Chapter 168: Come some more


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1321 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:33:30

If Zhang Kuang came one day earlier, he might really see what he wanted to see, but unfortunately he just appeared with Kong Huanxi now. He originally wanted to make a finale, and it became the bottom line.
Gong Hang and Shen Gou have seen Zhu Zhu's almost perverted alchemy techniques yesterday, and the evaluation of her in her heart is not comparable to the three-level alchemy master.
The sages used to see Liu Quan's peak alchemist Zheng Quanhe refining Sanpin alchemy as easily as Zhu Zhu cooking. Even an ordinary disciple would not think that Sanpin Alchemist is so great, let alone the relationship with Zhu Zhu Close Ji Jigu? He even vaguely felt that Zhu Zhu's alchemy strength might be above Zheng Quan in some aspects, and the three-level alchemy master was a fart in front of her.
Zheng Jianhui is a master of alchemy in the fourth grade. Although Kong Huanxi was an excellent candidate for the third grade before he was 200 years old, he remembered what Zhu Gong said about Zhu Zhu ’s excellent performance in the alchemy hall yesterday. Relatively, the enthusiasm for Kong Huanxi faded away.
He is a mature man, and of course he will not put all his hopes on Zhu Zhu, so he adjusted his emotions quickly, and treated the couple with Kong Huanxi cheerfully.
The second princess carefully looked back and forth from head to toe many times, taking advantage of the vacancy in their conversation, and smiled, "I never imagined that it was not Mr. Ji but Brother Zhu that Brother Shen would introduce to Master Zheng. Zhu Zhu, there are very few women in the alchemy master. Forgive me, I do n’t know what Zhu Zhu is doing. How old is this year? Which master is you?

一 As soon as she spoke, everyone's eyes fell on Zhu Zhu.
Zhu Zhuzhu looked at Ji Yougu and said, "I'm sixteen years old and I haven't practiced. Before going out, the master told me not to divulge his name."
In addition to Ji Yougu, Gong Hang, and Shen Go who have seen her skills, the others have the urge to roll their eyes after hearing this answer.
Wu Zhangkang laughed directly: "Hahaha, brother, this is the alchemy wizard you have found? Laughing, it's a maid in my house better than her!"
"It's impolite!" Shen Gou and Gong Hang spoke in unison, both of them regarded Zhu Zhu as Xi's hope of winning the championship, fearing the bad things of Zhang Kuang's poisonous tongue, and rushed to sew up his mouth.
They also feel strange in their hearts. Zhu Zhu is only 16 years old? Did she learn alchemy from her mother's womb?
Zheng Jianhui was also very dismissive of Zhu Zhu, but Gong Hang once said that she was a disciple of Zheng Quan, an alchemist at the top of Liupin, and wanted to come some way. Just looking at Ji Yougu next to her, it is estimated that less than 50 years of age is already a mid-term cultivation practice, but she is very protective of her, you can know that she should not be so ordinary and useless on the surface.
"Zhang Kuangxiu wants to talk nonsense. Tomorrow is the day when the alchemy conference semi-finals will start. It is fortunate that our country can get two young alchemists to help each other. It ’s a great blessing. Please go back tonight and have a good rest. The old man wishes the two tomorrow flags a victory. "Zheng Jianhui didn't want to say more, it's a dragon or a snake, and I'll see the true chapter tomorrow.
The boy next to the puppet asked him to signal, held up two trays, and brought them to Zhu Zhu and Kong Huanxi, each with a silver box on the plate.
"This is the old man's heart, please take it down. This silver box is made by Hong Pan, the master of the Seven-Pin Refiner, and it can keep the fresh elixir intact as long as 100 years. Although it looks small, there are 300 of them. Forty-three cells, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small drug store. "
Zhu Zhu and Kong Huanxi were surprised by Zheng Jianhui's introduction. The works of masters of the Qipin Refiner are absolutely rare outside. Only the five western nations known for their skill in refining can be so understatement. Send out such good things.
The two of them thanked each of them for acceptance, and Zhu Zhu also had Shi Yinglu's very similar pillbox made for her, but it was only over a hundred grids, and she could only save elixir for one month.
Fang Shi Ying Lu is now only a third-grade refiner, and there is a huge distance between him and the seventh-grade refiner. Some of the refining is also normal.
Xun Kong also received such a heavy gift, and the anger that had been neglected before calmed down, but thought that a little girl like Zhu Zhu was even given the same gift as herself, and immediately a little bit upset.
Hey, wait for tomorrow to shine, and the ugly girl will show her ugliness, these people will regret it.
建 Zheng Jianhui also thought that tomorrow they would participate in the semi-finals of the athletics convention, and instructed Shen Gou and Zhang Kuang to entertain the guests well, and then let them go back and cultivate their own energy.
Two people walked outside the cave house. Zhang Kuang looked at his eyes and looked at him. He turned his head and stared at Zhu Zhu coldly, "A country girl like you who is lower and lower is also equipped with the work of a master of the seventh grade refining device? Give me the medicine box. To Brother Kong, go to the side. "
Wu Shengou was extremely angry, saying, "Master, what do you mean by insulting the old man's noble guest repeatedly? Who is the Master giving the gift to, and when is your turn to say something trivial?"
"I'm doing this for her. It's because of her guilt. She won such a treasure for no reason. In case of death, hey ..." There was a strong sense of intimidation in the words.
Zhang Kuangsu couldn't see the qualifications and entered the country as inferior to his own brother. However, here is the scope of Master Dongfu after all. One also snatched him off as a gift. A little girl who hasn't cultivated can easily frighten a few words of intimidation.
Xi Ji You stopped Shen Gou who wanted to attack, and said calmly, "Don't dare to make a bet?"
Zhang Zhang was crazy: "What bet?"
"Tomorrow's semi-final, I will use this silver pillbox as a bet, and whoever loses will give his pillbox to the other party." Ji Yougu did not want to cause trouble, but this chapter is too annoying, and waste such words with such people It doesn't make sense. Since it is inconvenient to beat him now, then find a way to make him bleed.
Tong Zhang was mad to speak, and Kong Huanxi had sneered, "Let me compare with this ugly eight monster? Joke!"
"If you don't dare, then forget it." Ji Yougu is still a flat tone.
"Don't dare? Hum! It's not fun to bet on the silver pillbox alone. The one who lost loses three beeps to the winner tomorrow and swears that he won't be a self-respecting alchemist from now on. Do you dare?" Kong Huanxi was aggressive. .
Xi Ji Yougu looked at Zhu Zhu, and she decided.
Zhu Zhu hated these guys who looked down on the dogs, and nodded immediately: "Okay! But the stakes are still too small, add a million spirit stones." She deeply realized that the second brother was always preparing for the shaman Spirit and carry forward vigorously.
This bet really scared Zhang Kuang and so on, and even Kong Kongxi couldn't help but look at her again-she is a very ordinary little village girl, how dare she make such a re-injection?
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