Chapter 159: Low-key man high-arson


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1341 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:33:22

Although people can't look good, Zhu Zhu's skin looks really bad.
Wang Wangyin recalled that the appearance of a rough maid in Master ’s mansion was at least ten times better than her. She was not good at covering her thoughts at a young age.
Yun Yinzhang saw Zhu Zhu wake up and walked to the tent and said, "Give me the piglet."
Xi Zhuzhu obediently handed out the piglet who also slumbered, Yin Zizhang took a big step and walked towards the corner of the camp.
"Sister Shi, that ..." Wang Yin suddenly glowed at the sight of the pig, so cute pig! Shi Yingluo's expression was even more proud: "That is the spirit beast of my sister and sister.
Ju Shengou twitched at the corner of his mouth, a pig ... a spirit beast, and erupting fire? If Shi Yinglu had not shown enough strength yesterday, he would almost doubt that the beautiful and enchanting female Xiu was an idiot with a big chest.
No matter how biased he is, he doesn't brag about drafts like this.
Yin Zizhang took the pig to the place where the ghosts ate the ghosts and parked the corpses of the five ghost kings of Yinsi, and touched the pig's head and said, "All these are burnt!"
Piggy opened his mouth and yawned, and spit out a small fireball when he was weak. He sniffed and narrowed his eyes, arched into Yin Zizhang's arms, and wanted to continue to sleep.
Yin Zizhang was angry, and he raised his ears with one hand and yelled, "Stupid pig, wake up and tell you to spit fire. Didn't you hear?"
The piglet was awoke by him when he drank, and he woke up with a shock. He opened his mouth and blew a burst of flame.
Fuchsia flames fell on the ghosts of all ghosts, and the ghost's fuzzy head suddenly twisted and squeaked with a squeak, and the cloth shook violently. It seemed that the ghost's head was about to escape.
But it was too late, and the flames wrapped the whole face of Ghost Eater in an instant.
The ugly ghost in the puppet flame shook two times desperately, and then there was no sound. Soon this side, which had swallowed countless ghosts and stunned horrible ghosts, turned into a pile of black ash with his five dead bodies.
Wu Shengou and Wang Yin looked at this scene in surprise, stupid in place.
虽然 Although they are separated by a distance, they can also feel the terrible power of the little pig spewing out that flame.
Wu Shenguo looked at the pig in awe and said, "Even if it is a sixth-order, no, even a seventh-order spirit beast, it can't spit out such a powerful beast fire!" I was just blinded just now, I don't know what breed this pig is?
Poor he searched his intestines and scratched his belly, but he did not think of any powerful fire-like spirit beast that looked like a pig.
Xiao Pi completed the task, turned his head and looked at Yin Zizhang timidly, and issued two flattering "um um" sounds, a well behaved and pitiful feeling.
The more she looked at it, the more she felt that her expression was exactly the same as Zhu Zhu's, and she was so funny that she hugged it and rubbed it twice as comfort.
Yan Shiying Lu enviously said: "Except for the little sister, the pig will listen to you. Brother Four, don't be so fierce."
Yin Zizhang said "um", and he returned the piglet to Zhu Zhu ignorantly.
Zhu Zhuzhu quickly packed and drilled out of the tent, and accidentally found that there were two more people on the camp. Shen Gou and Wang Yin saw the piglet's power, and he took away all his contempt for his owner.
Pu Di Chan Shang has already distributed the loot collected from the Lord of the Five Ghosts, hunting two first-order monsters and screaming to finish breakfast before leaving. Others had no opinion, Zhu Zhu took out the Dan Ding, which was used as a pot, to let the pigs "fire".
Seeing this scene, the two masters and apprentices of Wu Shengou were messy again.
什么 Who are these people? Take a regular high-end alchemy pot as a pot, use the monster beast medicine as a meal, and use the rare and rare fire-breathing pig as the source of cooking.
No wonder just now that beautiful female nun would put cooking side by side with alchemy, and it would be the same thing for them to dare.
I must admit, this little girl named Zhu Zhu is really delicious.
The Wang Wangyin is only the second floor of the gas refining period, so she can't eat such supplementary food. Zhu Zhu also made a noodle soup for her. After eating, Wang Yin apparently got close to Zhu Zhu.
In her eyes, this sister has a terrific brother and sister, and another amazing beast, but she has no shelf at all, very gentle and considerate.
The rest of the journey changed from five to seven. Fortunately, they learned from Shen Gou that the host country of the five-nation alchemy tournament was the State of Xi, and Shen Gou ’s master Zheng Jianhui was the top five of this tournament. One of the judges, walking his way, can bypass the preliminary round. As long as he can register with him three days before the semi-final, he will be able to participate successfully.
Of course, on the premise that Zhu Zhu has to pass the assessment of the second-class alchemy master, there is no back door.
Before I put it, Shen Gou might feel that Zhu Zhu was also insulting her, but after eating her food made with monsters and elixir, she had another evaluation in her heart.
From Zhu Zhu's grasp of the flames of these special foods, at least her ability to control the flames through the spirit beast and the ability to perceive various spirits and herbs are above him.
Xi Shengou put away all prejudices and seriously regarded Zhu Zhu as an alchemist who was equal to himself, even better than his own alchemist.
With the guarantee of Shen Gou, everyone was relieved and no longer rushing like crazy before. When I stopped and rested on the road by chance, Shen Gou would raise some alchemy issues to discuss with Zhu Zhu. The more he discussed Zhu Zhu's attitude, the more respectful he was, and he instructed Wang Yin to ask Zhu Zhu more.
From time to time, Zhu Zhu asked Shen Gou about the alchemy level of the Xi country and the alchemy division competition. Although Qiu Baoyang had said a few things before, it is worse than the insiders of the five western countries to understand the details.
In general, the level of alchemists in the five western countries is indeed lower than that in other places on the mainland, mainly due to the geographical environment. The further west the Jinqian continent, the more barren the land, the large desert wasteland, the lack of the environment for the growth of elixir, and the road to the rest of the Jinqian continent is very difficult. The elixir here is even more scarce.
There are few elixir medicines, and most alchemists have little chance of actually refining alchemies. Naturally, the level of technology does not go, and foreign alchemists are not willing to take root here. Over time, alchemists have become a scarce population in the five western countries.
Take Xi State as an example. There are only about 50 second-class alchemists registered in the country, less than ten third-class ones, and only one fourth-class one. This is Zheng Gou, the master of Shen Gou.
大致 The situation in the five western countries is generally the same. The only five-pin alchemy master in Jinguo was even treated better than the emperor Jinguo.
Pu Di Chan Shang listened to him, and slaps Zhu Zhu's shoulder in excitement and said, "Little sister, we have a good life in the five western countries, and we count on you!"
Xi Ji Yougu splashed a bucket of ice water with a smile: "Master, we are not familiar with life, we are better to keep a low profile."
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