Chapter 334: CV Great God's little transparency

When Qin Wansha was brought out of the car by Shen Jiaxi, the people in front of melon-eaters who looked up and stared at the big screen had not yet discovered her existence. It was only when she passed through the crowd that she was discovered by the first person because of borrowing— —
"Ah?!" The first person to spot Qin Wansha was dumbfounded, his shocked mouth was big and his expression was somewhat ridiculous.
Qin Wansha smiled gently at the other party, and was then protected by Shen Jiaxi, and continued to walk towards the entrance of the venue.
After the first person, the second and the third, there were more and more exclamations, which finally caused a series of chemical reactions.
But the people who were eating melons who were going to'condemn' Liu Lishui for derailment were all stupefied at this time. They watched dumbfoundedly as a pair of handsome men and beautiful women walked into the venue, and the talents outside were unified. He exclaimed for a while: "Hey?!!!"
Everyone can't understand the current situation anymore-the woman who is still jumping on the sign-in stage claims to be "Liu Li Shui", then who is this "Liu Li Shui" who just walked past them? !
#谁是冒冒者# This topic flashed in the hearts of all the people on the scene.
The masses who originally came to'condemn' the cheating women are all heartbroken by gossip. At this moment, countless netizens, like them, would rather believe that the Liulishui goddess is really cheating than the Liulishui that they once liked so much. The goddess is...the disgusting woman who dances inexplicably on the sign-in stage now.
With the company's big boss personally leading it, Qin Wansha's identity is naturally no one denies.
When she noticed that a newcomer was on the sign-in desk, Liu Lishui, who was dancing the hottest house dance right in front of the camera, stopped a little uncomfortably. As a result, she turned her head and her face suddenly changed.
Not only her, but even the crowd outside and the netizens on the face held their breath, waiting for the two'Liu Li Shui' to meet-who is the fake one will soon be known.
"What are you doing!" Liu Lishui asked first.
Because I saw it in the hotel yesterday, although it was very unpleasant, Liulishui still used a more familiar tone habitually.
But for the reason why Qin Wansha appeared here, Liu Lishui had only one thought in her heart-it must be that this female character knew her identity from nowhere, and came over to retaliate against her by stealing her identity!
But it is a pity that her voice cannot be imitated by others! Liu Lishui narrowed his eyes dangerously.
Qin Wansha glanced at Liu Lishui, who didn't know where his conspiracy theory had gone, with a smile in her eyes, and then signed her name on the sign-in form-Xiaoran Yimeng.
The camera faithfully recorded this scene-Liu Lishui's expression turned scorched in an instant, and exclaimed: "This is impossible! You are a liar!"
With such a roar, Liu Lishui rushed towards Qin Wansha - but the other figure was faster, pulling Qin Wansha into his arms first, and at the same time leaning to avoid Liu Lishui's pounce.
Qin Wansha raised her head and smiled at Shen Jiaxi, who looked at Liulishui with a gloomy look, and then met Liulishui's wide-open eyes: "Hello, I am Xiaoran Yimeng." The familiar voice cannot be confirmed. Her identity.
After seeing Shen Jiaxi's face representing the'Liu Lishui derailed man', the whole face exploded both outside the venue and the face fight. Many netizens called Jiaxi Entertainment and asked for a live broadcast of the schedule-ahead The battle is so exciting, I always feel that 10 billion will be missed in the blink of an eye!
After much consideration, this proposal was adopted by the venue, but that was also after the official game started.
Some staff members saw that the situation was not so good, so they hurriedly walked out of the venue and tried to bring Liulishui in, but failed.
Liu Lishui pointed at Qin Wansha and Shen Jiaxi and said one by one: "Impossible! You adulterers must have caught fire together to deceive people! Staff! Staff! Didn't you say that you can't enter the venue without contestants! Why? That man is fine! Get him out!"
Although he knew who the man in Liuli Shuikou was, the camera still took the risk of being retaliated by his own boss and pointed the camera at Shen Jiaxi, who looked like protecting Qin Wansha.
"This—this is—" the staff member hurriedly said.
Shen Jiaxi took him one step earlier: "I am Xiao Meng Sansheng."
The same voice that cannot be mistakenly recognized, the entire venue exploded, and even the contestants who heard the news ran to the door and piled together to watch the fun.
Liu Lishui only felt cold all over, and in Shen Jiaxi's cold eyes, she seemed to have fallen into an ice cave-she was over, and her business door hadn't been opened yet, it was about to end.
Yueman Xilou, who was also standing in the crowd of onlookers, finally couldn’t stand it anymore, especially when someone pointed and whispered: "Hey, isn’t that Yueman Xilou? He and Liulishui are CP? It’s not ashamed not to pull down the glazed water."
"People might just point to this hype fame, hahahaha."
Pushing the crowd abruptly, Yueman Xilou rushed to the sign-in desk with an iron face, and slammed Liulishui's wrist: "Go!"
At this time, Liu Lishui couldn't think of the matter of angering Yuemanxilou just now, and was extremely grateful for the behavior of Yuemanxilou'saving the field.'
Pretending not to be dragged into the finals, Liu Lishui shyly shook Yueman Xilou's hand again-but was quickly thrown away.
Qin Wansha and Shen Jiaxi quickly entered the finals side by side, but Shen Jiaxi was one of the judges and could only put Qin Wansha on the spot first.
When they came in, they saw Liu Lishui and Yueman Xilou arguing again, but it had nothing to do with them, and Shen Jiaxi didn't want Qin Wansha to get into the crowd.
Soon it was 10 o'clock, and the contestants were almost there. Soon the host came on stage and signaled all the contestants to take their seats, and the game officially started.
Regardless of the excitement, when the game officially started, everyone sat back in their positions and listened carefully to the host's words about the rules of the game.
This competition is a one-round competition. There are only two audition players for each role. Lots will be drawn to confirm the team, and group live dubbing will be conducted in the form of a team. The final role confirmation will be more prominent from the competition. Confirmed among the players.
In other words, during the competition, it is indeed necessary to attach importance to team cooperation, but at the same time as team cooperation, you also need to ensure that you are outstanding, otherwise, you will be compared with others and cannot be promoted.
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