Chapter 807: Business woman on top

Ren's mother was also in great pain. Seeing the obvious slap mark on Qin Wansha's face, she was also regretful.
Reaching out her hand, Ren's mother wanted to touch Qin Wansha's face, but Qin Wansha turned her head and avoided.
"You said earlier with your mother that your mother would not let you suffer this grievance again!" Ren Mu said with a trembling voice.
Qin Wansha smiled lightly: "Mother is always like this. After thinking about it, she talked to herself and arranged for me to do it. She never cared about my wishes, including now, and you didn’t even care about my thoughts and thoughts. ."
Ren's mother knew that she could hear her daughter's words because her daughter had really separated from her.
"Mother is for your kindness too!" Ren's mother's tone was crying.
Qin Wansha's eyes were cold and she looked at Ren's mother: "What my mother calls for being good for me is to take away everything I have?"
Ren's whole body trembled: "How can you say such a heartbreaking statement! You want your mother to die!"
"Then I won't talk about it, mother is happy." Qin Wansha said and began to pack up the things on hand.
"You, what are you packing up?!" Only then did Ren Mu found out what was wrong.
I saw that Qin Wansha was packing up some of the clothes she wears daily. However, why does a good girl want to pack up these soft things? Ren's mother was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward and held Qin Wansha's hand that was packing.
"Just to not be sold, pack some things and prepare to leave." Qin Wansha said this very relaxedly, but her attitude was very cold.
Ren's mother was anxious, sad, and angry: "You are talking nonsense, who will sell you, this is your home!"
"This is the home of my mother and my brother." Qin Wansha withdrew her hand from her hand. "I don't want to work hard for so many years. Not only the things I worked hard for were taken away by my brother after returning, but also with myself. This person will be rationed to an unknown man according to your wishes."
"No, no!" Ren Mu was really anxious.
But I heard Qin Wansha continue to say: "My mother should be pitiful and pity me. Anyway, when my brother is not here for many years, I have carried up this family business, and at the same time, I have been with you for many years. What my mother and brother said, give up the Ren family business that I have laid down, and give it away to my brother, so that I can leave the Ren family and have no relationship with the Ren family."
Qin Wansha's words were extremely cold, and Ren's mother felt a pain in her heart and cried: "You are killing me!"
Outside Qin Wansha's room, Ren Congsheng, who had been eavesdropping, suddenly pushed the door open: "In these years, you have used this attitude to force your mother to submit?!" Ren Congsheng asked harshly.
Qin Wansha looked up at him with a smile, then lowered her head: "Look, isn't this here?"
Qin Wansha said this ingeniously, and Ren's mother was ashamed of her daughter in her heart, and she immediately understood the meaning of Qin Wansha's words.
Thinking of the sons and daughters who had finally become members, she would be separated because of her temporary mistake. Ren's mother immediately scolded herself in her heart, and she was still rushing Ren Congsheng out: "Get out, Get out soon! This is your sister's boudoir, how can you make sense to come in!"
Ren Congsheng also relied on that he had just returned. Ren's mother felt guilty and indulgent towards him, and he pulled Ren's mother to his side and confronted Qin Wansha together.
At the same time, Ren Congsheng's eyes glanced over the package Qin Wansha had packed up, and he sneered in his heart, feeling that Qin Wansha's little tricks weren't good enough: "Sister, what are you packing up? Is it possible that he feels that he lives in the second courtyard? If something is wrong, do you want to let the yard out to your brother? The brother will thank you first."
Who knows, Qin Wansha ignored him at all, turned around and continued to pick up the things in her hands.
Ren's mother looked at the son on the left and the daughter on the right, she really couldn't remember for a while.
Ren Congsheng coldly asked with anger: "I'm talking to you! Where have you learned your rules! I don't know if your brother is talking, do you need to stand still and listen!"
With that said, Ren Congsheng looked down at Ren's mother again: "Mother, look at her like this, so unreasonable and completely devoid of any woman's gentleness, gentleness and wisdom, so I should find her a husband earlier to marry her, so as not to be spoiled again. Her temper!"
If the former Ren Congsheng had said that Ren's mother would be exactly what it should be, she had heard that Qin Wansha told them that the arrangement of her marriage had become a business, so she naturally did not dare to talk about it, let alone talk about it. The son is still the son who won't deal with his daughter for a while.
"Don't worry about this, the mother is still there, you..."
"If the mother asks the elder brother to go on, the younger sister would also like to know, what kind of marriage can he find for his younger sister as soon as possible when he first returned to the city? Don't it be a'big family' in the fishing village where the brother lived before?" Qin Wansha This is full of ridicule, and his eyes are full of ridicule and ridicule.
Ren Congsheng heard Qin Wansha's words of running into his experience over the years, and his heart arose. Before Ren's mother finished saying: "How is this possible!" Personality, what kind of big family can you marry?"
As soon as Ren Congsheng's words fell, Ren's mother's slap also fell on his face.
"You are not allowed to say that to your sister!!" Ren's mother still loves her daughter: "Your sister is what she is now for this family, to be a mother! Do you have to blame Weiniang? !"
Qin Wansha saw that Ren Mu and Ren Congsheng had a disagreement because of her, and smiled while holding the package.
Ren Congsheng's heart was cold, but he still succumbed to Ren's mother, but—
"Marriage naturally depends on the character of the man. Mother, how many people you have been in contact with in the house for so many years, you still have to let me, a man, be the master of my sister's marriage."
"I still don't bother." Seeing Ren's mother hesitated again, Qin Wansha said with a smile: "I'm afraid that my elder brother doesn't believe me. Although my elder brother doesn't look down on me with such a good character, those who want to propose to my sister these years are not there. A few, now, when I’m at Ren’s family, the people outside only recognize me as the boss. My brother is unwilling to do so, but today I have let go of the news. I will only wait for my beloved to come up to propose marriage. My brother is the real master of the family."
Both Ren Mu and Ren Congsheng were surprised.
"What's the wind?!"
"What kind of love?!"
What surprised them was not one thing.
Thinking of the future he had originally arranged for Qin Wansha, Ren Congsheng would not be willing to let her go like this, but at this time, in front of Ren's mother, it was wrong to say that Qin Wansha should be promised to Zhen's brother.
Ren Congsheng's eyes turned, and immediately rebuked: "What kind of man did you teach and accept?"
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