Chapter 91: [Final goal, revenge in 3 months]

   "James Bond! How did you find it! The London Bridge collapsed, killing more than hundreds of people! Why did UDI bomb the London Bridge? You don't even know!"
Watching Mrs. M’s roar in the video, Bond frowned and said:
I’m sorry Mrs. M. We have investigated the London bombing, including the London Bridge bombing this time. It was all organized by UDI’s veterans. Gera executed it, but our people have lost him, and there is no trace of him yet."
   Mrs. M suppressed her anger, and shouted in a low voice, "What about Hannis? He is the former head of UDI, and he should have a clear understanding of the organization."
   "He is very uncooperative."
  Bond said: "Two people had kidnapped him before. Both Yagus and I suspected that he had been tortured, but Hannes insisted on denying it and said he was fine."
   "I don't care about this!"
Mrs. M said angrily: "Bond, I will give you forty-eight hours. No matter what means you use, you must find these terrorists hidden in London for me. If you fail to complete the mission within 48 hours, or in London during this period, Somewhere there is another shocking explosion, so I will unilaterally announce that you are on vacation indefinitely!"
   Hanging up the video, Bond’s handsome face was gloomy and uncertain. Since he was here in Northern Ireland, everything seemed to be going wrong, which made him feel a little irritable.
   After a while, Bond called the contact person in Northern Ireland, Argus, and asked him to do everything possible to knock out some useful information from Hannis’s mouth as soon as possible.
   Yaggs said: "I heard about London, and I will get useful information as soon as possible."
Bond never put hope on others. After chatting with Argus, he hung up and set a 48-hour countdown alarm clock. Mrs. M asked him to find the murderer within two days, which is more difficult. Great, so we must rush back to London as soon as possible to investigate the terrorists lurking there.
   This prosperous financial metropolis is now plunged into an unprecedented tension.
   Thousands of local police officers cancelled their vacations, and began to conduct investigations in every hotel, hotel, and studio apartment to search for the terrorists who carried out the explosion.
The terrorist attack in London a week ago has already drawn the attention of the world to Britain’s lax defenses. Now only seven days later, there has been another earth-shattering explosion. This explosion caused greater property losses and casualties. Before the terrorists have been caught, no one knows whether there will be a third terrorist attack in London.
   This incident not only allowed the British Prime Minister to personally make uncompromising remarks against terrorists on television, even the Queen of England began to secretly dispatch MI6 to act with her intelligence personnel.
   For this reason, the intelligence personnel of all six locations in Northern Ireland did not hesitate to reveal their identities, but they had to do everything possible to find the head behind the scenes and complete the tasks assigned by the queen.
I have to say that after mobilizing hundreds of elite agents from MI6 and the National Security Agency, they finally found a very valuable clue, that is the missing McGera, which is most likely the cause of these two terrorist attacks. The head behind the scenes.
   "Are you sure it's McGera?"
   Bond was driving while listening to the voice of the intelligence personnel in the headset.
   "It's definitely him. We found that the man riding a motorcycle in the last bombing had a brief contact with McGera in a restaurant three weeks ago."
   "Did you find him there?"
   "His cell phone was turned off, but before that, GPS found that he was on his way to London."
   come to London?
   Bond frowned and said, "Send me all the information about McGera. I need more detailed information."
   Half an hour later, at more than seven o'clock at night, Bond hurried back to London smoothly.
   Bond did not rush back to MI6, but drove to a bar in the West End of London.
   After tidying up his clothes, he walked into the bar with a chic expression and quickly scanned the chaotic bar. Suddenly, a mature and beautiful lady attracted his attention.
Mary Lane, the sister who once founded the UDI leader, later married Hannes. In the intelligence, she had an affair with her nephew and was close to McGraw. The intelligence department suspected that she was also involved in these two. The purpose of the terrorist attack was to save my brother who had been in prison for 20 years.
   After confirming the goal, a charming smile crossed the corner of Bond's mouth. He stepped up to her and sat down, ordered a glass of wine from the bartender in the bar, and turned his head to stare at Mary.
Mary noticed that someone was sitting next to her. At first, she didn’t care. Several people just came to talk to each other, but she refused. But when she noticed Bond’s eyes were staring at her, she couldn’t help. He frowned and said, "Is there anything on my face?"
   "No, your face is white and smooth."
  Bond said in a magnetic voice: "Have you ever told you that you are beautiful and make people's hearts move."
  Mary glanced at the handsome Bond, "Maybe you can try it with another girl."
   "Other girls don't have your mature temperament."
   Bond raised his eyebrows, raised his glass and smiled: "Do you mind if I buy you a drink?"
   It is women who like to be praised, let alone a handsome guy like Bond. Mary said without agreeing or refusing: "As long as you can guess what I like to drink."
   "It may take me more time."
   Watching the woman get the bait, Bond smiled slightly.
   West London Street.
   Inside a black business car.
McGraw frowned and put down his cell phone. He just called Hannes, and the other party’s cell phone showed that it was in an unreachable state. After thinking about it, he said to a young girl beside him: "Maggie, you have Contact Hannes?"
   Maggie shook her head and said: "We have been in contact before, but since Hannes went to Northern Ireland, we have not been in contact."
   On the surface, she was Hannes’ mistress, but she was actually sent by McGera. These two London bombings were carried out by her together with three other people.
   "You call Kavanagh and them, I always feel something is wrong."
McGera remembered the phone call Hannes had called him before. The other party seemed to speak calmly. Even if he knew that he was the planner of the bombing, he just smiled faintly, as if he didn't care at all. This is the same as when he was organizing a meeting before. It's a world of difference between the furious people.
   Maggie nodded, took out her mobile phone and called Cavanah, her partner.
   No one answered.
   "No one answered?"
   Maggie said tightly: "No one answers, will something go wrong?"
   As soon as the voice fell, the door of the car was suddenly opened from the outside. A tall and burly man was holding a rifle and pointing at them.
   Seeing this scene, the two did not know how they were deceived.
   McGera didn’t care about pointing at his gun, and sneered at Maggie:
It seems that we have been deceived. Hannes is still obsessed with power and desire, and has forgotten the Irish mission.

   "Didn't we have been prepared?"
Maggie calmly faced the muzzle. Since joining the UDI organization, she has already been mentally prepared to face death. She calmly looked at the tall and burly man, she pressed a small button on the belt without a trace. .
  At this time, several cars drove up on both sides of West A dozen people walked out of the car, each holding a submachine gun and ran in the direction where McGera was.
On a tall building not far away, Gu Ren lay on the roof, holding a Barrett sniper rifle in front of him, aiming at the vicinity of the black business car, and suddenly he noticed a dozen people with weapons on both sides. He immediately said to the earplugs: "Rambo, a small group of people on your right rushed over and killed the two people in the car. I will meet you on the roof."
Da da da!
   Rambo pulled the trigger and a bullet swept over. McGraw and Maggie were killed on the spot.
   On the top of the building, Gu Ren frowned while shooting to cover Rambo.
   Hasn't the murderer and the leader behind the bombing been solved? Why the system task has not been completed? Is there a fish that slipped through the net?
   Gu Ren racked his brains and thought about it. Judging from the information collected, McGraw and his four men who planned the bombing were all killed. This mission should be over!
   Isn't Hannes also one of the mission goals?
   Gu Ren felt annoyed when he thought of this possibility. He had known that he should have killed Hannis directly!
   This time I'm going back to Northern Ireland.
   Within Northern Ireland.
   UDI secret base.
A middle-aged man looked at the red dots on his phone, pondered for a few seconds, and said to the companions behind him: "Mr. McGera was killed by a traitor Hannes, but we are not in a hurry to find him and the British for the time being. revenge.
   Now we need to lurch down and make the British think that we have collapsed.
   After waiting for three months, the European Union International Conference held in London will be the time for UDI to take revenge! "
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