Chapter 401: Goodbye rebirth


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1990 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:39:27

The emerald green flames gradually dissipated, and the fire spirit phoenix spit out two golden canny elixir.
As soon as Pandan Medicine left Fenghuang's body, it was filled with a heavy white mist, which showed endless vitality, as if it were two small worlds of its own.
Zhu Zhuzhu has also seen Jiu Pin Ling Dan among the Dan people. Even in the Dan people, this is an extremely rare and precious treasure.
There is usually a special illusion lingering outside the Jiupin Lingdan. This illusion is related to the characteristics of the elixir. It is induced by the sense of heaven and earth. The stronger and clearer the illusion, the higher the quality of the elixir.
There used to be a legend that monk Yuanyuan felt the world by watching the illusion world of the superb Jiupin Lingdan and broke through the limit to become a Mahayana monk.
的 The illusions produced by these two elixirs are much clearer than all Jiu Pin Ling Dan that Zhu Zhu has seen before. The detailed induction only feels profound, but Zhu Zhu has no intention to feel anything at this moment.
She took the jade box and carefully packed the two elixirs, and opened the door of the hall to tell the demon fox this great news.
Outside the grand hall, the demon fox waited nervously, Zhu Zhu ran to him with a smile and raised the jade box: "I, I refined the nine-pin reincarnation Dan!"
The demon fox's body shook, and Zhu Zhuhuanxi embraced with one hand and said, "Really? Great, great!"
Xi Zhu Zhu Huanxi also forgot to care about him and kicked her again: "Let's go and let the senior burn the elixir, she will wake up soon, right?"
"Yes, right!" The demon fox released Zhu Zhu and pulled her to the palace next to him.
Zhu Zhuzhu's happy mood was slightly relieved, and she suddenly found that the hand of the demon fox was surprisingly cold, and she looked at the face of the demon fox strangely, and was shocked.
In the impression, the demon fox is always "bright and bright," and is full of vitality, but the demon fox in front of him is pale and terrible, as if the wind blows him away.
"You ... what's wrong with you?" Zhu Zhu's heart was filled with anxiety. What happened during her alchemy period? The demon fox's breath is weak and extremely weak, and it is no longer like the state of the eighth-order demon repair.
She suddenly remembered the three-eyed sister Shi Yinglu's three-eyed red fire lion. On the same day it lost Nei Dan and fell from sixth to fourth, she also exuded a similar frustration as the demon fox.
The demon fox smiled and said casually: "Nothing, let A Qin take the elixir and re-integrate the body and soul."
Zhu Zhu's heart sank all the way, but I also knew that for the demon fox, there was nothing more important than the resurrection of the burning Biqin, so I had to hold back and not speak, and took out a lot of nourishing elixir from the arms to the demon fox "You take some elixir first, otherwise the senior will be sad when he wakes up and sees you like this."
Zhu Zhuzhu specifically mentioned burning Biqin, and sure enough, the demon fox immediately took the medicine.
The demon fox carefully took the jade box containing the large reincarnation Dan from Zhu Zhu's hand, sent the elixir into the mouth of Fenqin, pushed it into her belly with mana, and then stretched out a finger, and a drop belonged to the essence of Fenqin Blood fell on a copper pendant around her neck.
The copper pendant suddenly radiated a piece of golden light, enveloping the entire body of Fenqin, and in the golden light, it can be seen that a small cyclone slowly condensed at the position of Fenqin Dantian, the cyclone gradually expanded, and the light was even burned. His body is also shrouded in it.
"A Qin is waking up, I have reshaped your body for you, and Dan Shoudan Dan has also fed you on it. Wake up and see me." The fox said softly. He had waited too long for this moment, almost thinking that he could never wait.
It took a full day for the whirlwind to dissipate, revealing the still sleeping Fenqin, her body was covered with layers of bright light, as if a huge cocoon wrapped her densely.
Both the demon fox and Zhu Zhu can feel that her body in the light cocoon seems to give birth to a vitality, and this vitality is spreading at a slow rate.
When her whole body is back to life, it should be when she wakes up and is born again.
The demon fox sat next to the jade bed and said astringently, "How long will it take for her to wake up?"
Zhu Zhu shook her head and said, "I don't know ... what's wrong with you?" She was more worried about the demon fox than Fenqin, who hadn't dealt with it very much. The state of the demon fox was very, very wrong.
Seeing that Bi Biqin did not wake up for a while, the demon fox sighed helplessly, and said what happened when Zhu Zhu closed the alchemy and Dan Tian and the two men came to the door.
"They only think that my magic is powerful, but they don't think that the real trick of our magical fox family is charm. Charm guides people's desires, which can make them do all kinds of weird behaviors that they can't do normally. Xun Tian had already been murderous for wanton, I just put it ahead of time. "The demon fox was still very proud of this.
"The cultivation of the two of them is ... you have to deal with them by magic magic, isn't it easy? Are you injured?" Zhu Zhu asked carefully.
In fact, she already has the answer in her heart. The demon fox wants to deal with two monks who are higher than him at the same time. One of them has nine days of magical fire in hand. You can see through all magical magic. This is definitely not a simple thing. It must be paying a huge price.
The demon fox smiled and said, "My Yao Dan is about to break completely ..."
"What?" Zhu Zhu jumped up and couldn't believe her ears. The terrible association in her heart became a reality.
"What to do? How can I recover?" Zhu Zhu trembled.
The demon fox finally had to wait until Ci Biqin could be reborn, but she had to break the demon dan into her original shape. Thinking of the lonely waiting of the demon fox for more than three thousand years, she was unable to become a family member with Ci Biqin. She was so sad that she almost thought Cry loudly.
Why is this happening?
The demon fox reached out to wipe off the tears on her face and laughed: "You know that I can't recover, I can hold on for a while, I think Aqin looks at how I am transformed. She has been looking forward to my transformation ... Tell me what she looks like, right? "
Zhu Zhu cried and nodded hard.
"Don't be sad, all of this is my willingness. I couldn't protect A Qin that day, so that she died for me. This time I finally protected her. Even if I got back to my original shape, it doesn't matter. A Qin was willing to wait for me. , I will re-cultivate, as long as we are all alive together. "The demon fox looked at Fen Biqin, calm and even a touch of joy, no matter what, his Aqin can be reborn, and he finally did.
"This scroll seals my memory. When I re-train to level five in the future, if A Qin doesn't bother me, let her return this scroll to me. I must wait until she wakes up to see me like this, she sees When I am so beautiful, I will be willing to wait for me. "The demon fox made a joke and wanted to make Zhu Zhu happy.
But Zhu Zhu really can't laugh.
The demon fox watched Zhu Zhu for a moment and said, "The method of rebuilding the body and the elixir of the relevant materials I collected are in the back hall. Your brother should use it."
Zhu Zhu looked up at him in surprise. She did not mention Yin Zizhang to the demon fox. She was not sure if she could successfully make two large reincarnations. If there was only one in the end, it would definitely be used for Fenqin. Yes, she didn't want the fox to be sad for her.
I ca n’t help but take the seeds of the reincarnation psychic grass and go back to plant it. She has a long-lived fairy fire in her hand. It is estimated that a new plant can be cultivated in less than a thousand years.
"You're a good girl. When you said that you were refining Danshendan for me, I felt a little curious. Why did you suddenly have such courage? So I secretly looked at your memory ..." The fox smiled apologetically. laugh.
No wonder ... The demon fox's ability to spy on people's hearts is really good. Zhu Zhu doesn't feel at all, but it is also because she has no precautions against the demon fox.
Time passed by bit by bit, the vitality of the burning cocoon in the light cocoon was getting stronger and stronger, but the fox's breath became weaker and weaker. Zhu Zhu didn't know whether to expect the time to pass faster or slower.
The demon fox seized the time to detail his experience of rebuilding the body for Fenqin. He knew that he had few days and seemed to want to explain everything at once.
But as his body became weaker and weaker, he became shorter and shorter when he was awake.
The two of them were sitting quietly waiting on the jade bed. Later, the demon fox didn't even have the energy to sit still. He tried his best to maintain the body demon dan, but knew that he couldn't last long.
Zhu Zhuzhu helped him to Li Biqin, lying side by side with her, praying that Bi Biqin would wake up quickly, and see the last side of the demon fox.
Before the demon fox was promoted to become a seventh-order monster and successfully transformed into a human form, the spirit of Burning Biqin had fallen into a deep sleep. The demon fox was thinking that she had never seen him look like him.
In the silence, the light cocoon suddenly made a slight noise, and the transparent light seemed to disappear.
Zhu Zhu jumped up from her chair, and the demon fox lifted his head and looked sideways.
Hissing, hissing, hissing ... The subtle sounds continued, and the transparent light cocoons quickly dissipated layer by layer at a rate visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared completely.
Breath, heartbeat! It is the sound of breathing and heartbeat of burning Biqin!
The demon fox instantly glowed, holding up one hand and staring at Bi Biqin's face.
Li Yan Biqin's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and her eyes slowly opened ...
She looked at the demon fox blankly. After a while, her eyes gradually showed a happy look, and she whispered: "A tungsten ..."
This is the name that burned Biqin for the demon fox, and only she would call him that in the world.
The demon fox smiled softly and said, "Aqin ..." He finally waited until his Aqin came back to life.
His smile is extremely gentle and affectionate, such as the blooming lotus flower in the quiet night, is the only bright color between heaven and earth, but unfortunately it just disappeared in a short moment ...
After a strong golden light flashed, the fox's figure became haggard and illusory, and finally completely disappeared in front of Ci Biqin and Zhu Zhu, leaving only a black fox closed her eyes silently on Ci Biqin.
Zhu Zhu bit her lip and couldn't help tears like springs.

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