Chapter 385: [For a better life, we can only eradicate GDA]

new York.
Gu Ren, who took a rest for a night, also drove to the Ossos Prosthetic Company.
At present, the company's business is growing steadily. Relying on neuron chips that are five years earlier than this era, prosthetic products have just been put on the market within a few days, and they are very popular among the disabled in the United States.
Excellent prosthetic products can not only bring convenience to the lives of people with disabilities, but also prevent outsiders from discriminating against their physical disabilities.
Therefore, in just three months, hundreds of thousands of neuroprosthetic products have been sold. Although the profitability is not enough due to the large investment in promotion in the early stage, it is conceivable that as long as the promotion of the product continues to increase, it will expand to the United States by then. Even in overseas markets, making money is not a problem at all.
In particular, the general manager Rodney played his role. While vigorously promoting the company’s products, he also took up his company’s products through the contacts accumulated before and met with the vice president of the American Veterans Association. .
There are many various associations in the United States, such as the Association for the Protection of Cats, the Association for the Protection of Dogs, and the Environmental Protection Association. But when it comes to influence, it is none other than the Veterans Association. This association was established in the 1920s by representatives of the American Expeditionary Force combat and service units in Paris.
It has a history of almost one hundred years, from five-star generals in the United States to ordinary logistics soldiers. After they are discharged, their files will be assigned to the Veterans Association.
Those high-ranking generals will not mention it. Even if they retire, they are living a rich life that ordinary people can't imagine. But ordinary veterans are different. In addition to receiving a small amount of retirement subsidies, they also have many because of this. For decades, the United States has been disabled by its foreign wars.
If the United States has the most registration points for people with disabilities, then it must be this.
So after seeing that his company's products are so advanced, General Manager Rodney has already moved the plan to let the company re-cooperate with the Ministry of Defense. Unfortunately, now society cannot cooperate with good products.
The U.S. Department of Defense has already cooperated with the nation's largest medical device company BD a few years ago. How can the quality of the product be influenced by the mixed interests?
Later, Rodney turned his attention to the Veterans Association. In recent years, although the United States’ foreign wars have decreased a lot, it has been fighting every year for 30 years. Although not many people have died, they are disabled because of this. There are quite a few.
Rodney asked someone to investigate and found that in the 34 years from 1980 to the end of 2014, more than 300,000 people in the United States had more or less physical defects due to war.
Although this group is not large, Rodney still favors orders from the Future Veterans Association and the American Police Association.
Inside the chairman's office.
Looking at the report in his hand and Rodney's report, Gu Ren was a little surprised and said: "So you have won the support of the Veterans Association. Next, the vice president will help you contact all disabled veterans in the United States? "
"Yes, the chairman, the vice chairman has promised to support the promotion of our company’s products in their association, and the most important thing is that they are also willing to sign an exclusive contract with us. In the future, as long as there are disabled soldiers who are discharged, they will Give priority to our company. But also because of this contract, we have concessioned 30% in price."
Rodney was very excited. He came to the company for more than three months. He almost worked step by step. He promoted according to the publicity plan he had made before. He did not start any new business. Now he has secured the order from the Veterans Association. Naturally there is unspeakable happiness.
"This is no problem. They signed an exclusive contract with us, and they are also a non-profit official organization. It is normal to give some discounts appropriately." Gu Ren is not a clumsy person, and naturally won't care about this immediate benefit. This Veterans Association has signed a contract, and in the future, even if it takes the route of small profits but quick turnover, it can make a lot of money.
Rodney nodded and said: "Yes, I think so too. Even if we make a concession of 30%, we can still maintain a profit of more than 50% for each product sold. As production increases in the future. After the cost is reduced, the profitability will increase a lot."
"Has anyone come to you recently?" Gu Ren put down the report in his hand and looked up at Rodney.
"This..." Hearing this, Rodney hesitated for a while and said: "Many companies have sent people to find us. BD Medical Devices has sent people to buy us, and Pfizer wants to buy our neuron. The chip technology also guarantees that it will be written in the contract that this technology will not be used in prosthetic products..."
"And their quotations are very impressive, far exceeding the value of our company in the market."
"Hehe, want to acquire and buy my technology? Leave these people alone, no matter which company comes to say that it wants to acquire, buy shares or buy technology, they will not agree."
Gu Ren sneered. The plans of these big companies are still so straightforward. When they see the birth of new technology, they are still a small company. If you don’t say anything, they will smash the big price. First, they will stun you before talking about buying. Technical things.
"But I'm afraid they won't be able to acquire them, they will spend a lot of money to dig out our technology research and development personnel, and then develop products to compete with us in the market." Rodney is very aware of the methods of those big companies, if they can't spend money, they try to buy people's hearts .
Gu Ren shook his head: "We have applied for related patents. Even if they dig out those technicians, they will not be able to circumvent our patents. And now the company's technical products are only the first generation. I have been working in foreign research institutes. When developing second-generation products, when they intervene in the first-generation technology, I want to come to our second-generation technology is already perfect."
Neuron chips are not just as simple as using them on prostheses. At the beginning, Gu Ren had re-separated the technical data of neuron chips, and the ones that were brought to the company were only the simplest applications. Later, more sophisticated brain and nerve technologies are involved. However, nothing was revealed.
And he is not ready to take it out in a short time.
After all, other companies want to circumvent patents to develop this kind of technology. There is no five or six years impossible. By that time, Gu Ren would have used the system to obtain more black technology. Naturally, he would not be stingy. Released the full version of Neuron Chip technology.
It's already past three o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of the company
After spending five or six hours in the company this time, Gu Ren processed all the contracts and documents that he had recently piled up in one breath.
While sitting in the office to sign the documents, Gu Ren also thought that if he slowly developed the company and became a rich man, he would go to the police station to find Chen Ying, or fly to Thailand to see Axiang. Wouldn't it be much better than fighting outside every day?
But now Gu Ren can't stop at all. It's not the task of system release, but the organization of GDA.
If this organization is not eradicated one day, Gu Ren's family and friends will be more dangerous.
So if you want to sign and sign documents every day, get a girl, let team members perform system tasks, and sit at home to get system rewards, you must kill GDA!
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