Chapter 831: Business woman on top

Ren Congsheng didn't understand business matters at all. He only heard in this sentence that Qin Wansha and Song Ya were breaking his family's business!
"Wow! What a Ren Qing'er! I really marry someone, and my heart has grown a lot, and I am able to grow up!" Ren Congsheng's eyes are full of fierce colors, and these people in charge are so stubborn. It was a tremor.
"Since those people refuse to cooperate with us anymore, just give up! You won't find another home again!" Ren Congsheng immediately directed the gunfire at the stewards again.
The stewards were surprised, and then whispered one by one: "But... the prices and quality of other businesses..."
"If the price is high, we will raise the price too! The quality is too bad for those people to see! It's not that you don't know how to do things!" Ren Congsheng scolded these stewards and then walked away.
For these old people who have been with Ren Qing'er for many years, once they listened to Ren Congsheng's words, they felt a chill in their hearts, and they all understood that the glory of Ren's family was probably in the past.
Looking back, Ren Congsheng went to the Zhen family again: "When on earth did your brother come! It's been so long! He won't even want the wealth he has acquired! I don't know how noble he is. people!"
Zhen's face turned pale when he was yelled. The child who was breastfeeding in the room, along with the other two older ones, was so scared to cry.
Ren Congsheng became even more irritable: "Cry! Cry! You know to cry for Lao Tzu! You little beasts--"
"Msang Gong!" Seeing that Ren Congsheng grabbed his eldest daughter and was about to beat him, the Zhen family couldn't help but rushed down from the bed and stopped between Ren Congsheng and the child, and was slapped by Ren Congsheng.
Ren Congsheng was also taken aback. He didn't expect that Zhen Shi would rush up like this, but after a while, he pulled his face again, let go of his eldest daughter with one hand, and pointed at Zhen Shi who was sitting on the ground weakly.
After venting his anger, Ren Congsheng left the house, thought about it, and ran to ask Ren's mother for help.
It's a pity that Ren Congsheng was stopped outside after he was outside the courtyard. Now the land deeds and house deeds of the yard where the family lives are in the hands of Ren's mother, and these subordinates are more obedient to what they say.
"Young master, the old lady said, no one should disturb." The person in the nursing home said like this.
Ren Congsheng was at the height of his anger, and when he heard this kind of words, when he was about to quarrel, he saw the big girl next to Ren's mother walk out.
"Master, the old lady is sending me to see you, but I don't want to see you here anymore. This is a letter received in the mansion today. It was sent by a person who claims to be the brother of the young lady, just because of your absence. The young lady didn't bother well during the confinement, so she sent it to the old lady." The girl said, and handed a letter in her hand to Ren Congsheng.
Ren Congsheng felt excited when he heard it.
He snatched it over, and carefully checked the corner of the letter to confirm that he had not been dismantled before, and he maintained the arrogance of the'master', and he turned his nose and walked quickly. Up.
The girl looked at Ren Congsheng’s leaving back, her eyes flashed with contempt, and she glanced at the nursing homes on the left and right who were almost in conflict with Ren Congsheng, took out a purse from her arms and threw it to the two of them: "You do It’s not bad, keep on guard and don’t let anyone in."
After that, the girl turned around and went back to her life.
Ren's mother, who was reciting the scriptures in the Buddhist hall, heard the sound of opening the door, and stopped twisting the beads.
Without turning his head to look, Ren's mother asked calmly: "Can you send the letter?"
The big girl immediately replied in a low voice: "In reply to Madam, the young master happily left after receiving the letter, and didn't embarrass anyone."
Ren Mu closed her eyes and sighed deeply: "Go on."
"Yes." The girl stepped back respectfully.
That letter was actually what Qin Wansha said earlier, and it was time for her mother to help her.
Although he was careful and careful, for fear that the contents of the letter would be read by his mother, in fact, there was really no need.
Ren's mother had read the content of the letter several times, and she had sealed it up in person.
It was just because of the remaining mother-child love that Ren's mother was so cruel to ruin her son's future, but now, seeing Ren's more and more declining, both internal and external troubles, Ren's mother understands that if you don't want Ren's foundation If everything is destroyed, we can only solve everything as soon as possible. There is no future, at least there is still a second half of life.
Ren's mother again thought of her poor grandson. At such a young age, she was timid and scrawny. His father was too careless and his mother was not kind. I only hope that she can raise him a lot in the future, or restart. The original glorious days of the Ren family.
Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng also quickly received the news that the prey had smelled the bait, and Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng had no doubt about whether he would eat it.
Once again, I went to the courtyard where Zhen Xiong was watching. This time, Zhen Xiong was a lot more honest. When I looked at Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng, he was full of flattery.
"At most two or three days, Ren Congsheng will come to see you. What does Young Master Zhen have to say?" Qin Wansha asked Zhen Xiong, who was shrinking her neck.
Zhen Xiong immediately expressed his heart: "I should have reported that he had changed his sister to a younger sister! I was deceived by him at the beginning! I didn't know how to read, and he wrote those conditions! I am innocent, Song lady!"
Song Yazheng expressed satisfaction with Zhen Xiong's "Mrs. Song": "Master Zhen is a wise man, but it's a pity that he is very unsatisfied. When the time comes, you can also ask him more."
Zhen Xiong realized it in an instant, and couldn't help nodding. After Qin Wansha and Song Yazheng had left, he began to arrange the ten things of Ren Congsheng in his heart.
Just after Zhen Xiong's problem was resolved, Song Yazheng took Qin Wansha to the government again.
Just as people outside guessed, the Song family did have a deep background in the capital. Therefore, when he revealed that his wife was almost sold to someone by his brother, the government immediately suspended the registration of Ren Congsheng. Review--
At this time, it was a felony to buy and sell a good-born woman. What's more, he, a ‘dead’ person, gave his only sister to someone else’s wife thousands of miles away. This is enough for a serious sentence.
The officials immediately became the master and put Ren Congsheng into prison, but Qin Wansha stopped him.
"He is my elder brother, I want to give him one last chance. If he tells Zhen Xiong clearly, it will be a big deal for my family to give some money, and that will be the case, but if he is still obsessed with it. ...Then you will have to trouble everyone."
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