Chapter 265: Don't insult the pig!


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1332 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:58

During the conversation, the group walked to a sloping field in the southeast corner, and several exquisite courtyards built with green bamboos appeared in front of them.
Cuiyun Bamboo is a specialty of the East China Sea coast. It grows fast and is as green as jade. It will not change color for several years after being cut. The most special thing is that it is very sensitive to the sense of divine knowledge. Once it encounters divine knowledge and tries to pass through, it will make a melodious "whine" sound. The use of such bamboo trees to build the courtyard is both beautiful and elegant, and can easily perceive the spiritual exploration of others to avoid being peeped.
There are a total of twelve small courtyards on the slopes of Laoshan, and most of them live in martial arts players, which are valued by the three major gates, so the environment is particularly quiet and comfortable.
The courtyard where Pu Di Chan Shang lives is called Tianzi Haiyuan. Zhang Jianshi introduced: "The temporary camps on the hillside belong to the Tianzi District. They are sorted by the twelve branches, and the guests move in according to the arrival time."
This arrangement is also to prevent some guests from arguing because of the serial number. Although Zhang Jianshi feels that it is inappropriate for these Zhizhi people to live in the best Tianzi district, there is no reason to go with other power players. Arguing for the order, but thought of the careful look of Uncle Liu, he explained it carefully.
Di Chanshang and others are still very satisfied with such a residence, and nodded and wanted to go in and take a look. It happened that the monk next to the Tianzi Puyuan heard the voice coming out, and the two sides faced each other. The monk frowned.
One of the mid-build monks with eagle-hook noses grunted coldly, dissatisfied with Zhang Jianshi: "I and some of my colleagues are curious about the talented masters who can live in this hospital. How could these be? Incoming stuff? "
As Zhang Jianshi said, those who can be selected to participate in the fighting contest are the top elite disciples in their respective schools. They are young and have achieved extraordinary results far beyond their peers. Naturally, one is more arrogant than the other.
Only those who are qualified to let them down are the children of the three main gates, and those who are not the three main gates, such as Di Chanshang, seem to be ridiculously low, so they are sharp and mean when they speak.
Those who practice self-reliance have always respected their strength. Those who have no strength can only be mermaids. This is already the habit of most monks.
Zhang Jianshi was very embarrassed. He wanted to justify the saints. He did n’t know where to start, but had to pretend he did n’t hear:
These distinguished guests were invited by Uncle Liu Zong himself. The first group of sages. Some of you please follow me to the interior to see if there are any disagreements. Several seniors and juniors are unaccompanied. "Then I wanted to bring Di Chanshang and so on into the courtyard. .
"The largest faction in the southwest has such a thing? Haha, brother, you and I might as well go back to the head of the newspaper, and also go to the southwest Kaishanli faction. You are in charge, and the younger brother is the vice. We also sent a few disciple disciples to play at the Fighting Contest, "said another monk with a pair of triangular eyes and laughed.
Pu Di Chan Shang and other originally did not want to care about this kind of ignorant villain, but the more they talked and went too far, and even insulted the teacher, they could not help but frowned.
Pu Di Chan Shang snorted coldly, set up the frame of the elder brother, and said to Yin Zizhang, "Old fourth, go and teach them."
Zhang Jian was so big that he immediately stood in front of them and said, "The two seniors are just a joke, why should you care?" What happened to you, how can I tell Uncle Liu?
Yin Zizhang bypassed him slowly, standing in front of the two monks who had just spoken, Di Zenshang behind his back with his hands on his hips, humming, "Our teacher is not their kind of goods that can be used for fun, the fourth child, shot You don't have to be too hard, just kill their mouthfuls of dog teeth. "
Yin Zizhang did not say a word on his lips. This master really made him addicted.
Wu Ying was furious and sneered, "It is not possible for monks like you to participate in this contest. Today, I will teach you on behalf of your teacher what is true strength!"
"Go ahead! The two of you are together." Yin Zizhang said impatiently, and Yu Guang found in the corner of his eyes that Zhu Zhu was yawning with the piglet. After finishing the two guys earlier, Zhu Zhu could rest.
Wu Sanjiao hummed toward Zhang Jianshi: "You saw it, it was they who were going to die for themselves. Don't blame us for any damage."
Zhang Jianshi wanted to persuade him, but Ji Yougu smiled and stretched out his hand to grab his arm. He was so excited that he couldn't say anything.
The hawk nose and triangular eye are just mid-term repairs of Tsukiji. In the team of this team, they are of medium strength. They are trying their best to find opportunities to perform. At present, the two people just want to show their skills and show their face. As for Yin Zizhang's life or death under their joint attack, it is not a problem at all. He will die more tragically and it will be more conducive to them.
The two looked at each other, and in each other's eyes saw the blood of bloodthirsty and cruel triumph. At present, Xuan Gong was transported, waiting for a monk from Chenyuan who was acting as a temporary judge to announce the start.
Yin Zizhang stood quietly in the spot, and Zhou had no half-mana leaked. He heard that other monks in the Tianzi District who were rushing to the sidelines were astonished in his eyes. Is this kid trying to die?
Only a few strong-eyed monks faintly sniff out what's wrong.
"Start!" The interim referee yelled loudly, followed by two loud sounds, "嘭, 嘭", plus two painful sounds like the beast dying.
Everyone on or off the field didn't see exactly what happened just now, but only Yin Zizhang was standing in front of the Haiyuan. The crowd looked around, and they suddenly found that the hawk nose and triangular eyes had fallen on the grass a few feet away. The man's mouth was full of blood, his jaw was deformed, his face looked distorted and terrifying, and the man was in a coma.
The monk in his twenties, who seemed to be in his early twenties, actually took off two mid-term monks in the base of his palm? How can it be?
The sound of gas exhausted one after another, and several monks in the late period of the construction period completely changed their faces. They even thought that they could not do this even if they tried their best. What did this guy do?
The eagle's nose and triangular eyes were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Yin Zizhang, with the same expression as seeing a three-headed monster appearing suddenly.
"Pig!" Di Chanshang whispered, and immediately drew the anger of Zhu Zhu and Shi Yinglu, and even the little pig came out of Zhu Zhu's arms to stare at him.
Pu Dichan Shanggan laughed and changed his mouth quickly: "Spoken words, Lao Tzu should not insult pigs, he is not even as good as pig dung!"
He made a joke, got the piglet up, and spit fire on him, he immediately left the dregs.
Alas, he has a pity for a monk with a Dandan period. The genius among the geniuses can't even afford a pig.
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