Chapter 408: Hu San Chuangguan

Li Yan didn't answer in a hurry or entered the room, but stared at Cao Yongchang: "Did the water pick up? Did the dishes wash? The firewood was chopped?"
"Choose it, wash it, chop ..."
Cao Yongchang supported each other.
Li Yan glanced at the axe in his hand and nodded: "Cut away."
Cao Yongchang was about to leave.
"Yongchanger, take this."
Zha Xiaodao wrapped the two oiled papers in the hands of Cao Yongchang, which contained the storytelling and toys he bought along the street.
"Go on."
Cao Yongchang ran far, and Cha Xiaodao asked: "Teach him like this? We can't wait a few months for a full fight. It's important to teach him how to fight with both hands. What is this?"
Li Yanbai gave him a glance: "Do you understand me?"
Zha Xiaodao put his hands in his sleeves, shook his head and smiled, "Come on, you understand."
They talked and went inside.
In the main hall stood a man with a goose knives on his waist, a red helmet, and a big blue urn. On the table were a few gifts of wild and precious seafood.
He looked at the calligraphy and painting porcelain vase inside the room quietly, turned around when he heard the voice, facing Li Yan's eyes.
I saw this man with a wide bee waist and a thick brow and a white face, and there was a spirit of indifference in his expression, but Li Yan could not recognize him based on his facial features alone.
"grown ups."
Seeing Li Yan's face, he immediately came forward with excitement and bowed to the bottom.
Li Yan thought for a while, then his eyes moved.
The man raised his head and revealed a white tooth: "Yi Si Yamen retuned Wang Sheng of a hundred households and has seen Zhenfu adults."
As soon as the sun was working, it was already drilling into the clouds to the west, and the sea was red.
There were also many boats in the port. Only Chai Xuan was lying on the chair. He was pale, wrapped in a wet towel on his forehead, and humming in his mouth: "My horse, my wild black ... my tiger Howl ... my fourteen. "
Ye Wushen didn't mention it, but the fourteen Zhu and Tiger roared, but were actually killed by Fei Lei, and three or four horses were seriously injured, and the rest were not injured, and they were listless.
I was only teased with shame and shame, but I was unable to explain it to my Majesty because he was wounded and injured and the work was not good.
He sat up, and soy-sized sweat beads permeated the whole white and unnecessary face, and he gritted his teeth: "I want to join him! I want to join him! Join him in a pampering mount to bite the tribute horse ... No, instruct the mount Bite the tribute horse! Disrespect to the emperor! Disrespect to the court of Daming! "
Despite saying this, Chai Xuan knew in his heart that it was unlikely that he could participate in the surname Li.
He said in front of everyone that he hadn't picked up Li Yan's horse. In that case, the death of the two tribute horses was not surprising to Li Yan's head.
Behind the surname Li is Liaodong and Tianshidao, which is not easy to mess with. At this time, it is too late to change his mind.
"Ah, hello ~" He fell to his chair in despair: "My wild black ..."
At this time, the outside was noisy again. He slammed the towel still on the ground and shouted, "Six son! What's the matter!"
Below the tea horse's fleet, a scholar in a yellow robe standing on a grasshopper boat confronted the eunuchs with the head of the tea horse gently.
"I said for the last time, I slipped, know who this fleet is? Ebon Chamas! You dare to break into the boats in the palace?"
The scholar in the yellow robe clasped his hands, "I'm here to return something."
The captain of the ship was impatient: "What else?"
The student in the yellow robe pointed behind him: "You can't see these two big horses?"
"You're crazy!" Said Chang Sui, who wanted to drink and scold, but Chai Xuan came over with a calm face.
The people on the ship all bowed their heads, and Chai Xuanli ignored him. He could clearly hear what he said just now, and looked at the scholar in the yellow robe with a grim voice: "What did you just say?"
Scholar Huangpao replied, "I have a scattered person on Changchun Island, going to the golden feast of Danlong in Wanlong Cave, and passing through here, but seeing the grieving spirits of two steeds circling here, I counted, the two horses' lives It shouldn't be stopped, so I will return it. "
Chai Xuan pondered for a moment. The death of these two tribute horses was only known to the people on the boat, and it was only daytime. How could it be transmitted so fast? Is this person really extraordinary?
He wanted to stop, and he gave a gift: "If Mr. Chai really has the ability to recover from death, Chai is not talented, and he is willing to give him a hundred dollars."
The student of Huangpao shook his head slowly: "You shouldn't die, you shouldn't take a penny, the number of lives is up, and one million is hard to pay for."
Chai Xuanyue was convinced, and he said loudly, "Dare to ask Mr.'s name."
The student in the yellow robe exhaled: "Hu San, er ... Health, Hu Sansheng."
The man in front of him was the little soldier Wang Sheng on the battlefield of Renchen.
When Li Yan saw Wang Sheng smiling, two familiar dimples appeared on his face before he recognized him.
"Why did you come to Jiaozhou and ask me if I live here?"
Wang Sheng heard Li Yan's question and replied:
"I heard from Yemen that there was a monster disaster in Liaodong and the Bohai Sea some time ago. One Li Zhenfu took the shot to solve it. I expected to be so capable, but also Daningwei's soothing. It must be an adult. I saw. I did not guess wrong. "
Wang Sheng spoke very quickly when he spoke, and seemed very excited.
Li Yan patted his broad shoulders and only looked at the figure. It was really difficult to associate the man with a bee-backed waist in front of him and the thin Wang Sheng who was like a small carrot in his impression.
Li Yan suddenly felt a lot of feelings in his heart, but he forced it down and only smiled cheerfully to Wang Sheng: "Don't be so polite, come, get to know each other."
He pulled Wang Sheng in front of Cha Xiaodao: "My good brother, surname Cha. Now that I am in the office, he is still my official. My former subordinate, Wang Sheng."
"Brother Cha."
Wang Sheng made a fool.
"You're welcome." Cha Xiaodao blinked before he said, "That's how you do. Your two old friends will meet. Let's talk first. I order to get some wine and food."
"Trouble checking Brother."
Cha Xiaodao nodded before winking at Li Yan.
The two borrowed a few steps, stood under the eaves, and Cha Xiaodao lowered his voice and said to Li Yan, "What about you brother ..."
Li Yan nodded and said, "I know, I'll solve it. You can go to the backyard and stare at Cao Yongchang. I'm afraid this kid is lazy."
Cha Xiaodao said nothing and turned to leave.
Li Yan walked back, raised the teapot on the table, sat down according to Wang Sheng, and poured two cups of herbal tea by himself. Then he asked slowly: "In the first half of the year, you said that you were the general banner at Anji Weisheng in Tongzhou. Why? A hundred households rose again so soon, and I came to Shandong to be an official, and awarded the silver medal from Liupin, and soon caught up with me. "
"Lord, don't make fun of me. The child has no mother, it's a long story."
Li Yan picked up the tea cup and made a gesture to Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng quickly picked up the cup, murmured and drank clean, wiped his mouth and then said to Li Yan:
"With North Korea's military achievements, the official career has been smooth during these years of humble duty. The insider is a Jiaozhou native. I have been hoping that I can go to Shandong for a job, and she can go back to my hometown. Some time ago, there was a company in Shandong. Hundreds of families who had been tortured died of illness, and I made money. I went up and down to make up for this vacancy. Shandong Province is prosperous. This is bad. It also fulfilled my wife ’s long-cherished wish.
These words are clear, apparently Wang Sheng did not consider Li Yan as an outsider.
Li Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "Last time I wrote that you had a son, are there three people at home now?"
"Oh, my mother Gaotang is still there. I added a son from Xiaoyi, and my hair wife ..." Wang Sheng was a little embarrassed. "A total of five people."
Li Yan listened and laughed. He pointed at Wang Sheng: "Your boy looks at Bai Jingduhou, but he is so happy!"
Wang Sheng scratched his head and didn't know what to say.
"That ..." Li Yan couldn't see anything on his face, and continued to question: "When you were in North Korea, there was a wild ghost named Cai Caizi in Sheshan. Do you still have a relationship?"
Wang Sheng had an eyelid. After a short pause, he said without change: "He returned to his hometown in his early years and was fascinated by this evil lord for a while. Later, his mother invited the Master of Heavenly Masters to come, and he had long lost relations."
Li Yan looked at Wang Sheng.
Wang Sheng lowered his head to get the tea cup on the table to avoid Li Yan's eyes.
"This is a good thing. People have different paths. Now your family is booming. Don't think about it."
Wang Shengqiang smiled: "Naturally."
"Right, how old is the child?"
"Ten months old, if the adult does not hate it, I will visit the adult again with my family members."
"No need, let me visit the door, not to mention the children, visiting the old lady is a courtesy that the younger should do."
The two chatted cheerfully.
Wang Sheng stayed until the evening. He recalled the past and brought up a comrade-in-arms and uncle. He took care of him constantly, and his eyesight turned red. To be frank, the one who escaped from the death of North Korea and made a dream-like contribution, returning to his hometown, was the fastest time in his life.
Li Yan stopped him until Wang Sheng was resigned.
"I said I was going to visit the house. I didn't just talk about it. Where do you live in the house, I have to be empty. I must go."
"There are two big red lanterns in front of the gate in Jiaozi Lane, Chengnan. Opposite the sign of Chen Jishu Butcher Shop."
Wang Sheng said, and he later asked: "I have an emperor's presence, if the time is delayed ..."
Li Yan found a piece of paper raft and wrote down the address, seemingly casually: "I have something in mind, not to mention the difference between the emperor and the weight of his brother's life."
After hearing a tremor, Wang Sheng was about to say something. Li Yan waved his hand: "No need to say more, go. You are new to Shandong, and you must offend your colleagues to fill the vacancy. You must say less, do less, and watch more. Yes This is my respect, just visit once and don't come again. "
Wang Sheng lost his soul, and it took a while to bite his tongue. He lied to Li Yan, and turned to leave.
Li Yan watched Wang Sheng go away, Jinghong glanced down, he was clearly hovering with a dark black gas.
Name: Wang Sheng
Condition: Life expectancy, eclipse, and weakness.
Remarks: Permanently inhaling gas from the femoral object, the tiger and the tiger are close to one another, all kinds of bad signs are not obvious, but in the long run, it will definitely endanger life.
"One wife, and one more ..."
Li Yan pondered, and closed the door.
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