Chapter 62: Plan to keep up with change


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1373 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:32:19

Fu Fuyu hopes to keep things quiet. After all, the other division is famous and very powerful. No one in the sages, including You Qianyi, is their opponent.
However, the other party obviously came to find the fault. He could not bear it anymore. Zheng Quan was very dissatisfied with his turtle. Now the other side accuses Zheng Quan of incompetence in face to face, which is the shame of the sage. Even the best temperament must be turned. What's more, Zheng Quan is a master of alchemy in the top six ranks. Looking at the entire Jinqin continent, he is also a first-rate figure. How can he accept such anger.
If he doesn't show his attitude again, it is not surprising that Zheng Quan took Zhu Zhu away when he was furious. It was then that the sages were lost. The two uncles, Zongmen, patted their butts and left, and they would not look at them more.
"If someone leads the people in the alchemy room to make tens of thousands of first-class medicines every year, they can easily send me five or six products or even seven products of elixir to my ancestors and elders. This is incompetent and shameful. The junior really don't know who is capable! Some of you here are not shameful! "Fu Yu gritted her teeth and argued hard, never giving up.
Si Tantai came to know that Zheng Quan was the top six alchemy master of alchemy, but even if such a person joins the martial arts, the shelf is still high, and he will not use a chain to make a low-grade thing like elixir. In fact, although Zheng Quan can Refined a first-class elixir, but it has never been done before, because it is too boring and wastes time. Only monsters like Zhu Zhu can rely on the piglets to defend themselves and mass production.
Therefore, Sifan Taiyi heard that the alchemy alchemy room of the Sage School could produce tens of thousands of first-class and first-class medicines in one year. He could hardly believe his ears, and the vast majority of Zongmen provided to his disciples were only inferior It's just a panacea! Zheng Quan is too diligent.
If the alchemy master of Zongmen speaks like him and is willing to contribute, they may be among the top martial arts in mainland China.
"Fu Fumen exaggerated ..." Si Bian couldn't believe that the welfare of a small branch below Zongmen was better than Zongmen's headquarters.
Fu Fuyu pointed to the audience, calmly saying, "The testimony of many disciples of the Holy Wisdom."
Su Si made a cross for Su Jing, blaming him for not being true.
Bian Sujing said those words to test the bottom line of Fu Yu's attitude. If Fu Yu's attitude is slightly weak, he will step by step. Zheng Quan is a proud man who can take him away on the spot.
Now the temptation fails, and he still has a second hand.
Yun Sujing secretly winked at Liu Yuantong. The other party understood and immediately got up and rounded off, laughing: "The hour has come, and the disciples have been waiting for a long time, so let's start the comparison."
Fu Fuyu nodded, and Su Jing laughed, "Is the rule of the disciples outside the martial arts comparable to that of Zongmen?"
Fu Shizhen was too far apart for Fu Yu to answer, and he proudly said, "This is of course. The Sages are branches of Zongmen, and they should act according to the rules of Zongmen."
Su Jing looked at Zheng Quan with a bad smile: "If there is an elder disciple who is included in the Zongmen's room and participates in an outsider disciple, he will not be able to reach the finals. He will even lose in the trials and semi-finals. I do n’t know what will happen. deal with?"
Jian Shi argued too coldly: "So waste, naturally it should be immediately discarded to be expelled from the wall of the gate, and staying in the gate will only stain the gate's reputation!"
"Su Jing, what kind of intentions do you have against the teacher Zheng Chang again and again!" Fu Yu finally became angry.
Su Sujing smiled hypocritically: "What did Fu Zhangmen say, the two ancestors of Zongmen are here, and I also want to refine the martial arts."
"Elder Su said the other way, you clearly want to go for the best, and it's best to get away with me Zheng Quan, and then a shameless villain like you can fake fake tigers and run wild in the martial arts to rule out dissidents." Zheng Quan did not speak. Then, he opened his mouth sharply and pointedly, pointing at the core half face without leaving, only stabbing Su Jing into anger.
"Elder Zheng's meaning, is it because you are the only one of my sage's success or failure? It's so bold! The guest elder invited by Fu Fu's head is really extraordinary!" Su Jing gritted his teeth.
Zheng Zhengquan smiled and arched at him with a smile: "Elder Su is polite." His generous but irreverent attitude showed his sparse nature.
Zou Shi, who had been silent, listened harshly, and finally couldn't help but pat the case: "Since today it is an outsider disciple, all the fans can see the truth on the stage. As elders, you are noisy in front of your disciples, what kind of system?"
Fu Fuyu secretly bitterly, Zheng Quan's words are actually true, but even if he listens, he feels a bit harsh, let alone other people?
He also understands that as Zheng Quan, he left the sage, and most of the martial arts begged to invite him back to provide it. Even Zhu Zhu, as long as she showed her skills, the southwestern factions would be like her baby Yes.
He wanted Zheng Quan to endure the insult and insult and provocation for him. It was really difficult. Now that he is riding a tiger, he couldn't think of any good way to round the matter, but he was anxious and annoyed to announce the start of Tabitha.
Outer disciples of 996 were divided into forty groups according to a group of twenty-five, and each group in the trials was on the stage for scuffles. The last five remained on the stage to advance to the semi-finals because one group had only twenty-one. Only four people in that group can advance.
After the elimination, there were 199 people who entered the semi-finals. These people will be divided into eight groups. Each group will be assigned to a ring platform. The same group will draw lots to compete at least five times each. Finally, according to the ranking of the winning games, each group The top three advance to the finals.
A total of twenty-four contestants in the finals also used the lottery duel method. Each of them competed in at least five games, and the final ten games were ranked at the most. For the sake of fairness, if you have an opinion on the final ranking, you can challenge the winner and challenge the victory to replace it.
Pei Gu, Bao Fahu and Jing Jiren have carefully studied this schedule. During the trial, as long as Zhu Zhu brought the eight-sided gold sparrow screen, stood on the stage and waited for the others to finish, there was nothing to enter the semi-final. In doubt, after entering, you can concede all the way and then retire. Anyway, as long as you have reached the semi-final, even if you pass on the face, no one in the sage will really care about her.
However, today Su Jing is in trouble. If Zhu Zhu concedes all the way through the semi-finals, he will just meet him. He will be kicked out of the wall. Zheng Quan is likely to leave with her in anger. Sending most people is not good news.
Zhu Zhu feels sad with her eyes down. She has become accustomed to the life of the Holy Wise and she does not want to leave.
The most important thing is that Yin Zizhang will definitely stay in the Sage, what should she do?
Tong Yin Zizhang was silent for a moment, stretched her fingers and flicked her head, and said, "Today's advanced semifinals, let's talk, go back and try again."
any idea? Anyone here can stick her finger out to jab her.
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