recessed in the center, and almost had a large head. It seemed to be caused by rocks. The whole room seemed to shake.
People outside were more excited when they saw the iron gate deformed, and screamed more hard. There was a faint scream in the distance. Don't even think about someone who is unlucky.
The corridors of the entire building are packed with undressed slaves, holding simple weapons, smashing all visible objects, trash cans, light bulbs, windows ...
The scope of the deformation of the iron gate is getting larger and larger, Liu Wei'an's heart is getting tighter, his fists are clenched tightly, and his heart is thinking about how to fight back after breaking the door, killing as many people as possible. In the face of hungry slaves, there is no reason to say that they will kill everyone in the room and everything away, like a locust crossing.
The door bolt has been severely deformed, the gap between the door leaf and the door frame is expanding, and the flames have penetrated the gap. Liu Wei'an narrowed his eyes to clearly see the situation outside. Dozens of slaves squeezed together, holding in his hands. Stones and nailed wooden sticks, gritted teeth, UU read the book with a crazy expression, in his eyes, there was no fear or fear.
Fortunately, there are so many of them, they squeezed the space that was not much, they ca n’t let go of their hands or feet, otherwise the iron gate is hard, and it is estimated that it can't help but be smashed a few times. However, Rao is so crazy about slaves Under the attack of the Great Iron Gate also reached the point of destruction.
No accident, at most two times, the big iron door will be smashed, Liu Weian arched his body, like a cheetah, with his fists clenched, ready to go.
The iron gate trembled fiercely, and the gap was even wider, so it could be stuffed into the fingers. At this critical moment, the sound of gunfire came from outside.
The police or troops are here.
Then the screams rang out, followed by the shock of the slave's fearless death, but within five seconds, everyone was killed and wounded, looking at the corpse everywhere, the madness in the eyes of the slaves behind disappeared, and began to be afraid Then, he yelled and started to run away. The fast came, the fast went, and the tide generally receded.
The sound of gunfire was gone quickly, and the police were pursuing, and they did not return until the slaves were driven out of the area.
About half an hour later, the police came back one after another, patrolling the streets, using a loudspeaker to notify that there was no danger, and Liu Wei'an opened the crumbling iron door. All the signs of smashing were on the outside. He went up the stairs and walked outside. Several corpses, the blood stained the ground red, and the eyes swept away. The corpses began to grow, one in the east and one in the west, and some places were layered with five or six. The blood flowed into the creek, and at night, Like ink.
The entire building was destroyed, every house was smashed, all the iron doors were deformed, the windows were almost intact, and the doors of several families were open, with several dead bodies lying inside, and there was no sound.
Liu Wei'an didn't look again, and quickly returned to the basement. At this moment, the desire to escape from the slave area was particularly strong.
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