Chapter 109: Orc love

Qin Wansha's prediction was not wrong. Less than an hour after everyone was on the road, heavy raindrops began to fall in the sky.
Fortunately, Qin Wansha was well prepared. Some people who were weak and similar to her a-ba were arranged to sit in a small space made of wooden boards and bamboo mats, and several strong orcs resisted. go.
Fortunately, the more you go up, the larger the gap between the trees, and there is no place that is particularly difficult to pass along the way.
Qin Wansha and an orc who was relatively familiar with the environment took the lead together to clear the way for everyone.
The responsibility of guarding the rear was handed over to Lothar. At this moment, all the orcs did not dare to ignore the position of the rear. On the road, they had also seen a wave of small beasts migrating, and they also fled to the higher places.
Everyone believed Qin Wansha's prediction a few more points in their hearts, and they responded faster and faster to what Qin Wansha ordered.
The advancing team did not close their eyes all night, and arrived at a suitable shelter at noon the next day, in a natural cave that avoided the mountain torrent.
After being completely settled down, everyone has a feeling of aftermath. More and more people are thankful that they have brought their families out. Even if they fail to escape, it is good to be a family.
If they really give up the chance of survival for their family members, I am afraid that they will be deeply plunged into endless regret for the rest of their lives.
However, Qin Wansha didn't let everyone relax. First, he wanted to explore the cave. At the very least, he had to confirm its solidity and safety, as well as the defense of the door and the hunting of food.
The females spontaneously took care of the old, weak, sick and disabled. The half-orcs were responsible for arranging the doorway to keep them safe, while the orcs were divided into two parts, one to explore the cave and the other to hunt with Qin Wansha.
The hunting operation is not difficult. The heroic fighters are matched with the fleeing prey, and the harvest seems to be so easy, but Qin Wansha still can't let go of her heart.
The rain is getting heavier and the sky is getting darker and darker. Listening to the roar of rain in the ear, Qin Wansha still orders all the orcs to return for safety reasons, even if there is not enough food.
The orcs followed Qin Wansha's resignation, and more than ten minutes before Qin Wansha's calculation of the flash flood, they finally returned to the cave safely.
Inside the cave, the females have set up simple tents, and the half-orcs have also received a lot of goods. Not only did they use the trap to catch several beasts that tried to rush in, but they also used many giant leaves and vines to cover the cave entrance. Up.
Now, there is no need to worry about food.
Qin Wansha breathed a sigh of relief, but only halfway through her breath, she heard a familiar cry.
"Annie! I saw Annie! Annie! We are here!!" Hannah's excited shouts reached everyone's ears.
Everyone near the entrance turned their heads to look at the Hannah who claimed to not be able to follow her. Behind her, there were many figures supporting each other from a distance.
Seeing these companions turn their hearts, the people in the cave are very happy.
However, Qin Wansha knew that it was too late. The ground under her feet began to shake, and the sound of rain outside grew louder. When she noticed that someone behind her wanted to go out to meet Hannah and the others, Qin Wansha immediately stretched out her arm and stopped them behind. In a cold voice, he told the orcs around him: "Block the door, no one is allowed to go out."
Then he shouted outside the cave: "Grab the thickest tree around you!"
No one thought that Qin Wansha would say such a thing, but Lothar chose to respond as soon as Qin Wansha's voice fell.
The tall orc turned into a huge lion, blocking the tribe who wanted to go out in the cave.
Then, the orcs who followed Qin Wansha's hunt all chose to obey.
The people inside the cave and Hannah and others outside the cave looked at Qin Wansha in shock, and the commotion arose almost in the next second.
Many people who didn't understand Qin Wansha's behavior were talking angrily.
"What are you going to do! That's the old punk!"
"Don't block the door! Get them in!"
"Hypocrisy! Isn't it you who said not to abandon any clansman!"
Qin Wansha turned a deaf ear, staring at the direction of the side of the cave.
Hearing Qin Wansha's words, some people in the distance who had not yet arrived grasped the big tree beside them, and some people who ran as hard as Hannah shuddered in their hearts. They subconsciously sensed the danger, but they felt Qin Wansha's words even more in their hearts. Can't listen, this is Qin Wansha who is about to give up on them!
In order to survive and rush into the cave earlier, they not only did not listen to Qin Wansha's words and grabbed a firm tree, but they even accelerated the pace of running.
Half a day after Qin Wansha and others set off, Hannah watched the increasing rain and noticed something wrong. She could never catch up with Qin Wansha and others alone. Therefore, she mobilized everyone else. , With punk in it, it is not difficult to move these people.
Experienced orcs led them to catch up with the traces left by the people. At this time, no one would want to give up their lives.
"Wait for me! Wait for me!" Hannah stretched out her arms in panic and shouted.
The vision also happened suddenly at this time. Just when the people in the cave had grabbed Qin Wansha’s clothes and shoulders angrily, a mud-yellow torrent as high as several meters suddenly rushed to the left of the cave, only ten feet away Hannah, who was a meter away, was instantly swept away in front of everyone.
At the last moment, Hannah's face didn't even have time to show her fear.
The other people in the cave also froze for an instant, shocked and shocked.
Death was so close to them. If they had just crossed Qin Wansha's obstacles, there would be more of them among the people washed away.
The orcs were also deeply saddened, watching the people of the same clan being washed away by the flood, this kind of grief was more painful than giving up those people to leave.
However, they have more important things to do, and there are more people behind them who need their protection.
Taking the opportunity to remove all the hands on Qin Wansha's body, the orcs used their bodies to block the possibility of flooding and also protect the people behind them.
Qin Wansha was the only exception. She tightly grasped the vines next to the cave, and watched the mountain torrents rushing through the door of the cave with the momentum of the tiger descending.
Her choice was not wrong, no matter how strong the mountain torrents were, she never stepped past the door of the cave she chose.
However, those tribesmen who followed afterwards hardly escaped the fate of being rushed away.
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