Chapter 397: Five Immortals in the Bohai Sea (middle)

Taiyi Pavilion under Tianmen Peak in Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi.
"This is the person who mentioned the Office of the People's Republic of China. After compiling the details of the official case of the Longhuyamen in these two days, I sent the disc report. According to the rules, the original was sent to the Imperial Palace of Beijing. The content was copied and sent to our Taiyi. Come here. "
A young middle-aged man in a blue robe stood respectfully, and he took out a stack of yellow paper in a jade box.
The two reports of the 13 provinces of Beijing, Beijing and Beijing are divided into two copies, one to the center and one to Longhu Mountain. Although this is limited to cases involving demons, Longhu Mountain can also be called to rule the world with the God Emperor.
In front of the middle-aged man, there is a long-table case. Surrounded by several high-powered mages wearing red Turin robes.
"If there is nothing else between the ancestors, I'll choose what matters, and I will answer to you."
Yi Yu yawned and said lazily.
The middle-aged man of the Qing Dynasty immediately took out a piece of signature paper with the urgent mark.
"Yesterday, the Weifu city in Haizhou was demonized. The walls were destroyed on both sides, and more than 150 people were killed or wounded. The commander Si Qiao Dayong, along with several guest dragon and tiger soldiers, also unfortunately died.
An old man smoking a snuff bottle put down his gadget and asked incredulously, "Is this true?"
Wei commander Gao Congsanpin, who has hundreds of moments of dragon and tiger, did not dare to approach the monsters after thousands of years. Why ...
The middle-aged man took out a few papers with great skill: "The reason for the matter has been made clear by the people who raised the office. This matter must be taken from the Liaodong Banner Guard selected by Chief Li Rumei and Dan Zuowei's Zuosi Town. Li Li Yan said. "
When Yi Yu Leng Buding heard a familiar name, he immediately became interested and listened carefully to the sound.
The middle-aged man put the case of Zhang Shouhan's letter on the table a few days ago, and at the same time dictated, including Li Yanyan's killing of Guo Zhengtao, the Baiyue attacking the station, Zhang Shouhan leading people to burn Xiangu, etc. Bit high power.
Moreover, the three blood oaths threatened by the five immortals outside the customs have been falsely accused. He also pointed out that some local villages and towns had already seen signs of plague, and they had to deploy staff as soon as possible to deal with it.
As things stand, several high-power reactions differ.
Some people scolded Zuo Sizhen and fought Li Yan, a general, and dared to cut first and then play to kill the imperial court officials. This was a deliberate challenge to Heavenly Masters.
Some people sneered at the government to send soldiers to remove demons, which was justified. The five categories of Liaozhen even dared to resist revenge, and even released such arrogant words, they almost blocked their cars and killed themselves.
Sitting in the middle, Yi Yu smiled and watched a few old guys put out their words before speaking slowly.
"There are five types of this town in Liaozhen. I know a little bit. Before the ancestors were settled in the past, there were three hidden monsters in the world. In Shanhaiguan, the Jinshan ancestor of Ganguang Cave was counted as one. There are five categories outside customs. Only then were the dragon and tiger's steadiness, the suppression of national instruments, there was no right way in the world, the three demon lived in the deep mountains for only a thousand years, but now, how can there be 2,500 years? Just do it. "
As soon as this word came out, several high master mage frowned suddenly.
The 2,000-year-old Daoxing Giant Demon is only one step away from the legendary ascension.
According to the classic records in the school, Zhang Daoling, the ancestor of Tianshidao, enshrined the three and five merit merits given by Taishang Laojun to kill and kill the eight evil spirits in Shuzhong, which only caused trouble in the world.
Yi Yu saw them not talking for a long time, and snorted before slamming the table: "Not to mention ..."
He pointed at the Tianmen Peak above his head: "But still sitting there is a demon who can ascend to the heavens with a good blessing ~ Let's ask, are we still freeing up to deal with the five categories of people outside the customs? A few brothers just now Fill in indignation, it is better to simply go down the mountain ... "
A few old Taoist heads shook like rattles, and they were not as energetic as before.
"Then, Master Yi means ..."
An old Gao Gong asked.
"I asked, let Master respect his old man."
Yi Yu threw a sleeve.
The philosophers of Taiyi Museum, you see me, I see you, hesitating between the magic powers of two 2,500-year-old monsters and their hot-tempered master.
In the end, he gritted his teeth, recognized his incompetence by pinching his nose, and transferred the spy report to Zhang Yichu, a contemporary master who now suppresses the demon.
The effort of a cup of tea, Zhang Xiaochu sent a reply from Zhang Yichu.
Zhang Tianshi's attitude was bland, with only one sentence: "The five types of blood vows are nothing more than a trivial matter, so don't bother. They buried Zhang Shouhan, Hu Weisheng, Rong Ze and other dead dragon and tiger soldiers, and selected those who have good qualifications. The character generation. Those who have no sons and daughters, their ashes are sent to the Temple of Heavenly Masters, and the directory is Longhushanzhi. "
"Regardless of?"
Yi Yu heard his eyes glared bigger than a cow, angrily strolled around the room, pointing at the sky and scolding: "Then wait for Liaodong's corpse to traverse the wild, let's say apologize to the world!"
Li Yan's ship spent two days and one night on the Bohai Sea, seeing the sun fall into the sea, turning the Bohai Sea into a blood red.
"Master Fuzheng, I guess we will be in Jinkou in the middle of the night."
The ship's armor was full of smiles, and the sea was calm these days, and there were no moths.
Li Yan came out of the rear cabin, and there was a faint aroma floating out of the door, causing the index finger to move.
He glanced at the sunset reflection on the sea before turning his head: "Okay, Lao Xing, this is a hard work for you. The county dweller will not say it. When I get to Jinkou, I will set the table and thank you."
"Where's the Lord to calm down?"
Li Yan's attitude toward his subordinates has always been peaceful. He is not very arrogant. The captain of the ship also had a very good impression on him. He held his nose and smelled the scent. It's really amazing. Compared to the signature chef in the restaurant, it is three points better. "
"Old Xing." Li Yan approached the captain of the ship and pulled out two large gold ingots and shoved them into his hands.
"Master Fu, are you?"
The captain of the ship is not a person who has not seen money, but it is always hard to eat the sea. These two pieces of gold are enough for his family of six to live the rest of his life safely.
"Hold it. Don't work hard in the middle of the night. Take your son and son-in-law to rest early and squeeze with my brother and nephew. No matter what you hear, right shouldn't know."
Lao Xing blinked and did not speak anymore, but silently shoved the gold into his pocket.
Li Yan patted his shoulder and turned into the cabin.
Zha Xiaodao squatted on the ground without a picture, smoking, he was used to this group. When Li Yan came in, he said, "All the dishes are ready. The red food box is for you."
Li Yan glanced at the table before nodding his head, "I'm here to deal with them. You are guarding the others on the boat. If necessary, protect Cao Yongchang first."
Aside from personal feelings, that little splashy skin is also related to the reward of an extra Yan Fu incident.
"Got it."
The check knife nodded.
The two set a table and chairs for the incense on the boat for sandalwood, four tablespoons, two cold dishes, and a few jars of old wine.
As night fell, Li Yan sat down on the deck, dragging Cao Yongchang into the cabin with his cigarette knife, and the sea was silent.
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