Chapter 389: Niu Sanxi

It's not complicated.
Jade's husband, Zhen Guanren, entered the customs business as a fur business. When there were major changes in her home, she sent someone to find him. Followed by Wu Yi came to the county for the record.
That night, Sister Yu had fallen asleep, and suddenly heard someone calling her name. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was her official.
When Yu saw her husband, she immediately burst into tears and rushed over, telling the story of her mother-in-law's killing, crying heavily.
Zhen Guan person in front of the bed was kind and relieved, but there was no sadness. When Sister Yu took it away and cried, she held her in his arms. When she was relieved, she wanted to be happy with him.
How could Jade sister have this mind, she quickly broke away, but Zhen Guanren did not give up, which made Jade sister very strange, and she was on guard.
During the pull, the footsteps outside the door screamed loudly. Sister Yu sent a servant who was looking for her husband back, and brought back a man who was a servant in the dust, but who wasn't Zhen Zhenguan?
Zhen Zhenren outside the door and Zhen Guanren inside the door looked at the eyes, facial features, buns, clothes, accessories are not bad!
This time, the pot is opened!
The two Zhen officials were in a mess, but it was so messy that Sister Yu couldn't tell which one came first or the one who came in late. After confusion, she naturally thought of Li Zhenfu, who dropped the demon. .
This is the case. Right now the two Zhen Guan people are in the backyard, and their noses are swollen and their faces are swollen.
Cha Xiaodao listened with interest, Li Yan was expressionless.
People come to the door, naturally there is no reason, let alone a hand.
Li Yan looked at General Zheng: "Brother Zheng, bother you sending soldiers and bring this woman's true and false officials."
Zheng Shen nodded his head, nodded two soldiers who seemed smart and capable, and followed Sister Yu.
Jo Mo swelled incense, and the two came.
Zhen Guan's red face, thick eyebrows, and wide nose bridge looked quite valiant, but he was panting and black-eyed at the moment, without the rich grace of a rich man.
The same is true of another Zhen Guan person. He bleeds from his nostril, making him pull, and struggling to beat the black-eyed Zhen Guan person.
"Please lord Fuzheng."
Jade sister nodded to the ground.
Zhang Shouhan glanced back and forth between the two Zhen officials, smiling slightly, but silent.
Black ripples appeared in Zha Xiaodao's eyes, and after a while, he laughed.
Li Yan hugged his shoulders, looked at Sister Yu and looked at the sky, and rushed the knife to say, "It's going to be bright, don't you want to have supper, change breakfast."
Nodded his head, rushed into the room and shouted, "Yongchang, got up."
Cao Yongchang, who hadn't slept in the room, came out in a hurry, waited for Cha Dao to scream again, then opened the door and pretended to yawn.
"Cough, Zhang Daochang, this kind of thing, you should be ..."
Li Wuyi wants to give Li Yan a step down, after all, in his opinion, this is not the director of Li Yan.
Zhang Shouhan shook his head but said nothing.
The black-eyed Zhen Guan couldn't help it: "I said, Li Zhenfu, I heard insiders said that you have the means to judge the truth from the fake, so here you come, what are you doing?"
Li Yan raised an eyebrow: "I want to say that there is no such thing as a coincidence in the main house of Zhen Fu. The two of you are obviously fakes. They all pulled out and decapitated them, and when they died, they came into shape!"
Sister Yu exclaimed: "No, calm down, the official who came back with my servant Xiao Jiu is the real one, I am sure of this."
Li Yan sneered: "Women know what! Come, pull out!"
As soon as his words fell, the favorable soldiers held on to the shoulders of both men and looked poor.
Regardless of true or false, Zhen Guanren's face changed.
Officials are really thinking, how can they die so confused!
I was thinking that this general would blow me up. If I resist, I am a monster. Do n’t resist, do n’t you just watch him kill me?
At this moment, Cha Dadao came over: "Don't worry, don't worry, this is for you both."
He passed a basket of potatoes in his hand.
"What are you doing!"
The Zhenuan with a nosebleed spoke.
"Isn't it true or false, I'll tell you both."
Cha Dao stood still: "You two have smashed potatoes. Whoever cuts the potatoes more and cuts faster will be the true one."
"Ridiculous!" "You play me!"
They shouted together.
Li Yan sneered: "Not cut? All pulled out and chopped."
The two spoke in unison.
Li Yan looked bad.
Wu Yanqing Zhen Guan bit his teeth for a long time, but finally said helplessly: "I cut."
The nosebleed Zhen Guan looked unwilling, but everyone looked at him at this moment and had to swallow his throat and pick up a potato.
Someone prepares a kitchen knife and chopping board.
Zhan Xiaodao asked Wu Yi to find a big iron wok, onion garlic, salt, star anise cinnamon, tea, sugar and so on.
The soldiers who came around watched the excitement, and started to talk about the inverse movement tonight, and later said that the demons were not seen. The sky was almost shining. Look at two identical people cutting potatoes. Look at me, I Look at you, I don't know what is good.
After a while, the black eyed Zhen officials cut a lot, and the skin was peeled very beautifully. The nosebleed Zhen officials were clumsy.
Zha Xiaodao ’s mouth commanded: "Potatoes are cut into pieces, ginger, and shallots. How do you live with such a large piece? Well, I ’m talking about onions, do I say onions? I ’ve cut slices without washing them? What else does the nosebleed do? Will we eat it later? "
"Add water! Add firewood!"
The two Zhen Guan people were busy working until the day was dawn, and the sky would be white.
The nose-bleeding Zhenguan person has been falling behind, and the onion will not be cut, and the fire has been choked. Seeing that the knife is still picked, the look is flushed, and the firewood in his hand is thrown to the ground. Nose cursed: "The soldiers can be killed, not humiliated. I have never had a precedent for the death of a military commander. I want to see who you dare to kill me!"
Cha Xiaodao ignored him, and walked to another Wu Yanqing Zhen Guanren.
This Zhen Guan man worked beautifully, the firewood was flourishing, the onion and slices were cut well, and the potato pieces were even in size.
Zha Xiaodao went to him, and both looked at the boiling water in the soup pot.
"Good job."
"Where, where,"
Wu Yanqing Zhen officer glanced at his nosebleeds proudly. It means you look at my craft.
Zapiao patted him on the shoulder and took a mouthful of soup pot: "Then you go down."
The whole yard was quiet.
Black eyed sweat ran down the back.
A glimpse of Hong
[Niu Sanxi]: One of the five hundred drills of Jinshan ancestors in Ganguang Cave, Ganzhou, Longzhou, Ganzhou. The 500-year-old walks the bull demon, in the order of the ancestors of Jinshan. The righteous woman, through this county, is intriguing.
Traits (Skills): Little Nature Change (pretend to look like someone else)
Tongxinqiao (can peek into the minds of ordinary people)
Li Yan was already polite with Li Zhixian and Zheng Shen at this time: "The two adults worked hard tonight and left for a light meal. My official craftsmanship is no worse than that of the Beijing restaurant chef. Let ’s eat today ... … Potato beef stew. "
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