Chapter 118: Lion PK Piggy


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1362 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:33:00

The Zhisheng Zhipai listened to Zhu Zhu's words very unexpectedly. Elder Zheng, who lived with him day and night, was such a powerful genius that he never even noticed that he was so young.
But now is the time to unify the outside world. If you have any questions, you may wish to say later. Fu Yu ’s confidence in Zheng Quan has soared, and she has also begun to believe that Zhu Zhu may really win the game. But be polite, the master of Zhu Zhuxian's nephew is Elder Zheng. "
Cai Bian was really surprised, and then he laughed, pointing at Zhu Zhu and disdaining, "Just like you, a little girl who hasn't cultivated a little bit of mana, want to compare with me? Hahahaha, a wants to win me ? "
Pu Di Chan Shang has seen him unpleasant for a long time, and now he wanted to jump out and give him a lesson, but he was caught again. This time it was Yin Zizhang who caught him.
Yun Zizhang's expression was firm and he said, "Don't bother him, Zhu Zhu will win!"
Pu Dichan still knows that the most nervous Zhu Zhu here should count him. Since he has such confidence, most of Zhu Zhu really has the ability to beat Cai Bian's asshole.
"Okay! I'll see how Zhu Zhu cleans up this stinky boy!" Di Chanshang gritted his teeth and cut his teeth. The wicked villain who is all eccentric Zen, if he is not injured, he can fly this with a slap.
Yan Ji Yougu took a meaningful look at Yin Zizhang and gently shook Shi Yinglv's hand as a sign of relief, so she didn't say a word and waited for the gong to begin.
Cai Bai laughed a few times, but found that even Si Biantai and Zou Shi did not agree with him, and immediately became very uninterested.
Zou Shi reminded in a lower voice: "Don't underestimate the enemy ... Don't forget the lesson learned from Qian Zuo!"
Cai Bian's heart was stunned, but he quickly thought that Qian Zun's seductive mind would be able to reach Shi Yinglu's tunnel. With the spirit beast in his hand, he would not fall behind the monks in the Dandan period, let alone such a thing. The smelly girl who fell when the wind blew?
He patted the beast bag and sneered, "Let you see what a true sixth-order fire beast!"
Sixth order? The sages changed their colors and looked at Zhu Zhu with an anxious expression. What Cai Yan wanted was this effect, and he laughed more and more proudly.
As the words fell, a red shadow flickered. A big lion, eight feet tall, with red fur and four claws, appeared beside Cai Bian. His eyes were red, and a small blood-red sarcoma was born on his forehead. Three eyes were born.
Three-eyed red fire lion on the sixth stage.
According to legend, as long as this spiritual beast is cultivated to the seventh level, the sarcoma on the forehead will burst and grow a third eye. It ranks eighty-nine among the fire spirit beasts. I don't know how many alchemists dream of it in order to have such a powerful spirit beast.
I have it by my side, alchemy is enough to be used as a monk in the late period, and it is even better than that.
Because the spirit beast's cultivation is much higher than Cai Bian, although Cai Bian reluctantly conquers it by various means, he cannot control it at all, and he is also careful to wait for him.
But every time he saw his three-eyed Red Fire Lion coming out, he drew a sudden or dark shock and fear, and felt that everything was worth it.
He did n’t know how much it took him to please the master before he had to come to this spirit beast. Otherwise, based on his cultivation in the middle of the foundation, he would not be able to set foot in the realm of Sipin Alchemist.
"Let your spirit beast come out!" Cai Bian raised his head proudly.
Zhu Zhu tried hard to pretend to be the grandeur of the world, but she felt discouraged at the thought of the piglet, reached out and touched her spirit beast bag, and whispered, "Piggy, come out."
Bai Ying flashed, and the pink and round invincible and cute piglet appeared on the stage. He fluttered to Zhu Zhuhuai with a puffy voice, "Huh," shouting a mess.
Zhu Zhu will be very happy like this, but today ... she pulled the pig awkwardly and said to Cai Bian: "Don't make trouble, I want to test this bad guy, do you ... have confidence to set fire? Scared this big guy away? "
A little bit of confidence in Zhu Zhu that the people just established was completely blown and shattered by this scene. At this moment, the main hall still believes in Zhu Zhu's victory, but only Zheng Quan and Yin Zizhang are left. Even Zhu Zhu himself does not have much confidence. .
I saw the three-eyed red fire lion with a big opening in the blood basin, I'm afraid I could swallow the piglet with her head.
Cai Bian was stunned, pointing at the piglet and covering his stomach, laughing loudly, "Well! Such a small animal is not enough for my three-eyed red fire lion to tack on his teeth. How dare he come to the battle? I thought it was so weak, I Will I let you go? "
He laughed so happily that he didn't notice that the mighty three-eyed red fire lion around him had shown fear and caution since the piglet appeared, and his high head slowly dropped, and his limbs were bent slowly. Leaning down, a warning posture as if facing the enemy.
Zou Shi and Si Bian both discovered the fault of the three-eyed red fire lion earlier than him. Si Bian couldn't help but scream, "Cai Bian, don't take it lightly!" His drink was like the twilight morning bell, Cai Bian shook. Finally noticed the strange reaction of the three-eyed red fire lion.
The three-eyed red fire lion is a born dumb. Even if he has attained the fifth level or higher, he cannot speak, and Cai Bian and him have not agreed to recognize the main contract, so they can only barely understand about 50% of their minds.
He noticed that the three-eyed red fire lion actually had a retreat, but he didn't know the reason. Looking at the white little pig about a foot tall standing in front of Zhu Zhu, he couldn't see anything terrible.
But his spirit beast is now in this state, it is good to run without turning around, how can he expect it to attack the person and pig opposite?
If the three-eyed red fire lion really turned around and ran, even if he said that he was breaking the sky, he would lose the game.
He must be what this little pig would do to deal with the illusion of fire-like spirit beasts, so he scared his three-eyed red fire lion into such a frightened and angry, and thought he had discovered the treacherous apprenticeship of Master Zheng and Zhu Zhu.
You guys want to use this villain trick against me? I am in danger today, and I want the three-eyed red fire lion to burn your unkempt girl and this so-called pig into ashes.
Cai Bian gritted his teeth and took a flaming red needle into the neck of the three-eye red fire lion. The three-eye red fire lion vibrated violently, and then became violent. A large red flame opened his mouth and stood toward him. Zhu Zhu and the piglet squirted in front.
The piglet barely squeezed its round belly, squatted on the ground with two short hind legs apart, and opened its mouth to make a snorting sound, so that it was swallowed by the amazing flame.
He slowly opened his mouth and spit out a hot white gas. The pig turned his head to look at Zhu Zhu with anticipation, and his eyes were clearly written with three big characters-praise.
"You're amazing! But ... be careful!"
Zhu Zhu Zhu exclaimed, a larger fireball than before had rushed to a place less than a foot in front of the pig ...
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